[SC] Double Gate Rewards day

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheShadows, Apr 15, 2016.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello everyone,

    We received an updated (corrected) FAQ this morning and I've posted that first thing and removed the past one as a result of all this.

    To clarify: Ammo and uridium are not doubled as was suggested yesterday to be the case. However everything else is doubled as expected, including chance rewards(although the chance rate hasn't changed for this).

    Please rest assured that the gravity of the situation isn't lost on us or the game team. But in the interest of being able to pass on how the community feels about the event itself when this is over, could we please get back to discussing it rather than where the fault lies for how this started or whatever? I understand it's been frustrating and it's not kicked things off with sunshine and rainbows for everyone, but there's more to the event than just the initial confusion and I think passing on how the community feels about the event itself could be just as beneficial (because believe me, they've heard everything thus far^^ and we'll probably give them another round when we pass on feedback from all this too). Plus, there's already other threads on that entire unfortunate aspect of this.

    If we could get back to the event itself and discussing that more in particular I would appreciate it.

  2. To clarify: Ammo and uridium are not doubled as was suggested yesterday to be the case. However everything else is doubled as expected, including chance rewards(although the chance rate hasn't changed for this).

    just to clarify all paying people with any sense have stopped logging into this game because of stunts like this one
  3. I did a Zeta:
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]50 green booty key(s) collected.
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]Zeta Gate completed
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]Received item: Drone Design - Havoc (2)
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]100 log-disks collected.
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]You received 13200000 EP.
    15.04.2016 - 15:15[​IMG]You received 475200 honor.

    I am quite happy, thank you DO..............................
  4. lol wallet warriors dont care about uri or the ammo change sinces they get tons of it daily the lf4 and havocks and hercs and honor and exp is what they really want so.
  5. If you are implying that I am a "wallet warrior", you could not be more wrong. I am quite pleased that I now have 6 havoc and it has taken me from the time they came out to get the 6...
    Previously I did 12 zeta to obtain 4 Havoc.
    By doing a gate through this event I received 2 more.
    DO has it's problems butt it is nice when something good happens................
    Thank you again DO.
    theOtherKey and TheShadows like this.
  6. Its just plain stupid to announce gate rewards double and then change it who is actually running the company dont they have a editors dev team fact checkers even pencil pushers to figure out catch and stop this kind of garbage from flowing into the game they did it to kuipner gate now they doing it again i bet they are just trying to get what money they can so they can shut down the game
  7. The issue is the ORIGINAL plan was to double everything and somewhere between the original testing of it on the ALPHA site (seen by Okapi32) and the live launch on Thursday they decided the extra ammo and Uridium would upset the economics of the game so they made a change without letting the Public Relations (advertising department) know of the change, thus Facebook had the same information those following Okapi32 had already seen and thus the confusion began.

    IF D O was less concerned about the in-game economics and allowed things to go as designed there would be a lot less animosity towards their changes and we might even accept a few of their mishaps with the messed up compensations from emails/vouchers. But as stated this is twice an event dealing with Galaxy Gate Events (launching a new or double rewards) that they have said one thing and done another just to have to correct what they said/did right after sending it live.
  8. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    Hi - this keeps coming up, so let me clarify so more...

    The "original" plan (and I know, because I made it), was to create an event in which the higher profile, rarer items that drop at random upon GG completion (LF4, Havoks, etc) would be doubled during a successful roll. That's it. The "original" intent was that simple.

    I know this, because I asked the question: "Hey, what do you think about doing this as a fun little event?" and followed up with design.

    Doubling just those items is a pretty simple concept, but there's a huge amount of stuff going on right now (these little events this month, Assembly in Beta, Ship Expo, etc...), so when the FAQ was written, I / we didn't notice that it included double everything.

    There was no conspiracy, bait-and-switch, or sudden change to which items were doubled...

    The event was never coded that way. That was never the intent of the event. The only things we'd planned on doubling, were doubled.

    All of this really does come down to: The information we put out wrongly stated that everything was doubled, instead of sticking to the intent of the event.

    The only thing we could do yesterday to rectify this was get the correct info out.

    Going back into the code and changing all of the drops for every gate, testing them, and pushing them live in order to make the game match the misinformation was not an option.

    With regards to the miscommunication - I spoke to the team about this yesterday, and I'll get with the team next week and see what we need to do to prevent this sort of confusion in the future.

    In the meantime, the event is still solid - and based on the numbers I'm looking at, a huge number of people are enjoying it.

    I apologize again for the confusion - and have a good weekend.
  9. i saved my gates for this event but dont give a rats ass about ep/hon and have all lf4 herc havoc etc.
    although i agree this event is cool for those still missing those items for but anyone that already has them its a a pretty useless event. certainly not interested in buying uri to build gates for double ep/hon. only ufe's that will be interested here are the ones thats got no life other than rank chasing on a browser game.
    bd33, 2010!! and theOtherKey like this.
  10. No offense but when the faq (I'm referring to the faq by solid eye posted in the forums, not facebook etc) was written someone definitely knew exactly what they were doing since:

    - alpha, x4 and uri was the normal amount
    - gamma x4 was doubled -the x4 on this was doubled but not the other 2 gates? why start doubling now?
    - all other gates (zeta, epsilon etc) - someone went and specifically doubled the x4 on these but not alpha or beta, that isn't an accident, it is intentional.

    Time and time again rewards are promised and time and time again DO shaft the players who have stuck with them for so long. This is a case in which you guys should have accepted what you had done and given what was promised. That would have gone a long way in restoring some trust with your player base.

    Fact is, I wasted my time doing a gamma for the 120k x4, didn't get it. So naturally I'm annoyed, I would have just left that gate alone otherwise since ep/hon etc means nothing to me. I have no doubt many players sunk uri(money) in and are disappointed.

    Bravo DO
    bd33 likes this.
  11. they was not promised it was miss information i new from the start x4 and uri was not x2 its just people getting there hopes up as always
  12. Im glad that this event didn't include double uridium or x4, because there is a major problem going on (you can see this really well during this event): Account sharing, which caused me to loose my interest in this event.

    It's really pathetic that some players don't want to compete in ranking by themselves. Like some accounts are online for really long time, earning insanely lot of points. I know that there is still players which are able to play really many galaxy gates in a row, but everybody knows that there is also some exceptions. Seems like that players which are sharing their accounts are getting most benefits from it, which is something what i have always hated about.

    I don't like this kind of event too much. Getting more rare items from galaxy gates are really cool idea and i'm happy that bp finally implemented it to darkorbit. But i really dont like that players sharing their accounts are getting most out of this event.
  13. _kamel_

    _kamel_ User

    But first info posted on official DO facebook page clearly said double EVERYTHING including AMMO and URI, and then several hours after FAQ appeared on forum. So people were told they will get x2 ammo and uri.

    Personally I lost ~150k(maybe more maybe less, don't remember exact numbers) uri to build alpha and beta gates from scratch, before FAQ(which also was wrong because it said x2 ammo for some gates) on forum was posted. Without x2 uri and ammo I wouldn't even bother doing alpha and beta. I can imagine there were players who could build all gates, because with x2 uri and ammo every gate would be very profitable, but suddenly new informations say only double XP,honor for most gates.
  14. The issue is the dialogue seen on the Alpha TEST Server even stated as the Facebook post did so this tells me someone took it too far when the Dev Team was testing it on their play arena. I understand these things seen by Okapi32 are not set in stone and can change, but when it is confirmed on the Facebook page the day before it goes live then this is where the real issue came from.

    Thank you for the clarification but someone took YOUR original idea further than you thought and ran with it up to going LIVE and then it was changed after announcing it differently. Sorry but this is just wrong.

    I can appreciate that there are a lot of things going on in the office, but with all the problems the community are having with the connectivity of the game, don't you think things like this need to be double and triple checked before going live with it? You have even stated the event went live a day earlier than advertised hoping to catch some of these issues before the major onslaught hit.
  15. I love this lil event did zeta yesterday 2 havock did one today 2 havocks now im full havocks normally could have taken me a few more weeks to get 4 more saved much time :).
  16. Abner3

    Abner3 User

    Hello :) Please take a look at the drop chance code. It seems to me that the more people play a specific gate in a certain time frame, the less chance of that drop occurring for other players. I went through 7 hades today and no lf4's for me and similar stories from my group mates. I would really like to believe the probability logic is flawed.

    Other than that, I love the double gate rewards day.
  17. Majima

    Majima User

    u cant complain about ppl taking the unofficial revealed thread as gospel bcuz it isnt 100% or guarantee and then use the info in the unofficial thread as ur defense as to y something didnt go as planned... seems a lil funny to me:confused:
    neway nice lil event. wouldnt mind double ammo:rolleyes: but still nice maybewe might see it again sometime?
  18. If you read my post you could see I was not using ONLY the unofficial information but also the posting on Facebook announcing the launch of the Event (posted Thursday) which stated exactly what was posted by Okapi32, before it was removed and replaced with the current information. I am fully aware that things posted to the UNOFFICIAL thread are subject to change and may not even be seen in game but validation in another media source does make it an OFFICIAL posting.

    The Event would be nice if it allowed everyone to partake but reading thru the forums there have been many issues from G G M not loading, Gates not allowing purchase of additional lives, Uridium not being able to be purchased, parts of back page not loading properly, and not able to access the maps of the game. I myself had my Flash Crash as I jumped into a Beta gate and was locked inside with no NPC's to kill (no red dots in main map or mini map, no NPC's in the corners) but noticed I was taking hits so had to set off Kami to get the jump portals to appear.
  19. people account sharing dose nothing to your account or your internet lol
  20. It does mess with the Rank System and this type of event has a direct impact on that system especially the triple/quadruple (BO-1, BO-2, Uridium bought 50% and even add the special booster from the gates) boosted accounts, but then since the Gate farming UFE came around the Rank System has been a JOKE anyway.

    But any account that is on continuously over 12 hours needs to be checked as a shared account anyway.
    theOtherKey likes this.
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