Reputation Items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sparta[Λ], Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    A lot of people keep moaning that uridium rewards need increasing or that uridium items need reducing in price etc, which we all know isn't going to happen.

    At the moment the only realistic way to get UFE is to buy uridium. You can spend 12 hours a day grinding palladium or Kristallons but it will still take you about 3 years.

    What I propose is a daily task(s) which the reward for is reputation with a specific faction. For example if you complete a task for Nyx, you get 1 reputation points. You can then redo that quest in 24 hours for another 1 reputation points.

    Nyx then has a reputation shop where you can spend your reputation points on LF4, Drone Designs, Ship Designs etc. For example an LF4 could be 20 reputation points, so to get one you'll have to complete the daily task 20 times/days. 45 LF4 for UFE, so 45x20 = 900 days to get 45 LF4. This gives a definite reward for time and effort. This way a F2P player can work their way to becoming UFE with a goal in mind. They can still quickly get to UFE by buying uridium for galaxy gates/booty boxes but will have to deal with probability rewards in return.

    This gives the lower income players a bit of hope. Hope keeps a player playing. More players playing makes a better game and good games make profit. No Random Number Generated reward system, definite reward scheme for long term effort. Buying your way into the game gives you a probability reward, which makes sense as you aren't working for the reward, you're bribing for it.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    This can get way overpowered very fast. Someone could just do the easiest quest there is, and continue to do it over and over again to get points. 20 reputation points is WAY too cheap. I don't like this idea, as someone can gain UFE status extremely fast, especially if they already have full LF4s or full drone designs and they just need a couple more of the other.
  3. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Do the maths. getting 16 lf4 would take just under a year. You can only do the quest once a day. The quest will be mediocre difficulty for high level players, let's say level 16+.

    If someone already has full drone designs and LF4, they are probably spending some money on the game AND have already spent a long time playing. 20 reputation points is 20 days. I can make enough uridium in 20 days or palladium farming to build a GG gates if I did it nonstop. All this does is gives an little high level reward scheme. A drone design would be probably 100 points, so it'd take 100 days to get one.

    10 drone designs x 100 = 800
    45 Lf4 x 20 = 900
    10 ship designs x 100 = 1000
    Apis drone and zeus x 300 = 600
    3300 days to get the basic UFE items, remember you need iris drones, B02, upgrades etc
    3300/365 = 9 years.
    =MR-T= likes this.
  4. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    I like the idea, and i dont find the items to be too cheap at all. Hell maybe even a reduction in the cost of certain things would be better. 100 days for a drone design :/
  5. 9 YEARS! and make formations cheaper and i wouldnt get the 75k uri 1s make done formaations 25 and ship desingns 30 lf4s are harder to get anyways so why would they cost less than a drone formation

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I like the idea, it would be a little help towards getting Ufe and I don't think it's overpowered, maybe put the prices up a bit to satisfy the one's that say it's overpowered. Deathly, as I recall I didn't see a mention of drone formations anywhere in this idea except when you mentioned, I don't think anyone cares if you would or wouldn't buy the 75k uridium formations, it's your choice which you buy and as of right now I think the price on the drone formations is just fine, if you can't afford it then save for it and if you can't save for it that's a sign you need to build your ship more first.

    I think the cost on the Lf4's is lower because you need more of them which I think is fine but others would argue it makes it to easy to get them. I Like this idea and think it's fine as is.
    =MR-T= likes this.
  7. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Because Drone Formations are 1 item only things, you only need one and you wont ever need to get another one. Where as LF4 will require at least 27 to fully outfit a Spearhead. So if you did 27x20, it works out way more than 100 for the drone formation.

    This is supposed to complement the already established methods of collecting the UFE items and increase the numbers of players who continue to play past the initial stages. Admittedly all of the values are ideas/negotiable :) But it is supposed to reward LONG term play, not short or medium term :)
  8. Lucidity

    Lucidity User

    I like this idea. I know that the community is reluctant to make anything UFE purchasable but hey, this isn't the old DO we used to know and love. It's time to evolve with it, and this is one of the best ways I've seen so far.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  9. Drone desingns are way too easy to get with this method. It took me one year to get 9 desingns ... didnt use any money to it.
    And I got Apis about in 6 months, also free.
    Still working with zeus, and i almost have it, and i have worked
    with it also only one year.
    (And all these same time.)

    These above are way too cheap, its quite easy get all those free, without any new methods.

    Thought i agree, that it would be good to get some help with LF4 gathering, but there should be some special requirement, like own at least 20 LF3 to purchase this item, or something like that.
    It would be stupid, if people could almost or entirely skip FE phase.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  10. 9 years hahaha best get cracking then
  11. And hope the game doen't shut down nor bring out new stuff by then :L
  12. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Seems like a good idea. 9 years isnt a short time and eavery item would take a lot of time to obtain bearing in mind this does not include everything (i.e. upgrades, saturn, havocs, hercs [i hope you meant drone formations sparta :O]etc).
    Drone forms cost 100 pts each meaning you can get only 3 in the first year...okay and 9 forms in one year is a lot quicker hence this idea is slower but at the same time worthwhile.

    Drones like apis and zeus would take almost a year to get via this method. I disagree with spart's price on zeus though.
    Zeus being rare and more difficult to obtain not to mention the greater cost of construction should either not be available at all or should be at least 500 pts, even then im leaning on the side of not being available.

    I agree with the idea of having limitations to purchase certain items thus making it essential for players to at least be fe before any lf4s are available to them. though i would add that they must have completed a krappa gate also.

    Idea needs further development but it looks good.

    Final note: the quests cant be easy in anyway. these are good items we're talking about and a mere pop 50 streuners would be blasphemy.
    Make them difficult and challenging and at the same time rewarding.
    Me being greedy would say add some ep, creds, urid and hon rewards along with the reputation point.
  13. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    I agree with a lot of your points, although I majorly agree with the difficulty of the quest. Also that it can't be completed in an outfit. This has to be a reward for a player who can do things on their own.

    My idea would be like destroy all types of aliens on their corresponding maps. 1 saimon on 1-3,2-3 and 3-3, plus 1 saimon on 1-4,2-4 and 3-4 :) and at least 2 players overall.
  14. question does it have to be in those maps?
  15. I was thinking same.
    Why this kind of mission would not be in upper maps or pirate maps, if its supposed to be harder than regular daily missions?
    Or perhaps pvp?
    Or mixture of these what i suggest?
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Saimons seem too easy. its got to be challenging like boss sibs or bbks. saimons can be done by newbies.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  17. My issue with this idea is that it is based off the daily quests. It's giving away LF4s for free. I believe that you should work for them. Daily quests are pieces of junk. Collect 100 duranium--might as well say kill a bk. Kill 3 devs--a starter can do that. This is a way to give ufe items away for free. Might as well stick them on auction which we know is never happening. I think you should have to work for them. If the daily quests were more like the event quests and required effort to do, I'd say this idea is fine.

    Side note: Where would we see how many reputation points we have? And where would we redeem them?
  18. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    not free m8, after a long period of time (20days) and effort. thats why i said the quests cant be easy.
  19. So why would someone purchase Uridium if you can get UFE for free?
  20. Because it's a quicker process by purchasing Uridium, where as without the purchase of Uridium, it would take quite some time to achieve the UFE status.