[SC] Best PvE Ship?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by {{BGkiler}}BG, Nov 8, 2020.

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  1. Hello,
    I nearly got 250k ur. So I'm wondering, what's my best option for a ship?
    Got the drones, generators, lasers (LF3s) for the Goliath ship.
    What ship would you recommend to boost my PvE gameplay: farming NPC and stuff?
  2. Lithinir

    Lithinir User

    More than likely a Solace or Sentinel ship with the 15% DMG to NPC module.
  3. Really depends on how you feel about getting shot down. I liked vengi because it was good for escaping and seemed to take less damage while circling npcs. Some prefer aegis, personally I dont think it does enough damage.
  4. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    I liked sentinel and venom
  5. For me, the best option is the Cyborg. Best balance of weapons and shields (16 of each) and its ability will damage anything (so, if forced into pvp, you still have a reasonable chance)