[SC] Easiest way to get scrap?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~Monster~, May 13, 2016.

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  1. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    What is the easiest way to get scrap in the assembly event? Which mobs to kill?

    I am between sub-elite and full-elite. (31 lf-3, 4 iris)
  2. Killing Saimons on X-3 and X-4 maps with leonov and Chevron.
  3. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    I tried killing them with goliath, but the drop rate dosen't seem that high. Does leonov get higher drop rate? And is this a good way to get up to the required 2,700 scrap?
  4. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    There is no difference between ships and the drop rate. @BestGArenEUW mentioned Leonov, because it does more damage on low maps than other ships.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  5. do ABG , untill you don't see anything else than galaxy gate page=))
  6. Should be normal + 1...boss + 2...uber + 3 drop rates. Tsk tsk DO :(
  7. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    Ok, thank you everybody for those answers!

    Also, if nobody minds me asking, what is the quickest way to get plasmide? Sibs or devolarium?
  8. I read Sibs were better than Devo's.
  9. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    I think that my experience so far with the drop rate agrees with the above said. I found Sibelons drop more than Devolariums.
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