red and blue keys

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ÐЯΔGULΔ™(=HD=), Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. i have red and blue keys for red and blue booty boxes but guess what.. there arent any red or blue booty boxes to collect? whats going on DO? i mean you sell something that i cant use now?
  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    The red and blue booty keys are a temporary action, if you bought them and the action ended, the booty's disappear so now you'll have to wait for the next action.
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    They only come on every couple of weeks. They were on yesterday, so they might not come on for a while.
  4. Temporary action? lol no where did it say once bought they will turn absoulutely useless to you tomorrow. I work for a living.. My job requires me to be absent from internet and humanity for a month at a time so basically i wasted money on supporting the game trying to play catch up to those who dont work. odds of me being back when the red and blue booty are slim to none..

    And the Term temporary action makes me think of the term Temporary Payment
  5. Its not really temporary action or payment. The item is used for events. Red Booty boxes and blue boxes. Just like LF4 days where the boxes give a better chance for LF4.

    There are a few items that do that.

    I know what you feel when it comes to working for a living. I also work like you do. 1 - 2 months when I go out to the field in the desert with no internet and come back. Military life you understand lol

    But the item you bought is not put to waste and can be used. It just can't be used every day. Just wait for when the the Home page says the boxes are available and you can use them.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  6. Hello ÐЯΔGULΔ™(=HD=)

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Even if you do not see the red or blue booty boxes in the maps, you will still have the keys that you have purchased and you can use those next time the event shows up.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?