RP gone, give me back my 19k RP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by In-ŧhis-Silĕncĕ, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. So i lost 19k or whatever amount i had overnight, i know the problem. My old quests are not counting in ranking.
    +Missions completed0x 100
    I completed these missions i should get the rank points for the previous quests as well? Fix this problem please. I have seen another thread with RP titled but i cant read whatever foreign language they put so i made this one.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It has happened to everyone, and was announced in the pop up on the backpage as well as the Official Announcements last week that this would be happening.
  3. lost1*

    lost1* User

    This is very wrong of Dark orbit Quest should not have been reset to zero . Some of the quest that where completed in our ranks came from special missions when they used to count so now we get 200 missions to redo and lose 600 completed missions
  4. Well if they want to take stuff from my account rank that ive worked for then il take back my money, it works two ways.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It does suck but if you take back you money which you spent on DO then they will just suspend your account until it's paid back.
  6. This is a trash part of the update. I lost 22600 rank points. Quite unfair to down the original players of the game. Unfair to the new? We were here working our butts off, we shouldn't suffer.

    ASTRAEA User

    Hello all,

    I can see that you feel this is an unfair situation, however please try to look at it from a different point of view...

    With the new update, the entire servers were reset to 0, they have also offered a newer and wider variety of missions to refresh your experience. Some quests have lower values... and others have fantastic values. The nice thing about the new update is that it has taken even those who gained their rank through illegal means out of the running for Top Ranks. Giving all players a chance to rise in the rankings.

    Please know that this did not just occur to one or two players. It is effective to all within Dark Orbit.

    I hope that you can try and see that they are not attempting to take things away from anyone, they are trying to level the playing field and offer a more enjoyable gaming experience.

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?

    I hope that you can have a Lovely day
    and enjoy the game
  8. I belive they did right, If they didn't reset them all the new players would have a unfair disadvantage as they would not have been able to complete the older missions.
  9. There is nothing unfair about it, the original players worked for it, do you see military officers being stripped of things they have done so the new soldiers can have a chance at glory? NO!
  10. i lost 6 k rank points from this. stop whiny you guy most of you are UFE or dam where near it, i got those 6k rank points back in a day..did not even do more than 30 quest and i am just fe
  11. Are you the bio hazard from GA1?
  12. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User


    It is not a nice thing in any stretch of the imagination, that we have had our hard earned rank point taken from use. The suggestion that there is any relevance to cheats and the quest system is totally inconsistent with reality.
    As the players that got caught botting did not loose any honour or EP.

    Honest players like myself lost significant amounts of rank point when the streuner and lord kill point where indiscriminately removed. Where as any
    botter that botted outside of the x-2 maps got to keep all there ill gotten gains.

    The removal of these point was implied to be related to making the quest system fairer for new player, however when I look at the EP rewards that are available to my lvl6 noob account the most I can get for a quest is 1750 EP where as the EP for some high level quests are in the millions of EP.
    This point alone shows that the new quest system has little to do with helping new players.

    How can removing a few k rank points have any relevance to helping new player rise in the rank when the top ranks have multi million rank points.

    I have lost over 10% of my rank point from this rank point reset and the removal of streuner and lord rank point that I spend hundreds if not thousands of hour honest playing time earning. Where as the cheats that slipped through the net, either by stopping botting before the new system and or botting outside of x-2, got to keep in some cases, millions of rank points they received from cheating.

    The fact is DO has taken away point that were earned fairly and the reason given are inconsistent with reality.

    To suggest it affect all player, totally misses the point that it affect players differently depending on how many quest we have done. The players that have stuck with the game though everything, that had completed most if not all quest, were punished the most for putting effort into doing quest.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
    2010!! likes this.

    ASTRAEA User

    Hello All,

    As always, I am sorry that you are not thrilled with the new changes to the game. It was not intended to make you unhappy. As many wanted new things to do within the game.

    As stated previously, this is something that happened to all and I will not banter a decision made by the developement team. If you wish to make further inquiry on this matter I would recommend that you contact support.

    Please have lovely day!

    Thread closed as referred to support
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