[SC] Best skill design? (Solace possibly?)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by дỉЯᵽαỉиӺὀὀԃ, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. While it will be a long time before I get a skill design, I want to make the right choice when I do.

    Now, doing the highest damage I can do is not really that important to me, I like being able to take a lot of hits and be able to support at the same time.

    Most people would suggest the Aegis. However, for reasons unknown even to myself, I just don't want one. I would prefer a a support variant of the Goliath.

    This leaves 3 designs.


    Now, I think I can rule out 2 of these.

    First one being a ridiculously bad reason, but I hate the look of the Sentinel. (Strange, most people like it)

    The Spectrum, well, I just don't like the thought of losing laser damage all the much. Its much better in the hands of a very skilled player.

    This leaves the Solace, and, I don't see this one often. In fact, I haven't seen one on my sever, since I started playing again.

    I think I know the reason (Aegis is better at the role the Solace was designed for)

    The Solace heals 50% of, either your base HP, or your total HP,(Was it ever confirmed which one it was?) and 25% of each member in your group, no matter what sector they are in. (Was this confirmed too?) Solace also gets +10% shield.

    I would like some input on this. I realize I crossed out 2 of the best, (Aegis and Sentinel) but, lets just see where this goes.

    As a side question, the Hercules drones says if you put 1 on your drone, it gives you a +15% shield boost. This is for the shield gen on the drone right? Surely just putting on 1 drone design doesn't give each gen on your ship a +15%. Also, if you have, lets say, (Base) 230k shields (15 on ship, 8 on drones) and you have the Hercules design on each drone, what would this raise the shields to?



  2. Sentinel is only good if you have decent shields, at least 400-500k shields. Sentinel with diamond and 1 mil shields is an utter beast. Really. Or crab for that matter.

    Spectrum is good for noobs since you don't have that good damage in the first place, but it allows you to run maybe. It's good if you're trying to kill a base or cube I guess. Really easy to just run away from though until it wears out.

    Solace is pretty bad unless you have full Hp bio, full herc, heart, and double Hp boosters. It heals the max btw, not the base. It's the opposite of a DDM.

    Hercules only works for the generators on the drone you put the Hercules on. E.g. you put Hercules on a drone, then a bo2 and the bo2 gets 1,500 more shields. But if you put the shield generator in a drone without herc or on the ship it does not receive that bonus. So basically even if you have full Hercules on, it will ONLY affect the shield generators on drones. So if you have only shields on drones and full Hercules, you're losing out on that shield bonus.
  3. Solace is possibly the worse of the 3. If someone hits hard enough, that extra hp won't save you.

    Spectrum is most preferred, good for newbies to run with, Most used in JPA, and great to survive group fights you're the target of.

    Sentinel is as said, great with a lot of shields, useless with few shield. Plus Diminisher makes it's ability utterly useless. Just as Venom can make a major difference to a Spectrum.
  4. Yeah but diminisher is easily countered. Not to mention it has a nasty negative once it's over.
  5. DubStep

    DubStep User

    Look if you just dont have the equipment buy the spectrum.
    The best design by far for a pro UFE fighter is the Sentinel. There is no design that matches it that is why every player on the jackpot has it.
    Now no the spectrum is not better than Sentinel, is only for opportunistic attacks, if you fight against an UFE sentinel that knows how to use the design you will lose with spectrum really easy even if you activate the ability either early or late.

    Solace forget it, because by the time you have to heal yourself you will not have any shields (unless they used moth on you) and even if it repaired 100% you will die in 5 seconds unless your not fighting against a UFE ship.

    So the best design that suits you is the spectrum. you will be alive as long as you keep 3 ships shooting at you at the same time and as long as you activate the ability early.
  6. Yeah but sentinel is good for long term not just short term. Spectrum is only useful for 30 secs. What will it do, save you once every 15 minutes? Big whoop. Sentinel though you can keep fooevah.
  7. DubStep

    DubStep User

    its 2 minutes and for a noob ships 10 secs is a lot plus if you die it will go away and you still neeed to wait the same time as you would with spectrum. Sentinel is good for a UFE ships, if you have a noob acc what are you gonna do activate the ability on 400k shields? Any UFE ship hitting hard wont let you escape but if you activate the Spectrum their damage is going to be like 10k or less.
  8. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Sentinel may not be useful at the time, but later on will help a lot. And given a noob's shields and speed capability spectrum or noif an ufe uncloaks on them they're screwed. Lasers will still do 20k~ damage, rockets will still do the EXACT SAME damage. Spectrum isn't saving any noob unless that noob is at a port.
  9. Most people who use diminisher plan to finish the fight quick anyways.
  10. That is true. I'll put it this way. Spectrum will be useful as a noob every so often, but in the long term you'll want sentinel. If you want to spend the money to get both, spectrum then sentinel when you're ready feel free. But if you want to ultimately save money, get sentinel.
  11. Yeah, to be honest, i got solace on my west, and when i got sentinel from chest, i rock that everyday, helps out.
  12. DubStep

    DubStep User

    Are you UFE? cuz you are making me doubt it. Spectrum is by far way better. If there is a UFE hitting 20k+ on an invasion to a populated map he must not have any shields or close to nothing.

    Put it this way:
    8 drone ships FE basically with sentinel
    8 drone ships FE with spectrum, which one do you think would run farther?.

    Sometimes UFE ships just give up on a ship that uses spectrum ability because it requires more ammo, and there is more players to hunt.
  13. though ive only been in a sentinel before, i would say sentinel not judging anyone's idea out but i do see how worthless a solace will help unless you're in hade's and the group needs help. spectrum looks OP but actually lowers your own lasers too so i dont see how that works out unless you got stronger rockets.

    My suggestion is to get your sentinel if your bidding but if not save uridium for the best best design> surgeon
  14. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Solace is pretty good for pvp, you use 1 con, soon as shields go and some of hp goes down, change con and use it, its pretty good.

    but i have sentinal nd its best for pvp lol
  15. For defense, Sentinel is usually best. For offense, Diminisher is by far the best.
  16. solace: fair defensively, good 1v1, lame group fight, good team player.
    sentinel: high defensively, good 1v1, good group fight, useful in any situation, Balanced defense ship.
    spectrum: high defensively, average 1v1, best in group fights, awesome 5v1 battles.
    diminisher: higher offensively, best 1v1, average group fights, high output damage and cant be emp'ed/jamx'ed.
    venom: sucks at everything unless hunting strong NPC's with abilities or noobs running away.

    Take my advice and go with the spear all the time, JAMX OP :p

    spear: Best at everything offensively and defensively OP OP plz dont nerf, Spear OP!!!
  17. Any of those can be stopped during usage though including diminisher. Only one you can't post block is solace, as it is instant which is an advantage... Also consider a team of full solaces can be quite annoying. If they coordinate their heals they end up with the equivalent of almost twice the Hp a citadel can hit, in active heals across the entire map, instantly.
    too true about surgeon as well, looks sweet.
  18. surgeon will be a non ability so you cant block it anyways, and it looks 500 time better than the lame pusat that came out already (sorry for pusat owners, but you suck!) lol maybe its just me but im one of those people who hate pusat, they ugly looking.
  19. I know, but it's by far one of the best passive designs. Better than enforcer, almost as good as sovereign, half as good as veteran, better than any goli for speed, as fast as vengi now 0.0 don't wanna think about the cost though
    Mr.Spearhead likes this.
  20. exalted is best looking claw shaped design, surgeon is 2nd so its just as sexy as exalted :eek:, I can't wait until it comes out so i can use it and x3 all day, It'll be fun and pretty!