[SC] A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to DarkOrbit!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DRAZI, Jul 17, 2020.

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  1. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    I logged on Today to find yet another Broken Event, with another apologetic Voucher Code and Still a Game that Will NOT WORK.

    Don't the Dev's realize that this Game is Up to it's Ear Drums with players who use programs and Bots that the Game will not function properly. I mean back in the day, you used to have a few botters collecting boxes on maps, but Now you have Programs that not only do that, but do Players Gates, Do Players Quest and Do the Events for Them! All Running at the Same Time
    No Wonder Nothing Works!

    And instead of doing something to get rid of them, they just keep trying to offer up Patches so the Game can work with them existing. What is the sense of Playing a Game when the Players are Not even Playing the Game? Just to get a Cut out of the Profits of said devices?

    You would have a more stabler game if the Dev's started to DO something about it! You would not be losing players to another Game that does not have any of the programs that I spoke of and runs smoother than this One. Not to mention that what goes on in DarkOrbit is totally against it's own Terms of Conditions. We know BigPoint is going to get in big trouble for all this as well.

    Time to Wake Up DarkOrbit! You have gone down a Path that Is going to kill your Game, Kill your Profits and for What?
    Snuffee likes this.
  2. "We know BigPoint is going to get in big trouble for all this as well." lol by who? They were bought out by some chinese company for a few years now.

    edit: there was also a rumor on this same sub that the game is only developed by only 3 devs so that would be your answer to all the bug issues and bots left here unresolved.