Revert the update about temporary titles until a fix has been found

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by *-ΛLΞMDΛЯ-*[ΛTΛ], Nov 3, 2023.

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  1. This is about the issue that some temporary titles cause, see

    Has the game team considered that maybe the best solution for now would be to revert the update that they made for it until a fix has been found? Unless the player is active in forum or discord they cant possibly know what is causing this issue and is keeping them out of the game for the 48h that the title will now last and then it will finally go away.
    -From the guy who figured out the problem and sent support the fix for it
  2. test020

    test020 User

    also give us a code for premium + rebate again :cool:
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    its aload of codswallops ..most of ccant login when there problems ,with or without titles .. DO making stupid excuses which are not true .
    The game cannot cope with the massive upsurge of botters ,,its as simple as that ,but they will not admit it and make excuses up.

    You guys must realise that while we cant login ,the bots are still in the game botting way as if nothing has happened .. notice your ranks dropping all the time ?? thats why .
    -=MarcVenture=- likes this.
  4. BP already admitted they don't care about the bot's it's not them that can do anything the rights were taken away and only the owner can ban anyone if they choose so it's really a waste of time complaining they have been around now for at least 3 years and they are only more and more each week.