[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  2. I have written DO several times about the bots.I basically get the same excuse that the technical team is working on getting enough evidence on the bots and then they will n]ban them.They are supposedly doing this for legal reasons.What legal reasons? Its a game that has cheats and DO should be able to ban players for cheating period.The number of players using these cheats has increased significantly since the merges occurred and increase daily.It is a shame that players find the need to cheat to get ahead.It is now June and there are still bots.Six months come on DO be real.You have not found enough evidence of cheating in 6 months ?????? DO is most likely protecting their cash cows because they are the ones mostly using bots.
    As DO watches the bots increase and does nothing at the same time many players are either turning to cheating themselves,quitting the game all together or just accepting that cheats are here to stay and the current cheat of bots killing npcs in various maps are going to be here for good due to DO unwillingness to do anything at all.However their tech people can not find a way to find these cheats in 6 months they have in the meantime come out with new events ad new items.Kind of strange they can come with new items,but can not find a way to rid the game of cheaters.
    I can almost predict that many players will be quitting the game and going elsewhere to play other games that actually do something about cheating players.All the game will be left with is bots and no very little actual players playing the game.
    DO made the statement that players found cheating will face a permanent account ban,but we can see that the last so called ban only temporarily banned the players and some players cried they did not cheat and there accounts were reinstated.This is not a permanent ban.DO needs to stick to what it says about what will happen if a player us found cheating.
    I have a suggestion: How about DO take all the tech people and temporarily shift them over to finding and banning the current cheaters and prove they are actually willing to do something about these cheaters.Once they are banned thats it they are gone and they will be allowed to start new accounts if they wish,but their actual accounts that are banned are gone forever.Many of these players will cry and complain,but once banned thats it.Some of these cheaters are in the top 200 players and thats tough if they loose their ships,but DO just needs to tell them "thats the way it is and the way it will be.PERIOD !!"
    SO come on DO lets get the game back to being fun and fair once again or who knows maybe the game will be gone in a year or so.Then again if DO wants a game that is full of cheats then its their decision to allow the game to go down as a used to be a good game list !!
  3. Can we do something already with those annoying auction autobid bots?

    I am waiting for the last 10 seconds remaining of the auction to place my bid (Which should guarantee 100% winning the bid), I was then seconds later reloading the page to find to my surprise that my bid got broken by the previous bidder by just 10.000 credits (Looking at bidding history).

    Thats simply impossible react this quick, unless you have some extreme case of OCD. Obviously It's bot user, so please, can we rid of them?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2019
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  4. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    I can win Log-disks 5 times in a row and just by bidding 10,000 higher too! It's simple really, you just have to time your refresh right, won't work if someone was waiting to bid a way higher price over than 10,000 of the previous bid though.

    The real bot, is the one that only bid in auction 24 hours and has no increase in playing time in their profile page.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  5. Doing the quests in the maps are insane now. I was doing one of the 100 quests. Wow lowers you have ships scooting around shooting aliens all day long. They just roll the maps shooting. Now if a red player comes in wow they book to the port. I personally love the 'game balance' where a ship in ring runs to port faster than we do in our regular ship with full engines and guns blasting away and they have what looks like full shields no engines. Odd.

    But hey the tech team is on it! We laughed at several players last week who set their AI up but ran out of ammo. Their ships just sat circling the aliens sadly. No ban on them as the script couldnt tell why they circled devos for many long hours.

    Go tech team go at this rate the ranks should be well over 300 million by the time you not the players with just one group of aliens in their kill count.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  6. ssentess

    ssentess User

    Because the x7 and low maps are full of automatisms and do not sanction it

    I do not understand that they leave their game with so many automatisms, it is clear that they are not users playing
    Orbit_Reloaded and oversoulpaul like this.
  7. Hi All,

    Let me say one thing about bots. In the bylaws of DO: IN TERMS AND CONDITION STATES THAT USING OUTSIDE PROGRAMS IS ILLEGLE! But OD isn't enforcing it because I believe DO is selling the secondary program. Who know the program, firewalls, code, and passwords so an outside program would work right with the home program. I think BP likes the money coming in.

    Auction House, They DO set up a robot program to stop people bidding more than a few time at basic bid (10,000). Which makes you go back and reprove yourself not being a Robot. I don't know if they are still doing this. I have stopped going to the Auction House because of that. Now back in the olden days. It was said that players had open several windows in the auction house. They just went back and forth bidding on the items they had key up. I don't know if this works or it has been blocked. I never did it and so I don't know.

    With this merger, there are so many people/players it is hard to do anything. I have two ships in one server. To bad I can't fly them both at one time. I would like to move one to a different server, but I can't.

  8. been theres a lack of players in our wonderful game i was wondering if dark orbit would make it legal for all lower level players to bot in lower ie below level 17 so i can kill them this would help me with my quests so much .amost impossible to get any player quests done pls help dark orbit lol <<<ps im joking just fed up with seeing game die cheats ave ruined it im gutted and upet support do nothink but make excuses bye bye
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
  9. Here is the reality of all. This coming year when Adobe flash player gets sunset-ted this game will cease to exist. I say this because I have been playing since 2009 and I have seen a huge decline in honest players on every single server. If you read the posts on DO's Facebook page it's the same complaints over and over basically the same thing everyone here is complaining about. DO has given up on trying to stop external program users nor have they banned any accounts in ages in other words they have given up on this game. So be smart and save your money because trying to chase anything in this game is useless at the moment you simply cannot compete with people using external programs. I for one refuse to lower myself to the level these individuals are at especially for an online game.
  10. It will not, as un can see: http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/unofficial-darkorbit-revealed.43381/page-19
    they are developing theyr own client (u can see what they will do in DarkOrbit in SeaFight, where they already done this type of client) or checking Killmedium YT channel.

    Basically it will be a dedicated browser (u can access only DO site) with a own Flash Player integrated. (soo it will lag like now :p)
  11. Im with Evil Sith on this one, i dont think the new client system will ever appear. Im presuming bots wont work on a new client, and if the bots dont work then everyone quits and i will tell you why. Most botters have made more uri than they will ever need but to continue to botter anyway, why? because why would anyone want to spend hours of there time actually doing gates and npcs quests!

    The sad reality is that a little while back we hit the tipping point where there are more botters than genuine players and this sadly means you cant bad them without making the game unprofitable.

    It all comes down to data analysis, DO know who the botters and they also know exactly how much they spend, and they know if they ban them how money they use, which is more than they can afford to lose.

    Sadly the game will continue to limp along until it gets the switch off like battle star galactica, probably around the same time the new client is meant to be implemented :(
  12. AVIT

    AVIT User

    as you may have said , no one posts now about bots .. the game has become pointless playing because no action has been taken .. boone takes the hall of fame seriously ,or clan ranks .. its become pointless to play . bigpoint cannot ban anyone botting ,support have said unless they can prove 100% that someone has they will not ban them . it has something to do with legal reasons they say .
    that is fact from support .

    result is scripts and botting is everywhere now and nothing is done with there attitude ,, people quit all the time top players who worked hard for yrs ..
    YOU ARE witnessing the end of darkorbit ..
  13. Yep - couldnt agree with you more. Sadly i believe we are now beyond the point of no return.

    Its a shame because i thought even just 2 years ago we were making some positive progress under Baracus , but since he left (and with him all the twitch streams) its all very quickly gone downhill.

    I cant see anything positive coming of this game anymore :(
  14. - yeah, kind of sounds like the same style as another group (blizzard) has done with a trademark game. dedicated server set up is not bad.

    ... and to reply to †ÐΛRK†[ICF]™ gates and npc quests are good; why be like punk rock head bangers and do only pvp; makes no sense.
  15. Couldnt agree more, gates and quests are good, and have been the staple diet of this game since it very first began. The difference is in the beginning where as quests might take you a couple of hours to complete (or one gaming session), they now take weeks and months to complete. There is no positive gaming experience from shooting the exact same npc over and over again for weeks and months on end, and that is for this reason is why people bot, so they dont have to do this boring grind. I would also argue its another reason why genuine players are currently leaving in there droves.
    _oversoulpaul_ and Sgt~Ocker like this.
  16. Hi All,

    Dark Ice, I disagree with you. Yes, if you are a player, and Yes, if you been here for awhile, the game might seem old to you. The game hasn't changed that much in the way you fly. Yes, DO comes up with new ships, weapons, ammo, and even some new Aliens to fight. The game has some new aspect. Not all new things I like, like Million Septron limits, and the new laser change out. I was in the GG a few weeks back (5th gate) and it took me an hour or two to complete the gate. I'm not some kid/newbe flying into the gate either. My ship is well arm and have good ammo. I don't mind shooting the same thing over again, because it is different each time. For some reason the Alien get's ahead and put some hits on me and other times I win with little damage. There are things out there I won't attack because the damage I receive or gates I'll go. Maybe one day I will. Just because you are a high level or a good pilot, the game seems to easy then start over on a new ship. Just don't say "Oh I'll start to Bot" because I'm board with the game. The pilots who work hard trying to make levels are the real heroes in the game. Not bots who fly up the ladder and become high ranking leaders. I wish DO had two ladders or don't let bot get ranked with true flyers.

    People are leaving for three reasons.
    1. MCCs are out there. That is the main reason I don't fly as much, but I'm here every day. I don't like to be killed and to be killed by a gang is uncool. You can try to fight one on one, but not 3, 4, 5, and the most 9 players at one time. Sometimes my own company is in the group, and that just burns me.
    2. Auction House, it isn't fun bidding on items with the robot check. I understand there is a program for that too now. So maybe I understand the check, but not over and over again. One time I was checked 5 times in one bidding session. Come on DO.
    3. Bots. It is wrong. Even in DO bylaws it is against the rules. DO won't stop it because I think they are selling the program. Why punish people killing them. DO has a lot of missions in killing ships/players well let them. When players do so, they get band if they kill a bot over and over again. OD said they can't tell who is botting and who is not. Well, they sure can tell when a bot is kill several times by one person. If DO don't like Bots, and want them out of the game. Let people kill them not protecting them.

    It is all about the money!

    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  17. LOL WarriorAngus I think you need glasses if you don't already have them, you make mistakes on every ones name i don't see ICE in his name. Also i think your wasting your time about the bots it's obvious to me DO isn't going to ban them not now and not later. When flash is finished and they come out with their own browser and flash they will just stop the bots then i think and with no penalty's. And if not i will join the bots. I am tired of it actually they know there are botters for sure and they don't ban them and it's also obvious nobody cares what they are gonna do cause everyone botting. My guess a mod that runs a clan told everyone they aren't looking for them now so use them all you want.
  18. i think they give up on the bots the way they used to because we have a new client coming out for when flash player dies so i think they are holding off till then will be harder for people to bot
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
  19. Mmmm - not sure what DO strategy is going forward, but i dont think the above two would work. By nothing about the bots and waiting for the new client to solve the problem creates two issues. Firstly by the time the new client comes along, most players will have rank points way out of reach of any new player however long they play, or any honest player for that matter. By having no way of reaching above ranks then this will lead to people quitting. Secondly - if the bots dont work in the new client then people will have to actually grind for the quests and uri, but having been used to the bots doing it for them all these years, do you really think they will start now? Probably not so they will end up quiting too as the game will come across as quite boring
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  20. HI All,

    I'm sorry for the names. I try to read them as they are printed. The fancy stuff is hard for me. I think I was reading it right. I have a mild form of dyslexia and I try my best. I hope you understood me in what I was trying to say. I don't know about this new program, and I only hope is that it kills the bots. Like people said above. They are a way ahead of me and I have been playing for years.

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