Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MΣGΔŦŖΘЙ, May 21, 2017.

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  1. Merging servers is the complete opposite of a solution.

    5 months down the line of a server merge there will be another dominant clan/company and people will quit the game, and then the server will be just as dead as before.

    Not only that, but rank will be completely rigged because it'll be based on kills, so pushing and bot killing will run rampant.
  2. game is soo buggie i cant play!!!! alot of bugs taking the fun out ! ill keep my money in the bank worst game play ive seen in the 9 yrs ive been playing DO
  3. Rossi

    Rossi User

    I have no problem to make some uri, but I am thinking about new players about new blood that would give the game more fun.

    If you are free player - not even in 5 years you couldn't have what a decent player have if you don't bot or use all kinds of bugs or play 8 hours a day.

    Sure, it's easier to gain new items than when it used to be when there were only Goliaths and Irises and only 3 gates. But there is also sooooooo much more times you need to get to be a decent ship...

    When I started, you needed like 2 milions Uridium to become FE, now you need more than 100 millions Uridium to become UFE, while the NPC rewards are still the same and rewards from quests are worse (not to mention events).
  4. Part of the solution is to bring back the old palladium where the cloud did slowly lower shield. Only with that more people will be back because is the only free way to earn some uridium and other stuff by doing GG's. DO had their best idea ever when the implemented palladium the way it worked before... No you'll say... But 1 company ruled palladium, and other companies lost members because of that, true. But is simple as fck to put something like a base that COMPANIES (not clans) must defend in order to have some kind of "shield" (were other companies cannot penetrate) that gives you "demitarized zone" and also lowers your shied so you don't disconect and you can take palladium safe for a certain amount of time.

    In order to prevent people to switch companies every 5 minutes... change it to once a week or something like that... then people maybe will start feeling that hey must defend their company interests. Also remove multi-company clans, because this thing only makes companies useless.

    Fixing the chat obviously...

    And more ideas that if BP and DO wanted to hear I would expose... But for now I end my ideas here ven though I have many more
  5. Also, is anyone else unhappy with the way the item inventory works now? I sure as hel am. I can't shift things around anymore. I had it set up just the way I liked it, then BAM, it's all jumbled together and won't let me move things back around. I used to have my items sorted by type, now the only way to 'sort by type' is to use the filters that hide everything except the specific types.