Roll back the changes to the program

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by -=MarcVenture=-, Jul 25, 2023.

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  1. Devs put the gate spins that get the traffic from non-mouse clicks
    The system cannot handle it we dont want boosters burned while it freezes mid-click

    We dont want coins or asked. Trash it

    The issues started when the update was forced. You know there is a problem when you make a change and the system crashes.

    Undo it please.
  2. True! When Spinning Gates on the Game Page, All the stuff you get in each spin winds up in the Game Log and Back Page log, which is then funneling all this information into a drain (Game Page) that it can't handle
    Excessive likes this.
  3. Waaugh

    Waaugh User

    More like the other devs were hammering the servers getting their app back online for those gate bashers.

    Makes sense gate spins move to a new location now the illegal unsupported against the rules app doesnt work until tested and updated.

    I dont see anyone in update pool or anywhere in any format asking for things to be moved from the back page to the main client.

    Heck when is 'refractions' getting fixed?? Quests are still there... Buttons there.... Broken 4 years running.
  4. Somehow when i click one time gg spin on this new location 1, 5, 10, or 100 , it freezes, and i cant spin it again, until i log out, and get back this awesome spinner. And it repeat same pattern. This started when moved game page... And yes, i remember clean my cache and so on.