[SC] Borealis Mirage P.E.T. Design is glitched on 3D mode

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jayherbo, Jun 18, 2022.

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  1. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    This is the original title and post, which was posted by ElectricShot 27 November 2021:rolleyes: 7 months ago

    Dear Devs,

    ((It appears that this design i just got for my P.E.T. maybe glitched out. The color is fine on the 2D mode, but for 3D it looks like this https://imgur.com/mF4mlFt when the color shows that its supposed to look like this https://imgur.com/CgZEPeP.

    I hope the images post, but incase they don't, this designs comes up white in the 3D mode, but 2D its fine.

    Is there a way you can fix this to where the skin works on 3D mode?))

    New post by me:cool:

    The design in question has not been fixed at allo_O, the design remains the same as shown in the image above:rolleyes:

    Thought I would renew this thread as I want to use this design to match my drones etc, but can't as it remains white-blank:eek:
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  2. Just tested this and Sandstorm Mirage P.E.T has the same issue in 3D
    jayherbo likes this.
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