[SC] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Flash Visits Bigpoint!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FLΛSH™, Jun 4, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    I have been invited to visit the Bigpoint office in Hamburg on 18th June (5PM BST). I will meet both the Shards and Darkorbit team.

    There is an opportunity to ask direct questions to the development team of Darkorbit so use the comment section on the video to suggest what I should ask (only sensible questions allowed).

    And make sure you join the stream for custom matches and skin give-aways!

    SoW Official Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/shardsofwar
    TheFlashUK Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/theflashuk

    I have been given permission to post here by the team at bigpoint so please do not remove or move to another section without enquiring first.



    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
    .[_.darkorbit._]. and Okapi32 like this.
  2. Why are uridium prices so unreasonable
  3. What does the future hold for us Dark Orbit players & is this game going to get any better than the current situation?
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Are there plans for cross-server events on a regular basis, such as cross-server TDM or SC where we can select which people we want to fight with before we queue up?
  5. "We know cheats exist in this game. If a couple of players complain about the same player, then you may say it is jealousy, envy etc. However, when the situation arises that quite a large number of players complain about the same player, then (from Mathematics) Statistics & Probability state that the likelihood is that the player in question is a cheat or is using something that is not permitted in the game. When are Bigpoint & Dark Orbit going to get off their high horse & listen to players who complain in large numbers about a specific player, especially when quite a few of the players who complain are old seasoned players who know how to play!!
    There are videos that have been posted of cheats that are being used in this game - are Bigpoint & Dark Orbit going to state that all of these videos are fake & simply not true!!

    The above is what I would like you to ask FLΛSH™ & good luck with getting a sensible response. As a person who has studied Mathematics in some depth, I believe Statistics & Probability results to be high when the abilities of certain players in questioned by a large number of fellow players.

  6. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Can the Shards team take over Darkorbit, seriously.

    Funny that this is coming from you...
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 11, 2015
    ramnik, KUILIS^^ and bisphenol like this.
  7. Omega

    Omega User

    1why are the npc rewards not increased accordingly to the amount of uridium needed to become ufe , it would make the game more balanced , 2why is uridium so expensive when you get 100% profit and also , yet again , it takes way more uri to become ufe now 3why are there no new maps and npcs ? the game is becoming boring 4why do you keep adding events ,designs that don't actually help us, but just make us spend more money on the game 5 why can't you increase the chances 6 why don't you ask the players for their opinion before an update 7 why are we not as involved 8 why does support treat the players like they are inferior to them 9are you going to finally merge the servers , or let us transfer since most of the servers are dead which is a major reason why people keep leaving the game , ( they could make it so we pay $5-10 or whatever ) 10 why are some support teams better than others ?/ 11 why do some servers get more exclusive items than the rest 12how are you going to balance the game out 13 what are your plans / thoughts on bringing more players to the game , 14 could they add more cubikons on the maps , or make them re spawn faster 15 can they increase the chance for gate spins , 16 could they increase seprom production ?
  8. young-git

    young-git User

    Flash, your voice sounds very familiar, you got anything to do with World of Tanks?
  9. Yeah and? Even if I can afford the prices, doesn't mean the other 500 players on my server can
  10. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    As a player who is accused by others.. just because a majority of people believe something, it does not mean it is true. I understand you are frustrated with cheating and I am 100% with you but you have to be reasonable. Maybe the questions should be more about how they are tackling cheaters and less of "why aren't they listening to our witch hunt?"

    I encourage players to try Shards of War. It is owned by the same company (bigpoint) but managed by a different team. With this, the game is truly free to play and you can have direct contact with the SoW dev team every Tuesday and Thursday as they hold Q&A sessions and community games. Furthermore, they are increasing their eSport presence... I have already won some real money from these Shards of War Cups.

    Nope ;)
  11. Hi :)

    I ask my questions:
    - when will the 3D version of DO will come out?
    - why some pages are not updates? (clans, logbook, skill tree, ...)
    - why did they stop pubs while it brought the players?
    - why the connection between moderators and dev is it so difficult?
    - why do not they more offers the same type as the one with razer?
    - why in the French servers, words like "mot de passe, bigboy, fr, ..." are forbidden? (and why is there not a list of banned words?)

    Thanks :)

    Sorry if I make mistakes (I am french ^^)
  12. ramnik

    ramnik User

    1 question i would defo like to be answered is if they have any plans to merge servers : ) and if they do, will it cost etc,

    Also i think ill try giving SOW a try seeing as i dont play DO much
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
  13. Why they making us play another game :eek: This takes away players from DO maps :oops:
    Tarron and яaιđєη like this.
  14. "We messed up that one, but try this one"
    KUILIS^^ and X[D_R-Kayma like this.
  15. Why does Bigpoint make the same Mistake again like they did with Botusers? Ignore all Problems and continue spamming useless Updates and Threads in the Forum no one takes serious anymore anyways?

    What are they going to do to receive some Trust from the whole Community again since no one really trusts them anymore?

    How should the Game get better again when they don't ban any Cheaters in this Game, doesn't matter if Acc Sharing, Seprom Bug, Payment Bug etc.?
    whoeva likes this.
  16. KUILIS^^

    KUILIS^^ User

    Please ask them: "Why there is unfairness? General of server get unban from 2 stage ban where he got both stages and he was boting everyone saw that! However when any of us try to contact support they reply that they can't discuss about bans, while other players who got ban, well won't get unbanned." If they ask for server u can provide global america 4. He is top 1 with 5 mil more points than second player..
  17. jackknife

    jackknife User

    Ask then if the two finalists of last JPA will lose their accounts permanently for cheating.
  18. Hello, plenty of people have been wondering about will we ever be able to earn uridium more easier in this game? It has been gotten lot more expensive but earning uridium is still not any faster than it was in 2009 (unles you have UFE ship). Question could be something like this:

    "Many players would love to know that have you thought about increasing uridium rewards from aliens or adding something that would make earning uridium faster. Many people feel like at the current state of the game there is absolutely no point in doing anything else than shooting cubikons, all the other NPC give way too small amounts of uridium for them to be worth shooting at all. One option is to add more Cubikons or lessen the respawn time at least by half, or increasing the uridium rewards of other aliens by 50%."

    +Optional added to previous if it wont be to compl"ex to ask: "If players would get for example 200 uridium from a Kristallon all the beginners would love it. They would not stop spending money to the game but they would feel much more positive about it and tell their friends etc. which would increase profit to BP in a long run. You could test something like this for a month for example and then return to normal uri values for investigation and then decide in which direction you want to go."

    I personally see no point in questions like "why dont you get rid of cheats" or "when will 3D come out". This is an extremely rare opportunity, I would appreciate so much if you would pick my question or something similar if someone else comes up with the same. I personally have 100% equipment so I am only thinking about the big picture, not personal gain. Been playing since 2008.

    And what comes to cheaters, there are some but indeed 90% of accusations are just because they get killed by better players or just with players that have big screens so they can target from longer distance. I strongly recommend not to disturb them with cheat questions, they already know how strongly we want them removed.
    Runcho likes this.
  19. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    could have it like the titanic event what we had few years ago bk's and sk's including boss were either x2 or x3 would be nice to see someit similar again altho the game was alot busier then i think it would be step in right direction to try bring people back
  20. Runcho

    Runcho User

    I agree with darkomani, the question about increasing the uridium that you can obtain in game should be raised. And not just about aliens, but also from bonus boxes. I see that the defense with decreasing uri rewards from boxes is still on, do they plan to remove that?

    Another question that I don't see around here:
    Are you going to release daily quests for uppers? I would love to have a quest that gives me 30 log disks for example or 5 booty keys. And this topic has been on here for a very long time.