[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    As it's long been suspected that some of the developers are in on the bots, as that's how they make money on the sides. (How else would you know how to interface with their servers?) Any comment that says to let them fly so their system can detect them, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it after years of playing. They had time enough. (And I have missions to finish)
    OILDAILY and ΞMPЯΞSS like this.
  2. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Just kill those bots and get ur quests done.

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    if running the so called scripts work, then the bots should all have been caught by now, whether theyve been killed or not. they fly for hours without being killed at times anyway, especially in pretty much dead maps during quiet times, so if they havent been picked up by the so called scripts, then the scripts either dont exist, or do not work. and when players stay logged in so to speak, for days on end, and still not caught months later, then i think we have our answer. time for plan b whatever that is or back to the drawing board and rewrite the scripts. and i dont know what legalities u have to go through for banning players accounts if they are actually caught like u say in ur stream , as you made us agree to the TnCs which says we will not cheat and our accounts dont belong to us anyways and can be deleted anytime u wish anyhows. its all in the small print. easy to see the bots. no matter how much ppl say leave them, or they could be players using a similar style, no amount of trying to copy them can immitate them 100%. they stand out a mile
  4. a day n half they have been offline and the maps are pretty much empty on most servers ahahahhaha i have recently lost my general to one of these players when is BP really gonna step upto the mark and put an end to this, i also noticed that there has not been a reply from a moderator since the start of this thread, are u even listening anymore and more importantly are u even bothered about what is goin on we could all sit and rant n post thread after thread but ultimateley we can not do anything the power that is BP must sort it soon
  5. Please, there is no balance or policing. They only hit the ones that are not in their cliques or buying their 'products'. I have seen ships bought and sold on my server in the top 50 for years. Hell you have them changing sexes!

    Im pretty sure from watching the 'special powered' players and when they botted up their ships that the script cannot tell when they change ship names. Many of the ones using glitches and apps seem to change their names constantly. (This also shields them when we complain to support.)

    Nothing is being done about the MCC clans and if anyone looks at the events you can pick out some shadey things. Heck the multi-ship app being used by players to glitch the group boosters should be an instant ban. But nothing will be done. Even a player banned a while ago has returned to our server with a ship he bought. Brazenly renaming it to his banned name. Bet he stays on.
  6. _-Brute-_

    _-Brute-_ User

    i totally agree with you marcventure im on same server as you and have seen the same stuff and nothing done about it i have came to conclusions they only care about one thing and that is MONEY they dont wanna lose any money thats why they wont do nothing about it
  7. Looks like a legal notice saying you have been caught using a 3rd party software and being forewarned the next time you are caught then they have a legal stand to remove your account that any court in any jurisdiction would uphold. Because of the Merchant Agreements to accept Credit/Debit Cards require proof of violations before finding in the favor of the business instead of their cardholders.
  8. all bigpoint is doing is to condone the botters and give them a warning to stop..slap hands and now behave ..and in the future if u get caught we will do the same as we have no balls to ban players ..no wonder players are leaving in there droves...its about time bigpoint made a stand and just ban..not give trivial warningas u have known about these accounts for years and have done nothing to get rid of them
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.


    so even though you've identified those who have used a 3rd party program.. You're just gonna give them yet another of many warnings and still let them keep their xp/ honor/ uri they made even after you know they've been botting?..

    'fool proof' you're fooling no one but yourselves.. clueless company run by clueless people employing clueless muppets
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  10. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    I do not think so, but we will see. I actually might see something big behind this newsletter.

    Which means that they need to rollback accounts like one year backwards, -25% or -50 or -something% does actually nothing unless it's a lot.

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    i agree with you. just another warning with no action taken. this is why the botters are still botting or using whatever other form of program to cheat their way through that they can. they know that they dont or wont get banned. i mean, the bots have been here since the very first pirate hunt back in what, 2010 or 2011? theyre still here. how many more years worth of warnings are they going to receive before any serious action is actually taken ? you have been warning about a zero tolerance to cheats for years. sod another warning. time to take action and show the honest loyal players you are on our side rather than a dirty cheats.TAKE ACTION NOW !!!!
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  12. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Oooooh, look, another mockery from BP.

    Of course they won't ban them right away. This is not the first time they are doing it.
    They will say: "Don't bot or you will be punnished/banned!"

    So most of them will stop, but they are not gonna punish them at all. They can keep millions of uridium, all the ranks, ufe accounts they botted and absolutely everything, LIKE THE LAST TIME! This is just ridicilous!

    No wonder so much people bot, when they know, they won't be punished.

    And only 2600 accounts identified? SRSLY? :D 2600 botters are only on GE1 itself. :D
    2600 / 58 servers / 3 companies = ~15 accounts per company
    Yeaaaaah, you are just waaaaaaaaaay off, big point, way of.

    Yeaaaah, they won't ban them in first caught, EVER! :/
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  13. You all agree that B P is in business to make money, they have made ownership changes, and we all know they are currently looking at (working on) merging servers. Maybe after the server merge they will have safeguards in place to prevent the use of 3rd party software. As it is new ownership they do not have the long standing record of the processes done in trying to remove the cheaters, as such they have to rebuild the information for the Credit Card Companies to support the actions taken against their Cardholders.

    Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT SUPPORT CHEATING, but I do understand the processes required to C Y A against legal actions. Answer this, Are You Willing To Step Up and Spend Hundreds of Dollars/Euros on this Game IF all Botters are Removed? I know, in the current state of the game, I AM NOT SPENDING ON IT. There are much larger issues than cheaters in the maps as many have stated, they are getting FREE kills from them, even after having been told to leave them alone for the script to distinguish between normal game play and cheating.

    The cheaters have been here since before I created my first account in 2010, and many changes have happened since then, including a tolerance towards some players as the numbers of players/REVENUE has dropped off. It is hard to replace one revenue stream with another and without revenue the game just dies, these 2600 accounts are spending (AT MINIMUM) 52000 a month (Premium, Rebate, and Doubler) more if buying the weekly rebate and doubler, and as everyone seems to agree there are more cheaters in the game than regular players this would be a major hit to the budget of D O if cut off in one shot. Just food for thought.
    -oversoulpaul- and batata like this.
  14. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    They are not clueless, they know that if they bann all the botters at the first catch, they will just kill the game themselves(losing a lot of revenue in the process).
    In my opinion, they are giving this warning first, then they will permabann the people that ignores this warning xd.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  15. I agree but they don't have to ban them permanently they just have to take atleast 50% honor,xp,uri also 3 months ban,or even put their honor so they are a an outlaw and make them loose all their honor. I mean really how much are they making off the bot's just think about it.
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  16. What a total slap in the face for the minority of players like me who remained honest. Some of these cheats have been popping NPCs 24/7 for at least 6 months, ruining ranks for human players and making it almost impossible to find NPCs to do missions. And now all they get is a warning letter? Really, they get to keep their ill-gotten gains?

    I've received a 1 month account ban in the distant past for chat offences, yet the botters are going to get away scott free?
    They have made a complete mockery of your Terms & Conditions and unless you act in a robust manner now there'll never be any respect for Bigpoint's sense of fairness.

    Grow a pair and ban them all or at very least strip them of their ranks!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017
    -oversoulpaul- and ΞMPЯΞSS like this.


    THEY are clueless because they are saying they have identified the bots and given them a final warning, but have not taken the xp/hon uri they have made whilst doing so
  18. If anyone thinks they are working to block cheats or bots: Simply observe the group shared boosters and ship abilities.

    What should have happened a long time ago was outlaw status on ANY clan that is Multi company. As soon as your clan has another player in another company you get 90% negative damage and 50% less shields. For the sold/bot/cheat detection ships they should be reset to base. Sure you were paying for something and you got it while not actually playing the game.

    After watching u-vids that the staff claim 'could have been doctored' there is no doubt how some players are so high in rank and firepower. Simply watch the gate app that let them do gates without suffering through them like us regular players. They did it and got away with it.

    As usual we are the ones laughed at and let down. As a known cheat kept harassing me Friday "Do you have fun even playing the game?".

    Yes when this is not going on it is fun but sadly DO allows this to happen and does very little to stop it. It sure would be nice to play an event without the same group ruining it and making sure the game WE all pay to play cannot be enjoyed.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  19. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Seems legit when on GE1 there's been maximum of 400 players online past week.
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