[SC] Darkorbit old school servers (need feedback on the feedback i gave gathered!)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sprinter*Flint*, Jun 6, 2016.

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What year would you like the old school server to represent?

  1. 2009

  2. 2010

  3. Other

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  1. Between the AJP-01 (which we can't use now if we don't want to lag out of the game), the LF-4 and Upgrade System has caused a ton of players to give up on D O. They saw their ability to stay in a fight to get to portal safely be diminished to that of a NEW player and thus saw a fight that was not worth fighting and left the game. The Lower Maps can no longer be protected like they used to (Portal Guards) and the UFE attitude that they are allowed to kill anything they see no matter which company they are in (including same company) is causing even more players to lose patience with the game. Then add in the Updates with all of their Glitches/Bugs and now you have destroyed a players enjoyment altogether.
  2. I'm coming out of the depths to respond to this thread. A server in the style of 2009-2010 features, which continues to advance, but is without all the cash cows that drove myself, and other players away would have strong likilihood of pulling a good deal of us back into the game. I'm still connected to many people I used to play with, and would go banging on doors to sound the alarms.

  3. If another games company made a game like this used to be i would not even hesitate 1 second to ditch this DO and play the new one.
    Bigpoint had one of the best space shooters ever made and they totally trashed it.
  4. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    all dark orbit as to do is use the new game as it is .but do not add seprom onto the skylad ,second donot add the bio system into game .and keep the jump cpu out of the game ,,also shared boosters not in game ..no lf4s and no drone covers from gates that give extra damage or shild bonus...and take rsb ammo out the game ...thay game would be great again then ,,and everyone could get to a level playing filed in time ...then thay could easy put all the new shiny cosmetics for ships and drones into the game and people would buy them to look different from everyone else ,,this is from a player who was playing this game from the start and was a massive wallet worrier in the past..keep the game simple and you can make the game great again and believe me every old play would come back
  5. test020

    test020 User

    many players that i knew left with pb update, AJP
    made the portal guardians (the few that were left after pb) become invaders for uppers and quickly come to lowers when enemies appeared.

    Pilot Bio was the killer, others updates such as LF-4, AJP, Upgrades... were bp's attempts to work it around, but with lf4 and upgrades they Had to break damage because of the easily 300.000's

    ajp was good, they started to give jump bonus like crazy to work around the U cost from X-1 to X-7
  6. Do not give BigPoint the rights to the game CHESS - guess what would happen :oops:
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  7. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User

    since starting to play again a couple months back, of the 100 plus times I've been popped I only enjoyed one. goli v goli we were fairly even. the fight reminded me of years back when you could battle to last green bar. unfortunately I ran out first but it was fun to be able to actually engage in a battle and have a chance to win rather than just know you going to pop after a few seconds.
    GHOSTofMarz likes this.