[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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    if you carnt beat them join them 2 week bann easy book a vacation lol
  2. Rossi

    Rossi User

    I will rather quit than bot. But I will understand people who will do that, for sure. Even though I hate botters.
    ÇîŁMŴ likes this.
  3. ÇîŁMŴ

    ÇîŁMŴ User

    BP cannot permaban them.
    Botters are 90-95% of the players, so if they ban them all this game will die.
    Other than that I think that botters are actually the ones that make this game keep going. I don't think people purchase big amount of uri anymore, while botters have to pay atleast for premium and double box so they are the ones that make BP earn some money
    batata likes this.
  4. shadyvill

    shadyvill User

    bp must make profit its business. when they don't they will delete game and every one will suffer
  5. I posted on July 9 and today is 20... I'm glad that for after so many months and couple of years they already detected some bots and illegal software..Gladly hearing that..Please continue detecting and another yrs and months should not take long to wait...with patience??
  6. ....And then no one was banned.

    You will get banned or a time out only when you are not part of the special groups/clans. I brought it up years ago when I was having gate issues in the old client. I was told there was nothing to be done that mods could not reset a gate. BUT I was in a large clan with heavy players. They informed me that YES they could reset the gate and it had been done for them many times when the game glitched. It was years before they took that from the mods. So tell me again to trust people who simply tell me there is nothing that can be done.
  7. shadyvill

    shadyvill User

    I played on old do and never used forum. when I lost conection I went to support and they put gate up were I lost the life
    about 4 times in 3 years

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    then i come under the 5%-10% of player who doesnt cheat or use tools but im just as important as the cheats youre defending as i pay for prem and rebate ( same cost as prem and doubler ) AND i still buy large amounts of uridium to do what i want to do in the game. still doesnt make me want to cheat.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  9. And I was told there was nothing to be done. I later was friends with several mods who explained that yes they could have helped back then. Only after some issues later was that ability taken away. Its kind of funny almost like how some people had all the lf4s on their ships in the first 2 weeks. You know because they are 'pro-level-players'.
  10. shadyvill

    shadyvill User

    this game is ok it can not change. just get better detection methods and ban for good.u put ur house in jepady to entertain world n lose
  11. AVIT

    AVIT User

    ban all cheats permantly ,ive said this for yrs ,as all we get is them coming back to cheat again .ban the user names . or at least if you suspend then , there should be a tag that says tbis user was banned previously for cheating ..i am sure that would stop them or as a deterrent for doing it for other players

    i make sense
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 20, 2018
    imranbird likes this.
  12. shadyvill

    shadyvill User

    yes tag them then every one can help get the cheats out. you help us we help you makes sense . get detection right.
    and the game gets better. we all profit.
    imranbird likes this.
  13. spy-girl

    spy-girl User

    Reed the fair play news on the DO side of news ,is it so that you (do) will be happy if you slap the cheters gently and say that
    you can not do this anymore so we are glad if you stop now . (I remember it from the past .)
    :( not so happy .
  14. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Bots aren't hard to find and kill.
    I regularly hunt bots with moderate to good success. (kill 20 players on enemy X-8 - completed in less than 30 minutes by shooting the same 4 players, with not one shot directed at my ship)

    Method; Go to your chosen map, roam around until you spot a cloaked ship boxing. Lock said ship and just sit and watch it for a few minutes. Bots are nothing if not predictable, they will follow pretty much the same pattern around a map (or part of it).
    Once you have a suspect locked, watch for the pattern then begin to intercept/follow them. If they don't run for safety, a portal or base, you can be pretty sure it is a bot.
    I try not to kill those new guys boxing to build up their account, so if a target obviously runs for safety I will often move to another. There is usually 3 or 4 bots running on the maps at any given time so finding a few is not hard.

    There is one bot I have found that is smart enough to do a lap of the map then stop at a portal, just wait for 15 seconds and it will continue on its way, going to the exact same spots on the map before stopping at the same portal, over and over. It even respawns on the nearest portal when killed which makes finding and killing it even easier.
  15. shadyvill

    shadyvill User

    good but lets not start witch hunting
  16. Sharp2013

    Sharp2013 User

    Botters havent been banned a well know program is still going auto has not been banned either thoose who has been banned have not been given any reason plus if they have banned for gg tool as some suspect then they seem to have missed and few thousand more accounts.
  17. I think that is awesome. Thanks DO you finally did something to these people. Tomorrow lets see how much rank Everyone moves up. LOL. keep on banning them. So basically its only 54 accounts in each server. I guess that's a start. Keep up the good job. Just delete the account when they are caught or just remove all uri all x4 and above ammo all credits. all they do is take. take back from them. nice to see its been a long time since the last group has been banned.

  18. Yes there was being banned imagine from rank 76 now 66 so there was strange happening made by dark orbit..
  19. Hi All,

    Well I haven't seen any banded on my three servers, but again I really don't know bots. My list of pilots seem the same, and I haven't move up any so I don't know. Two week band "OH MY, MY DAILY BONUS" what will they do? That is the only punishment there if they can't log in that is. I don't know what the band does. Just don't play or can't log in.

  20. yah...the punishment is not big enough...imagine 2 weeks? it must be a 3 months or 6 months or a year ..
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