[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Ohohohoho, you hit the nail right on the head lmao. If only everyone caught onto that obvious statement.
  2. ...because players would retaliate against them in-game and make the game difficult for them. Mods don't make the decisions on game policy... higher ups do and there might be legal or technical reasons that also play into bot and cheat squashing. I would not want to be a mod or CM in this game. A lot of toxicity to deal with, just saying.
  3. Kind of hard as the MODs in game have had access to abilities to deal with it pretty quickly. I don't agree in letting anyone with any kind of add on to be able to play in game. We never understood the guys that could roll into a fight with less than 20% of their HP and fight off 2-3 guys. Then we found out the truth. My main issue is the banning and erasing information to players so they think this is a balanced game when they start. I had already invested a lot of time and money when I found out several clans had mod/admin help along with allowed apps in game. We were told by support and mods that there was no way to do the things we saw in the game.

    Then mods quit. They told us in TS what was happening and showed us the mod abilities.

    Now we have people running gates, maps and battles with apps. Nothing at all is done to them. Nothing. I stopped doing my daily quests lately because its just too much in lowers. My son gave up as did the wife because if you do lower quests ships are shooting from off screen getting red locks. Worse they have MCC protectors that kill the guys trying to get their levels up.

    So yes if you are a player in game that is affiliated with DO your ship should have bold or some kind of tag. At least be honest with that.
  4. We still have a bid bot problem on GA2. When a player can outbid 2 clan members on the same item multiple times quicker than refresh and so fast as to not get the capture code something is bad.
    I can bid 3 times fast and then i got to pass the security check. This individual can bid twice as fast twice as much against 2 players and still win a item. I know this does not apply to FE or Uber Fe but for a new player trying to get the basics it can be grrr lol.
    Like the comment posted about auto players in the lowers. It took me a long time to do the basic noob quests. As soon as I lock a NPC it would get hit sometimes from across the screen by a auto player. I hope to be in the Pirate maps soon to join the clan there but I hear it is bad there too.
    The bonus about the pirate maps and any map though is the bots leave a tremendous amount of cargo easy to grab and sale.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  5. the mods in game avoid the players who complain now..
  6. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    Cheats are pretty bad for sure. As noted hard to do basic starter quests with 2-3 bots shooting npcs out from under you.
    Buut I suppose that's the way the game is played these days. Too bad. SAD!
    Orbit_Reloaded and earkania like this.
  7. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    so i saw a bot user with a good rank in 3-bl maps and i thought at first he might not be but after i saw him making perfect circles for attend i knew it was a bot user. he was using x4 aswell :)
    i simply finished about 4 quests by just shooting him and he would ran away and then stealing his kill. i simply waited for attend to reach almost low health where i would run away from the player and i shot the other guy so i got it without almost doing any effort.

    i could not believe that these bots are still in bl maps i mean i thought bot only worked in all other maps apart from bl maps but i was wrong.
    just disappointed that these bot players are getting ufe while we are still stuggling who probably have put more effort :(.

    PS. i got almost 3K rinush and got 3 prometeus from the quest so in a way he helped me.
  8. Perfect circles and x4 = bot? Like yeah but also it’s a game that’s been out for more than a decade, and circling isn’t exactly difficult to begin with..

    Also the level to which bots can progress in bl compared to a player is significantly less. Granted they can do it longer, but players do it efficiently since they don’t get farmed by enemy and own company alike. As you said bots in bl are helping others more than themselves.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  9. In 2013 they did a huge ban wave which wiped a large amount of the cheaters and botters and also destroyed the game population. THis resulted in people moving servers and trying to make the game active again on set servers such as GE1.

    The problem now is because of the large break of activity this game had, now it's active again but the cheating is continuing as if this break and ban wave never happened because servers are busy again and there really is nothing stopping them from doing it.

    It's really unfortunate your son didn't want to continue but I don't blame him in the slightest because even if he completes all those missions... Even if he gets 8 irises and full LF-4... He will still get destroyed a large amount of times by UFEs because of how ridiculous the damage in this game has gotten.
  10. Its funny you mention the ban wave. They backed out and most of them came back.

    Worse was the pilot bio reset punishment. Only took most of them a few days if less to rebuild to full as they had lots of reserves from abusing glitches and using outside help to play the game.

    You can fly the maps and almost immediately seperate the NPC players (botters) from the real ones. Even in fights you can tell. There is nothing like being cloaked in a mass of aliens and have an enemy fly in, lock you and fire perfect rsb/x4 shots through your emp and insta.

    But its lag and my computer must be dusty.
  11. Bots and auto lock aren’t the same issue. I’d argue autolockers are more of an issue - for all intents and purposes bots are wallet warriors, but when it comes to actual fights they have no advantage any regular player doesn’t.
    Orbit_Reloaded and batata like this.
  12. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Yeah sorry but Botters are the exact opposite of wallet warriors - They steal resources from the game the rest of us pay for.

    A bot can make say 100k URI per hour + rank points while the owner is watching netflix, having a night out with family or friends or even while they sleep or are at work/school.

    A wallet warrior buys URI and other items from the game owners with hard earned money and has to spend hours sitting in front of his computer playing the game to gain rank or anything else they may want.
  13. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    Well the perspective is about what you care about. If you care about rank, then bots are your nemesis. If you care about fair fights you only care about auto-lock.
    Still I want to see how someone can make 100k URI consistently (no matter if player or botter) - you do realize that with that amount you'll be UFE in one week of botting 24/7 or someone who plays two weeks consistently 12hours/day.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  14. This is exactly why DO deletes and hides the fact that there are so many apps running against their game. There is a x4/rsb changer that allows the user to not have to worry about those keys, there is the cool 'hp/shield numeric display', there is the cloak visible ability, easy lock and then the cool hp/shield mod tools.

    If you really want the bottom line on how DO KNOWS there are CHEATERS and cannot be bothered ask: What happened to jackpot battle?

    Do your research. I dont bother with cheats but I was curious about why certain things happened in game.
  15. I think it might be late for me to voice my opinion, but here you go.
    Remove the grind! Yes, I said it. :p
    The only reason for botting is the inhumane amount of time that you need to spend on this game(or money)to get decent gear. Why spend 5-6 hours a day farming when a bot can do that for you, while staying in backround so you can use your PC freely and play some other game instead.
    You guys need to find better ways for people to get good gear fast and easy, that would also help with the PVP problem that I noticed on a lot of servers.

    Signed, very bad boi
  16. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Funny thing is - Without all the bots both rank AND fair fights would be a possibility.
    I have seen logs of 2 people who bot, one in 5-2 consistently making 70K per hour on Sab and Anni the other in X-7 making consistently 90k per hour with a 5 minute break every hour. Both these logs have extended time sitting idle due to enemy or "natural behaviour" programmed into the bot. The 100k was an estimate - say 100K = could be more or less.
    I've also been told botting ABY can yield 90K per hour + X4 and rank points with the right setup.

    I'm not sure if you know how getting UFE works but rank points and URI alone ain't gonna do it. No-one is going to get UFE in a week botting, they will however have enough uri to build gates endlessly. Thankfully, from observation botting in BL maps doesn't seem to be as lucrative as in other areas so they aren't loading up with the new lasers overnight.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  17. Or they had a lot of logdisks since once you got full PP you don't use it for anything else. I think they just had a goodlock, I haven't seen those kind of cheats in over 4 years!

    You are too mad about cheaters honestly, they don't ruin the game nearly as much as MCC does. Maybe if they fixed PvP people would actually stop caring about rank again? Unfortunately, looks like it won't happen so you keep complaining about the biggest non-factor in this game currently.

    Autolock is definitely a big problem but like I said, it doesn't exist currently, or at least I haven't seen it being used lately.

    You forgot to add rank points as the main botting problem. The majority of players over chief major use it so they can catch rank points because on some servers they are ridiculously high (mine is over 35 million just for colonel, no one is ever going to get that even when cheating).

    How do you know how much they make? Secondly, if they fixed PvP more people would want to do it instead of the alternative, which is to collect rank points. These are the two ways to play this game, unfortuntaely most are picking RP because it's more straight forward.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  18. Ranking up is impossible due to all the bots...we are losing so many good players because they are discouraged. I really don't understand how Big Point can keep allowing this botting and still think the game will remain popular? You are losing player all the time. The tolerance Big Point is exhibiting is a very poor example to young people. For example if anything is mentioned in chat about botters they get chat banned. Or told to change the subject. The botters rank up without spending money on the game, when the honest players are expected to spend money and work very hard to rank up.. PLEASE address this problem soon...I am losing my patience as well.
  19. Rawlinson

    Rawlinson User

    Not surprised to hear about these bots, watched a youtube clip where this person used 250 green keys only to get 2 lf4s. Or was that payback for cheating.
    Orbit_Reloaded and Type-0Z like this.


    jeez how long does it take to detect a bot come on this is silly now
    Orbit_Reloaded and saimonita90 like this.
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