[SC] Best skill design? (Solace possibly?)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by дỉЯᵽαỉиӺὀὀԃ, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. Exalted is honor though 0.0 I just wish surgeon didn't look quite so... Bleary?
    Mr.Spearhead likes this.
  2. z.marius^

    z.marius^ User

    Solace is not that bad. For gates, paly, npc, group fights and sometimes cbs defending is really good. It is also best used with moth in speed cofig. But for pvp sentinel is best, because you just can't pop anyone with spectrum when skill is on.
    It is also cheap, I got it with 750000000 credits from auction
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    the best 1v1 designs are sentinel or spectrum , depends on ur tactic.
  4. It takes a ice rocket and a slow mine to annihilate a spearhead.
  5. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Spear is nothing, HP to low to be usefull and at palla / boxing you die because of pussats,

    Best looking: solace xD
    Best design: spectrum! You can get away with a lot in that ship, even though sentinel might be better sometimes (works better against npc, and the ability lasts longer) this is the ultimate design against those siko hitting players. If you have good shields in runconfig (about 500K) and are not on a pvp map, you can get away with almost anything.

    Most evil: venom. Why? Because it drains your HP and can give guaranteed kills on 5-2 in some cases!

    Best hits: Diminsher! Gain over 300K hits with that skill, go suicide at the end to avoid losing shield ^^
  6. All true, but a spearhead in smart hands is deadly. Very deadly. It can counter any active abilities, increase all damage temporarily, is one of the fastest ships and makes stealth attacks too easy. Ever fight gilga on east 1? He's a good example of a person who knows what they're doing in a spearhead. And for him, you're gonna need more than a slow mind and or ice rocket to kill his around 1 mil shields.
  7. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Doesn't matter how much shield you have, a spearhead can have a maximum of about 257K HP (full hercules, 20% HP boost, moth / heart), kami causes 65K dmg, the ''chain-reaction tech'' causes 10K HP damage, and with moth it can be even more. If there is a UFE pussat, you most likely won't live to tell the tale, or kill anyone. Furthermore: JAMX cooldown is to long, if you don't counter their abilitys while active, they can use them again after just 5 seconds (and you have to be in range). In addition: JAMX has 3 min cooldown while aegis shieldrepair only 30 seconds... Even though it can be good for skill designs. Spearhead isn't any good anymore, I always say it is made for preventing encounters, once your're in there, better be carefull ^^ I really want some new designs for it but it's most likely never gonna change...
  8. If Kami hits a spear for anymore than 20k they should not be in it, nobody uses chain tech, and moth is countered by crab. Not to mention jam-x has a third the cool down than any goli skill design. It's still very much viable.
  9. depending on ur server..
    that was very r00d..

    P.S. was being sarcastic about this whole thing but sure.. this is best goliath design thread not spearhead.. Last note? if you cant lock a stealthy, fast spearhead on your 4 fps computer cuz DO is lame, you're dead. :)