Removal of weaker ship kill points?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GHOSTofMarz, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. i say to all (even BP employes)
    listen to this old / experienced player
  2. You can't really do anything about it, it's not in the hands of the devs. If a player is gonna kill another player, they will. Devs or the game has nothing to do with it.

    Given what you said
    pecanin, you must also consider that there are a ton of trolls all over the game that just go around, find people cubing and start shooting the cube (leeching) intentionally and then constantly mocking the player who was actually there at the first place to shoot him in an attempt to make him lose honor. Those kind of people will never be in a clan and hence you can't war them to get positive honor.

    What would you do about that?
    In such situations coming across everyday, even the top ranked "UFE" players will stop playing the game, frustrated and fed up of just losing out on time, resources, RPs, Honor and gaining nothing.

    The problem isn't with DarkOrbit, it's the people that play it. The community. Take any game for an example and you'll see what I'm trying to say.
  3. It's NOT the Fault of the Game Developers.. :confused:
    They Program the Limits..
    They Set the Rules called FAQs,..

    What in the SAM's Hill.. Does it take to see..

    If a Company is permitted to WAR itself..

    When this is permitted.. the Bullying of others will Happen..

    Lets just Imagine.. :rolleyes:
    any of the Greatest Companies on this Planet.. would Target it's Employees and WAR the Maintenance, Housekeeping or other Service Staff Divisions..

    Just imagine READING or Watching in the NEWS.. that the CEO's would come to their Offices with an arsenal of AK-47's and Rocket propelled Grenades and start a Shooting Spree with it's subordinate Staff members..

    again.. or The Strongest of Countries..
    say the Green Beret's vs the US Navy.. :confused:
    the Royal Marines vs the MI-6, :eek:
    insert any Countries.. TOP Fighters.. vs it's own Citizen's.. and you will see.. it's END.. :(

    Company Pilots should NOT be Permitted to Shoot each other and then it would be one company vs the Other vs the Other..;) instead of a Bunch of Hard Headed Want to be Tough Guys.. vs those that have Supported their Growth.. just to be Spit upon.. in the END.. :mad:

    Some of these UFE's just itchin to have someone mislock and fire.. and I Guess a 10 day WAR is just cause, for them to get "Positive" Honor.. for Creating a Rift and Strife within a Company and Bully any the Speak up.. :confused: :mad::(

    ohh wait.. that DO-Nut happen on any server.. DO it..

    When one of the Clans within my company Wars our Clan..
    I must be specific here because I DO-Nut want my Clan Mates to Suffer.. from any form of Forum Blogging Retribution..

    I write that Clan off as ==> useless..
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
  4. DO wants you to spend money to get stronger, but sadly that can be quite expensive. So players who despite this, like the game try to muddle through as free players spending what they can when they can. This can sometimes be made extremely frustrating when stronger players, ufes etc take up the practices that have been discussed thus far in this thread
    Tarron likes this.
  5. Ha...Used to be able to go half way across the map or 3/4th of it and still it it just sniping with no chance really to react.
    Tarron likes this.
  6. pecanin

    pecanin User

    What exactly is leeching in this game ?

    How can i leech on alien that was designed as group target ?

    I had guy shoot me other day over UBK ....

    What next ?..paying toll to top clans so i can use port ?

    I agree about community ,it has been going downhill since DO has decided to allow sale of accounts (they are not doing anything about it hence they allow it)

    No offence to any Americans or Brits but we have got worst of the worst from your server now on GE1,you probably know those that have lft your servers to make ours as bad as some of yours

    In my estimate about 50 % of all accounts that are in top 10 clans on my server are traded accounts,they do whatever they want save in knowledge that even if they get banned their other accounts on other servers will be safe

    I disagree with what you say that it is not in hands of devs,Bullying of weak /new players could have been stopped very easily script already exists in game that they could have used ...talking here bout script "Special Ship ,Cannot Attack or be Attacked"

    There is nothing in killing ship that is 10/15 levels bellow mine

    I get shot at just like you do by small ships and simply ignore them,it is not like they can actually kill you or catch up with you

    BTW ..this is what log of non bully ship looks like

    User ship typePoints per killKillsTotal points
    Last time i killed small ship was sometime in feb 2010 ,back when i was lil ship as well ...

    i know players that have 50 000 + liberator kills ...they are on your server as well

    i guess they are proud being above me in ship kill list with their 10 goli kills And 100 k kills that didn't fight back
  7. Im a free player and yes at first it was very upsetting. But ppl took note of my actions as i would stand my ground out gunned or out numbered i would stay and die. Sure this costed me a lot of hard earned uri But never once did i back out of a war. With reps free now a lot has changed in the field many more do what I do and fight. I have been playing since 09 and earned everything I have. I wouldnt have it any other way!Along the way however i have earned the respect of a lot of the ufe players And they chose not to shoot on me because of the respect we have for each other.

    I like the idea of wars as it lets you get ship kills with out going hunting. But i still remember the old hunting days that never happen anymore. 50+ ppl go clean the Maps 1 by 1. If this still happened there would be no cbs left alive. And you have to look at each planet as a hole and as colonies. These colonies do not always see eye to eye and war is needed to. Its what has been placed into as a child. Not all wars have good reasons, A look at history will tell you this. But the aggressive party will always think they have a reason for there actions. And will most likely say its to better the world. But thats just there view of the world!

    What does this mean well nothing i felt like typing have a day
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  8. What you say is true and I admit that pecanin, but I don't really know how to feel about it if DarkOrbit made it such that you can't attack said people who is (x) levels below you. I mean, I've seen plenty "Wallet Warriors" who work their account upto...say level 10-12 and leave it their and then only spend cash during Megas, get tons of Uridium and spend all of it on UFE gear.
    Then if you say "let's have DarkOrbit make it such that certain ships can't be attacked." Well, there are plenty UFEs that use a Nostromo or a Leonov or even a Phoenix sometimes. What would you do about that?
    Any given game can be controlled by the devs only upto certain extent. After that it's the community's game to decide what they will do with it. Sure cubikons were designed as a group NPC, but if some people want to do them solo you can't force them otherwise.
    If you had a job and were putting in 99% of the work in while some slacker put 1% of the effort in and you both got a 70-30 share on the pay, would you feel good about that? I don't think so.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  9. i think the attack protection is a joke. stay in the x1 x2 map if you dont want shot. maybe im missing something buy isnt this a pvp game. If you but a gun in the hands of a 18 yo boy or girl and send them off to battle do you think there not going to be shot at.
    Also some of the best learning you will get is by loosing in battle and learning to fight better. If you take that away then no one will know how to fight and the games looses all concept!
  10. Yeah - let's make it a the stronger you are the smaller the ship you can fly in the lower you go in the lowers. Limited to only credit ships - sounds fair to me :D Gonna see over powered Nostromos for sure. Limited to lvl 8 and above you start to have a credit ship to go into enemies x-3 and 4s, 2, and 1s. FEs and up are unlimited in the BM and the uppers as well as lvls.
  11. I appreciate everyones feedback. As the original post stated, I think that although the idea of stopping people from shooting smaller and weaker ships over and over is a good idea by reducing the the ep honor and uri from it, i still think that something should be done about the smaller ships who continuously attack bigger ships even after the smaller ship has been killed a few times. Here is why I said what I said,
    3 weeks or so ago I was shooting down a base, along comes a 8 drone vengie non clanless who keeps shooting me while I am taking down the base. Remember, weaker ships dont necessarily mean smaller ships, just damage countwise. As I am taking damage from the base as I shoot it down, I am constantly being attacked by the same ship. After 4 times of popping him, he continues to shoot me. yes its weaker, he was doing a max 25k damage, but you add that to the damage of the base and its more than what you want to deal with. After popping the base, he kept shooting me, he even entered bmaps and continued shooting me, therefore I have to pop him again in order to leave the map. This is why I made the post, because if you are not the aggressor, you shouldnt have to lose out on the full amount of rewards from a kill.

    Think about it, you are about to pop a base with some members, and the players from that base are weaker than you , but you have to constantly battle them in order to get the base popped, but now you keep losing rewards for every kill, I think this needs to be tweaked somehow.
    heimdall2012 likes this.
  12. Zed

    Zed User

    Dont like that idea cuz you really do not see weaker ships on maps anymore.
    On GA1 i only see people flying with golis and the other elite ships.
  13. Uri from kills!?!?!?! O.O
  14. Here is a Novel Idea..

    If a FULL outfit of Lower Level Ships are Attacked by Enemy ships.. they should be Awarded.... Shield ReGen, HP, Damage, and Shield ==> Double Boosters.. so they can Give some Resistance to being Picked on..Limited to One hour.. :D:D

    This will boost the OUTfits.. in lower Maps, Make it FUN to be a lower level Pilot again in a SEA of Ubers.. and the Shared Boosters can be Effective to other Friendlies Supporting their Defense against Enemy Ships, this Limited to X-1,2,3, Maps.. NOT X-4 MAP, because of its access to Battle maps.. but this Ability will NOT be Active in Out-Fit Gate.. to prevent abuse.

    Hopefully... they will get HOOKed on Boosters.. This should Boost the SALEs of Double Boosters..;) :p :cool:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  15. You can have an elite ship and still be weak. Im full BIO UFE, so any ship that is not at a level as mine become weaker ships under the DO code now.
  16. jackknife

    jackknife User

    come on now this game has few new players who will stay the few months to understand how to play. Ghost u have played a long time I on the other hand with 10 pp in bio all on defense and full speed vengi u can pop me be fore my speed kicks in and then follow me and pop goes jack. I don't much care dying is free though my drones don't like it.

    I'm fair game lv.14 and don't mind it and i'll fight w/ credit ammo.
    But, new players need something more, because that's where the new cash is.
    The game is fun and i like it, but stayed getting popped 446 times in four months.
    How many new players will stay when dying so often especially when it's a 1 or 2 shoot pop.

    I don't know ? but something has to change.
    Tarron likes this.
  17. I guess its Safe to ADD an Idea or 2, Here as I Feel it is SAFE to Think it Won't be LAUGHed at or SEEN by ADMIN.. o_O

    Back in the Day.. 2009 on the West Coast Server, in the MMO..

    We used to take quite a Beating in our Home Map, they had some Real KILLER Enemies.. One I remember Well.. GRAVE45, and another called BabySealKiller.. :mad:

    The GAME .. used to have a Short Reading Story..

    A READ, while the Flight Screen was Reloading.. It used to Take about 3 mins... after Getting INSTA-Pop Canned in Maps .. :mad:
    Hence We used to say.. to the Many Company Shooters that emerged, mmo that shoot MMO will earn a " Free Reading Lesson " .. :D

    We had Never been Well Liked, never had we reached the Ranking to Obtain TOP Company, so yeah US noobs had to Group together and Help one another.. then the " OUTFIT " was Invented..:confused:

    ( 1 ) Perhaps, the OUTFIT, needs a "Bonus EFFECT " for Levels 1 -10.. as mentioned before in some of my ramblings.. :cool::rolleyes:.. 10% Pilot Power per addition to Outfit until a Full Outfit is reached for Maximum Bonus.. " DOUBLE BOOSTED OUTFIT Abilities " :eek::p

    I was able to gain quite a bit of Company Attention, Rivalry and in many cases.. Enemies in my Own Company, Because I took on the Role of.. " The UnOffical MMO Flight Instructor " and I was Closely watched by CMs, as some thought me to be a Hacker.. :eek:

    ( 2 ) Perhaps, after Getting PopCanned, there Should be a " Training School " Menu and Course that has a Checklist to DO.. while the Flight Screen is Being Renewed, where it can be a Choice to RECEIVE Forum Page Reading Assignments, that can be Check-listed off.. with Subjects of GAME TIPS.. ;)

    I for one.. have an Extensive Number of Well Written NotePads.. I continue to Mail to Players to get em up to Speed..

    Sadly.. these are being given to an Increasing number of High Level Pilots, that haven't spent time " READING ".. some haven't started building the Skylab or understand the Dynamics of the NPCs, the 10 second Rule, AGGRO Bouncing, LOCK Reticule Functions, or " Ship Flipping "so the Under Carriage can be inspected during Flight, so as to confirm that the " Precision Targeters " are Properly Loading and Firing Rockets.. :rolleyes:

    I used to TEACH the Special Techniques of "Streuner Hearding", and "Mega-Boxing" in ALL Maps.. but the GAME Programmers has since Changed these Little small Advantages that made the Game so much more FUN..

    It was Surprising to to have an Enemy Player send me.. my Own Notepad.. as a TIP he wanted to share with the MMO.. the He had learned in the EIC.. that was the DAY, I realized the MMO had Spies among US..

    I have Always tried to find the FUN little things in this game, and share them with Players.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
  18. well the thing is that what we speak of is trolling in a pvp way, a player continues to shoot u over and over knowing that if you keep popping him, regardless of what reason the have, the game will look at it as pushing even if all that you are doing is defending yourself. I dunno, i say if you are the agressor then you lose the points after a short time, but if you are consistently being attacked by the same players, you should get full credit, or atleast extend the timing before its reduces points
  19. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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