[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. I am always told our detection system has to catch them but “ No Where in the Code Of Conduct “ does it say We being DO has to catch you with our detection system/systems.

    Some of these BOT's hold Top Rank which yes is a slap in the face that a BOT is allowed to be Top Rank and keep it after the merge's are complete.

    It's so easy to see a NPC BOT player and a easy solution could be have a mod, employee, or a long time players patrol the server and send in name's and the company of the player/players, date and time, Then DO checks the log's of said players, scroll down and you can see for hours and hours, up to 24 hours said player has been in the same map killing NPC's. The logs will show day after day, hour after hour this is not brain surgery . The newest BOT has a radius that when a red tag get's in a certain range the BOT goes to the closest port jumps and jumps back, switches drone formation and sits there as you are sitting there, once you get far enough away it will go back into the map.

    Even after asking DO where is the info about " We have to catch you with a detection system " I did not get an answer back about it, but did get a email response which was that we are all busy with the merges.
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  2. jaffa1999

    jaffa1999 User

    i was surprised when i came back after long long time... bots here bots there, everywhere are botters, i spend money and time in this game a lot, and maybe i will use also in future, but its sad, they never catch bots, if u punish bots and shoot them u get banned for pushing, its not fair... so who wins in this game, botters, they start program and there we go again, bigpoint punish fair players when they buy uridium, and wait when is mega or helix, its not bring more motivation to know there are lot of botters and u get punished for them mistakes. so what we can do, shoot bots and get banned or quit this game before it turns cancer against us who want and like play this??
    im very sad this situation and [REMOVED], i believe that is easy for bp to detect those bots, but i believe bp dont care, (i hear this is dying game :(.. )
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 18, 2018
    _alien10_ likes this.
  3. doodles

    doodles User

    Cheats are one of the many reasons people leave the game.Why play a game where people(mainly $$$ players)are allowed to cheat to get ahead.DO was a fun game at one time,but these individuals that feel the need to cheat have ruined it.As long as DO essentially refuses to do anything about them they will continue to loose players.
    There are many other games out there to play that the creators and support staff take care of cheaters (and yes MACRO people)to keep their games enjoyable.It is a shame to see what DO has become over the years --a money sucking,cheat allowing game with a support that basically does not want to do anything other than add more items to make more money.Well I believe they are currently finding out what happens when you do nothing.They have lost so many players that they are having to merge servers in order to keep a good player base. Unfortunately this is not the real answer to the problem.DO is on a downward spiral ever since the cheats and so called macro's and MCC have come around.They need to fix the real problems and not just what they feel will make them ore $$$$$$$ !!!!
    _alien10_ and Gman5301 like this.
  4. Deter, if it is true that there are actual scripts to catch them and botting IS actually against the rules why hasn't the "removed botter" post been updated in a year. Tell us the truth.. everything coming out of you guys appears to be flat out lies. Turn us loose on the botters, remove the pushing regs. Let us pop their drones. Just stop lying to paying, legitimate, and honest players. Stop punishing US while letting the cheaters prosper. You wonder why this game is almost completely dead. Just stop... for the love of God.


    i agree havnt been on this game like i used to full of bots scripts it a joke plus the devs dont care.its down to the man/woman that owns this game to crack the whip
  6. i support the cry that bot detection is very very slow... in the midst of new technology programming methods still DO find hard time to detect the botters it will spent couple of years and months for them to detect, what a disgusting revelation often times they said that their script is working... DO programmers are somewhat weak..in detection..thats the reality or they allow somehow..
    GreatA and OILDAILY like this.
  7. GreatA

    GreatA User

    Banning bot won't provide more money to DO ;) They won't do anything, but that's cool some servers turned to be 100% bot users ( TR servers)

    "Botting to get free x6 and emp, and having fun on fighting"
    from 2012 to 2018 this statement is still available :D Clever people would stop playing the game or doing the same thing I am right ? ;)
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  8. there's no place in winning if you are quitting." You can never be a winner in that case somehow. just stay calm and cool dont take t seriously somehow.. Enjoy the free to play..
  9. But I must admit Dark Orbit programmers is too slow in detecting boters and ended blaming to those who shoot the bots because it will hinder the detection process.. HAhaha..Where in the world would tell that line of reasoning. Only in dark orbit programmers.. Why ? and why? you are the programmer of your game! you must know how to solve that and not to blame to the user who feed your stomach becoz of our money.. LOL.. Think of it dark orbit people.. Do your job and not pass the blame on us in your tiring detection process.... Make some modification guys! ...study hard...do something not blaming the players...its your job...as the creator.
  10. Hi All,

    I know I complain about Bots and Cheats I finely understand them. I don't say it is right, but I know why now. Maybe one of the reasons. I never thought of it that way, but I wouldn't do it anyway. It isn't my nature to do what they do, but now I understand them a little. There are people who want gratification now and to them being a Bot and Cheat is the only way for them.

    I was looking at my experience points a few days ago. I have over a Billion that right The B and I still I need over 170 Million More for the next level. I really don't look at it and I really didn't care. I just noticed it as I said a few days ago. I thought I was getting close because I'm been hunting the higher experience points aliens. My credits are at an all time high and to me I'm rich. Having one hundred million was out of this world now I'm close to 3 hundred million. So I thought I was close in experience point for the next level. Well I'm not. Back to work. I don't know why DO has the spread of level so wide, but it is there game, and I play by their rules.

    Yes rules Bots and Cheats, the ones you don't play by, and that goes with MCC's too. One of the biggest rule guys and gals is the "Golden Rule" and you forget about that one didn't you. Kill and Kill and let the dead be sorted out. Well I'm for one like to help and enjoy the game. Life is too short and here in the game too.

  11. rightfully said @ WarriorAngus... We play by their rules..we complain they hear it... and they don't act on it. because they find problem in programming because maybe the platform of the game is easy to be twisted and their old programmers are gone now...left with newbies having hard time to decode the problems..So..they left us behind..
  12. lol more kill bot enemy :D
  13. Anybody get the email this morning? I wonder when it takes effect! Can't wait to see
  14. not on my server i still see all the bots still running and the acc known to be botting are still in the top 10 just wish they could say wt servers they did this on plus 2700 acc is like 1% not enuff to make a differance
  15. 4 top 10 accounts on GB1 have gone. I'm assuming its due to the ban wave
  16. Rossi

    Rossi User

    2,724 players/58 server/3 companies = ~16 players per company, now make it 160 and it will be correct.
    But I am glad that they started doing something.

    But the Additional Punishments could be better.
    They should take away uridium, upgrades, havoc, hercules, spartans, booty keys and new lasers as well.
    Hope I will see more banned players! Then I will start actually playing and spending some money again.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  17. Nope, don't believe it and have not seen a sold ship banned, botter banned or cheat user banned.

    Not in years. Saw some get made an example of once but they were back at full power in 3-4 days as they had more than enough resources (log disks, uri, gate spins) stored up.

    But I remember the big deal about selling accounts. Seems its all good now.
  18. Have not seen them ban a player on a server I play in the top 10 for botting. That player has been report time after time for killing NPC's 24-7.
    Again I say ; there is nothing in Terms that players have to be caught by a detection system. All it takes is an employee of DO watching a reported NPC botter to know. Or after a player reported for botting they can check there logs and see the truth.

    Very easy!
    _alien10_ likes this.
  19. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    Wow finally, it's about damn time you did something about these cheats!
    However a mere 2 week suspension is like a slap on the wrist - some of them have been abusing the T&C for years with impunity. Should be a permaban in my opinion, let them start over in a fresh account without cheating.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  20. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Wait wait wait. I read it wrong. I thought they gave them perma ban and now I read it again and they ban them only for 2 weeks?!
    So people playing this game fairly for years to have decent account could just bot their way up in few weeks and be totally fine?! Just like last time and the time before?! It seriously does not pay off to play this game fairly at all! When there is bug or a cheat you can be almost 100 % sure nothing will happen to you if you use it. BP just prove it once more. I really don't understand why I still play this game fairly?!

    I take back what I said earlier. Until I see some perma banning I am not gonna spend a dime in this game. Seriously not worth it. They will just continue ***t on your head again and again and again.
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