[SC] Changes to prices of additional hangars

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ßőŋεѕ, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Seriouslyo_O? the ££ I spent on those Hangars:(, any chance of a refund or compensation for those that actually purchased them for real ££=uri:confused: ? Pleased to see they done it but jeez

    Hello space pilots,

    We are excited to announce that we have made changes to the cost of purchasing additional hangars. The new prices are as follows;

    2nd Hangar = 10,000 Credits
    3rd Hangar = 1,000,000 Credits
    4th Hangar = 100 Uridium
    5th Hangar = 500 Uridium
    6th Hangar = 1,000 Uridium
    7th Hangar = 2,500 Uridium
    8th Hangar = 5,000 Uridium
    9th Hangar = 10,000 Uridium
    10th Hangar = 25,000 Uridium

    Your Dark Orbit Team
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  2. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    Everybody complains the game is expensive, yet they complain too when DO make changes to the prices. #logic

    DO have already moved many items to the auction so i doubt they will refund/compensate for those of us who purchased the hangar halls at their original prices.
  3. This is positive for the people who have not yet bought any hangers or have atleast 1 or 2 and want more! I see they are making the game easy for people, these prices are totally what they should have been in the beginning, though late but there is no need for compensation as the low prices already seem to me as a honorable gift for the players. We should not think about ourselves only but for the every player who is playing. Thank you DO.
    jackknife, fluffy101 and ßőŋεѕ like this.
  4. its good you can really can do well with only 3 hangers so no uri to be spent there hmm .
  5. Ok yea Darkorbit did a good job on dropping the prices for additional hangers. Feel like there trying to pull our attention away from using 500 booty keys and not getting any LF-4's on a Helix special event. The old price for additional hangers were fine. Maybe dropping the initial prices a little would help. 50k uri to 40k uri and then so on. But even new players were able to get that amount of uri pretty fast once it was needed. But this helps my noob accounts, not my main who got 10 hangers. :(
  6. I agree that the old prices were fine. And considering I just bought my additional HANGARS am PO'ed at the NEW prices as I am out so much Uridium a month before they make the change in prices. Something should be done to compensate those who bought the UPGRADE in the past 6 months or so, or for the accounts that have been active less than X time.

    I now have to PAY MORE for my 9th and 10th Hangars than I would have under the old pricing.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  7. When buying something on this game, you should know by now that at some point its price will change for the better.
    Tarron likes this.
  8. Da_Expert

    Da_Expert User

    Goodness guys. When a new phone comes out, do you not expect the price to fall? It's like a $799 phone that in a year will drop to $499 and you saying you want your $300 back for the price going down... Smh.
  9. Difference is this price is not for the BETTER I am paying more for the next 2 hangars under the new pricing than I would have under the OLD.
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  10. I personally believe that this update is one of the rare ones that actually helps the typical player out a ton. No longer do they have to box up the same amount of uri as a Pet before they can have two different ships. People like to whine about the uri they lost because of cheaper prices, but lets be honest here. Unless you are one of the rare ones that bought all of the hangars, even players that bought 3 hangars (like myself) are still enjoying this update. Instead of spending 50k uri to get 1 hangar, you get 9 hangars. I'm really not sure I understand why people are complaining.

    I will say though, with this new update, good luck trying to get people going through 5-1 for quests. It was a ghost town before, but you could count on the random noobs that still didn't have another hangar to give you kills. Now that everyone pretty much has 5 or 6 hangars, good luck with those quests lol.
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  11. This is assuming they know how to park one in 5-2. But then on the other hand the entire universe is looking like a GHOST TOWN compared to what I used to see, Soloing Cubes, BBK's, and Ubers was limited to the TOP PLAYERS only and now almost everyone has to SOLO them as there are not enough players to do them otherwise.
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  12. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    All I want to know is if they will refund players the uridium spent on the hangars. It's near 200k to get all of them /w out prem and rebate, so reducing it below that point by a lot is a bit unfair, but i'm still happy to have them. Any word from the team on this?
  13. Just because you want to be stupid and ignore the price list doesn't mean the prices aren't for the better, its unfortunate for you but quite good for many hundreds and thousands of others so don't cry.

    Hello space pilots,

    We are excited to announce that we have made changes to the cost of purchasing additional hangars. The new prices are as follows;

    2nd Hangar = 10,000 Credits
    3rd Hangar = 1,000,000 Credits
    4th Hangar = 100 Uridium
    5th Hangar = 500 Uridium
    6th Hangar = 1,000 Uridium
    7th Hangar = 2,500 Uridium
    8th Hangar = 5,000 Uridium
    9th Hangar = 10,000 Uridium
    10th Hangar = 25,000 Uridium

    Your Dark Orbit Team

    The above is the only thing from the DO team on this matter and that most likely won't change.

    You paid the at the time advertised price for an item and over time all items real or virtual tend to decrease in price/value, in the real world refunds aren't issued for such occurrences and I highly doubt the normally very greedy BP will be any different.
  14. Yes but they screwed with the prices way too much. Something that used to cost 90k uridium should not just *poof* and now it costs just over 1 mil credits. Lets see, 90k uridium, worth $13 on MHH or $39 without, now 1 mil, which can be earned with 3 BK, which take under 5 minutes of work, for FREE. Any noob can do that.
  15. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Just want to say that thanks to Darkorbit, at least they started to listen. :)

    Hope they also improve other aspects of the game too. :p
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  16. Saying they screwed with the prices way to much is silly because as far as I know this is the first and probably last price change to this particular item. Not only that but the hangers have been around for some time, the hangers weren't released yesterday at full price then changed today to scam everyone. I also explained in my previous post that over time items become less valuable and cheaper and this has been shown to happen quite frequently on Darkorbit, I'm quite perplexed that so many still manage to be shocked by this and more still have the audacity to demand compensation because of it. I think the thought process behind the new prices was that any noob could indeed buy several hangers without incurring a large loss in saved uridium.
    Tarron likes this.
  17. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Nobody's demanding compensation, just asking if there will be a refund :rolleyes:
  18. Well this is a NEWB account and I just bought 7 hangars (total 8) at level 7 and don't have 10 K uridium invested, my main account has 245 K invested with another 35 K to get the last 2. IF these prices were being changed like this WHY was it not noted before hand so we KNEW and could have bought the last of the hangars at the reduced/OLD prices before the implementation of the NEW prices. I would prefer to be able to BUY the last two at the old prices instead of paying the NEW prices for them.

    I just think a change this drastic should have been implemented in stages allowing those who had already bought some Hangars to continue getting the last before the FULL change of pricing as has happened here.

    Getting 2 hangars, FINE, get 8 and then do the math, 1 day boxing without any advantages will get you this for what you paid $100 normal or $38 MHH (I used to box and kill on x-8 and boxed enough Uridium {10 K} to outright buy a BO-2 or LF-3 every day) not to mention the credits and ammo I got from it all, this was before the PET was even thought of.
  19. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    I know that....lol. And no a day of boxing won't anymore due to anti-botting reductions. I've tried.
  20. It's done. Stop crying and asking for a refund and deal with it.
    Tarron likes this.