Repair when flying?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ѕcнaтzѕucнe[UDBA], Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Hi,

    Today i was fly trough map and saw how repair bot repairing me in fly?

    is this bug or something new in game?

    [sorry for my bad english]

    SAAMTIH User


    some people says its a bug, some other says its a new upgrade.
    personally, i like it :p

    see you :)
  3. if it is upgrade, it will be very bad. :(

    Anyway thank you :)
    SAAMTIH likes this.

    SAAMTIH User

    yes, its an upgrade, i saw it right now.
  5. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User


    I can confirm that it is an upgrade, Your repbot will now work as long as you are not under attack.

    Do you have any further questions on this subject?
  6. well im reping even while in a fight so take a closer look dev team
    SAAMTIH likes this.
  7. I noticed that you rep the INSTANT you're not being fired on. This wouldn't be SO bad if the same 5 second rule would be re-applied.
  8. Doods

    Doods User

    Its glitched, You can repair while being attacked. I posted this in the old forums earlier. basically you can get it to rep EVEN while being shot. Its easier to cause this while in the gates but is also possible while in a battle with other people. flying while repping IS NOT a bug. repping while being shot IS
  9. That's something that the developers should know, I recommend you send that in to support, seeing how that's not what was intended.
  10. Doods

    Doods User

    I sent it in, lets hope for the best ^_^
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Closing, as this issue has been addressed - discussion on the merits of the update DO NOT belong in this section.

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