[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. i think i have lost faith in the ones who say they going get banned puts me off game more and more :(
    -=MarcVenture=- likes this.
  2. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    And I see after a brief period when the bots disappeared, they are now back.
    It seems that a gutless cease and desist email isn't enough , no surprise!
    Ban these cheats now!
    -=MarcVenture=- and ΞMPЯΞSS like this.
  3. ATEER

    ATEER User

    Yes I saw at least a few again too.
  4. Veneficus

    Veneficus User

  5. I just boxed for 50 minutes and did not see any "BOTS" !
    I ALSO did not see anyone else....................in a x8 map at 9:00 to 9:50 am, approx. (USA east)

    IF you CHEAT you should be GONE, ......PERIOD..............NO LAME excuses for CHEATING............
    ...in my humble opinion...........
    .......Enjoy of the game, what you can............
    ATEER likes this.
  6. ATEER

    ATEER User

    SmieBOX likes this.
  7. I see bots all day long. Try looking at 1-3 or 2-3 and you will see them all run to the gates as you arrive to shoot at them. They should do something different to get rid of the bots. They sure are easy to kill... free kills no effort. always nice when completing missions.
  8. Currently, I agree with the reason D O is not getting rid of these players, they ARE BUYING Premium, Rebate, and Doubler, but they are not logging in everyday, they let the program run until they are ready to play then they log in. The rewards they get from the BOT outweigh anything they get from the Daily Bonus and the new Calendar allows them to collect it every other day so IF they want the NEW Bonus they get it just before the day changes (2355 LST) and just after (0001 LST) and let the BOT run 2 days straight. Take all of their ill gotten gains and play one day a week and do it all over again.

    Not all runners are BOTS, I myself do just as you say as I do not like giving the easy kill to any UFE Bully. But then YOU are also the reason they are not detected by the script, every kill resets the script as they stopped the program for whatever time to took to reset from the kill.

    Well a GOOD clan would KICK a known BOTTER from their clan, that being said, YOU are correct in your assessment about how active a server would be without the BOTS, but then what are they hurting if the maps are empty anyways? I believe after the server mergers we will see some changes.

    To be honest I do not care about the NPC/BONUS BOX BOTS as much as I dis-like the Auto Locker (PvP) Bots, these botters need to be removed from the game as they are effecting the way I play and prevent me from escaping the attack they started. I do not PvP as I can never get a lock on a moving target (including NPC) no matter how many times I click on top of them, (this is really bad in the gates when you have a cluster of LK's or Prots your are trying to lock) as such it carry's over into the maps and I may try a dozen times to lock a moving target before I finally give up and wait for it to stop moving and take the damage it inflicts to get it locked.
  9. when i mean online they bot logins 24/7 some even if the game is dead people see them online and think the game is more active then it really is
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  10. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

  11. what abuot new bot x-7 map shot krislalons and run wheel formation to port when enemy come?
    again full maps boters pfff.sombody must put 100k euros in game and som just buy cheap program and make exp honor and uridium,mean seams again is time to stop play and forever delete this game after 9 years!
  12. The SPECIAL TWITCH STREAM that was aired on the 11th, indicates they are going to have a major surprise for these people next year. They indicate they have been giving these people all the rope they want to hang them out to dry. I guess we wait to see what happens with the server merges and IF these accounts actually make it to the renewed servers.
    Odin® likes this.


    lets hope so
  14. i mean to from a outside stand point bots have come pretty far i mean they run to portal off your screen if you dont have a ship to catch them
  15. My friend,you can't kill them bcs they protected,even if you have fast and strong ship you can make few kills then you must leave and watch or you can get bann if you kill same player multiple times.Idk but seams that program have suport from BP,bcs they do nothing about that.All time they avoid to do real thing and bla bla they make server merge or bla bla bla...
  16. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    The problem is to many players take out bots for easy kills instead of letting them run there bot giving them enough rope to hang themselves with, as soon as you kill a bot it disappears from the detection radar and escapes punishment. Non of us likes the element that cheat there way to the top but we have to give the detection system a chance to work.
  17. If you play then u know this is most expencive game on the net and i wait on them many years,all time same story.They also can log to page from bot comming and see how works and make punishment in 1 day but they do nothing.This game is free???For whu???IF YOU NOT HAVE ALL YOU CAN ONLY DIE AND WE ALL PUT A LOT MONEY IN.So many leave and i was leave 3 time but back to play again and tough they make somthing better but after 10 days you can see again boters and cheaters and again stop to playWhat they do-ruined bonus boxes-ruined extra energie spins-put in many more stuf u must have,why? Bcs they just take money from us and leave us to spend more and more huge money and hope we win,corse no chance against ppl whu com after 2 day on bot,they buy ammo and have a lot seprom and kill ppl whu play hard and fight for every cubi to make som uri.Atleast they not give us better sepromand chance to fight against those cheaters when they come...On end i am so disapointed and this is last chance with this merge servers if tht not work well i leave game 100% forever.I am top 20 player GE2 huuuge money in my acc but i will leave forever.Simply u can see whu they are,go to collect som Oil,scrap...
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
  18. Bots and Cheaters You Say? Ja ja ha.... Yeah, I thought Mr. BIG of BIG POINT Stated that there was no bots and cheats in this game, as I remember correctly.

    What did the Treatment Team AKA under DOGs do to Innocent paying Customers for reporting hackers,
    bots and cheaters in forums or in Game Chat? If you thought Silence You! You are right. The Treatment Teams' amusing way for punishment for you telling the truth in their house because PB doesn't care about you or me they hand you over to their Treatment Team. The Truth doesn't always pay here, but will get your add remover, issued a warning, or banned for a week lol. Funny part is: Deter will remove your add, send you a warning, or give you a week ban. why? Because you mention that someone in game is using a hack, a script and or, a bot, if you talk about it even today in Forums that there is a hacker on the game... Guess who is going to get ban? Not the Hacker, you are. If you tell the Truth Bots, scripts and Hacks are being used in this game and if you say something about it in chat they ban you for it not the hacker he will continue to hack and you will be punished for it lol.

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    Gudinden likes this.
  19. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    It's a truth that everyone knows and gets pissed of, because they cannot just instantly do whatever they want. Also, if you start accusing someone of the bots, hacks, or cheats, ofc you will be threatened that way, to prevent flaming and because accusations should go anyways into support, with proofs.

    And because talking about bots has been forbidden in chat since 2010, why you haven't learned?
    test020 and #Đištúrḃéđ# like this.
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