Referee Bot Event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by souleater1, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    what's up i play referee bot event for one Hour got to all 3-X maps and only come
    across one(1) Referee Bot what a rip-off, last time this event happened i
    managed at least four(4) referee bots. If ur going to have an event likes this u
    need to make sure there are more Bots than just one(1) and hour.
  2. 1 is too many as it is.. You cant even kill them without wasting your uri on them, and they are more of a nuisance than anything else.
  3. _UK_

    _UK_ User

    I agree, the spawns are way too slow, in an hour i managed to solo 3 or 4 over the space of 3 maps, ridiculous. I always break even on uri but these things pay huge in everything else and i hope the DO team speed up the spawns.
  4. Guys learn to do referee bot and realize how this event work and you don't will post something like this.

    If you want that referee come on big maps you MUST kill it on small, this is how referee work.

    However I get 10,6 ur for 1 CBO which cost me 5 ur so I'm in plus 5,6ur per 1 CBO its in total of 2 hours 75k ur but I will not tell where and how I shoot it.
  5. You only should destroy referee-bot whit munition CBO-100
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    use locator
  7. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Really it all depends on how hard of a hitter you are / I and others do this event and can make 300 thousand uri a hour profit / however some players like my self dont do the event for the uri we do it for the ep and honor it gives
  8. 300k profit is a little bit hard if many players shoot referee but i don't say that is impossible
  9. thats a lie lol when it only spawns about 3 or 4 x8 ones in an hour and x6 only spawn once and the x5 and x7 are prob abit faster then the x8 ones at respawning
  10. lost1*

    lost1* User

    I sure love how you think that is a lie / look at how much ep I gained in 1 day on these robots and do the math for your self 1 billion ep = about 300 thousand uri an hour oh and the x-6 one spawns over and over on our server maybe you dont have enough players on your server to keep it spawning as with all aliens it spawns based off the # of players you have on at the time more players means a faster spawn time less players means it spawns slower
  11. scoraia

    scoraia User

    Thats not a lie, on some maps/servers the referee spawns like every 20 seconds or even faster so you can make 300k uri an hour if there aren't too many players.
  12. you have to kill 60 referee in x-8 if you wanna get 300k uridium in profit if you are ultra elite and have rebate, that is 1 referee per minut and you need around 64 secounds for kill it alone, also you have to fly to the next, so story about 300k uridium per hour is LIE, and i'm sure that such a fast don't respown on any server, but please tell me on which server you make 300k per hour ?
  13. In East 1, the Ref bots would spawn about every 15 - 20 sec or less in x-6 & x-7 maps. as to flying to the next one, our's would in general respawn almost
    at the same location, close to where the CBS would be, no need to to hunt for it.
    even with 6 - 7 ppl shooting, i was getting an avg. of 1.3 - 1.5k uri per kill.
    That's about 6k+ uri per min. So yeah, if you have only 2 - 4 ppl, i could see massive
    profit in just 1 hr.
    In the past when just 1 or 2 other ppl were with me, i was making 2.5+ k per kill with no problem. I just wish it was like last year when they were on from prime-time until server restart, geez we made tons of uri, creds and ep/honor.
  14. lol no npc has a spawn rate based on players boxs
  15. well if this is all true Support fix gb2s dam reffbots lol
  16. scoraia

    scoraia User

    there spawn like 3 a minute, its dead in 5 seconds with all the players and you dont have to fly to the next that often, it spawns on the same place 99% off the time.
  17. but however 300k uridium per hour is LIE because its impossible
  18. lost1*

    lost1* User

  19. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User


    In regards to the original issue, One of the posts above is correct in that the bots will spawn faster if there are a high number of players online.

    IN regards to the amount you can earn from the refbot, I am going to say that this is pure speculation. I am sure that you can earn a lot of URI from them when they are on but exactly how much you can earn depends on a lot of variables.

    As the actual issue has been addressed and this has gone a little off the original topic I am now going to close.
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