[SC] How to "properly" spend the hard-farmed uridium

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xTidus, Apr 22, 2017.

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  1. xTidus

    xTidus User

    Hello community,

    I am a returning player in this game, after having many years break from it. I have played this game since it's first version, and I have to say that I am impressed by the changes in the game. I really like all these new credit lasers, shields, formations. They really boost new players nicely, and I am using them all the time, until I get much better equipment.

    Now, that was too much off the topic. As I have found a nice clan on my server, along making some friends too, I find myself farming with friends in group most of the time, thus making lots of uridium. By lots, of course, I don't mean thousands and thousands each day, but still, I am stacking it up nicely.

    Now, back in the days, if someone asked me on what to spend the hard-earned uridium, I could name couple of things to spend the uridium on, with proper reasons why should one spend uridium on the exact thing. But with all these changes, I would have never believed myself that I would be so confused. I really don't know what is the best way to spend the uridium (on the longer run, of course)? I came here to ask this question, hoping that the game veterans can guide me a bit. I am playing my account guided by the rule "everything you can buy for credits don't buy with uridium" - although some players advised me to buy the first couple of Irises with uridium (and, in case you are wondering, I still haven't bought any Iris with uridium).

    Every feedback is much appreciated. I am interested in details, so that I can better understand on which path I should go to keep getting my account better. I have found many threads talking about the same/similar issues, but most of them say "keep the uridium for later on" - I am interested in what is the "later on" part, exactly. :)

    Best regards,
  2. StLouis...

    StLouis... User

    Well first of all, thanks for coming back to the game even though it isn't my server lol.
    Glad youre on the most populated server in the game as itll be better than starting on a dead server.

    I would recommend you buy the SLL-02, since they are almost as good as lf3s, and youre not gonna be doing any pvp anytime soon, bid on all the ship designs you can, because as soon as booty keys start collecting, if you have an existing design, itll give 10k uri.

    get your irises, b02s like as before, and after you become full elite, start saving uridium for your zeta gates, as they will give log disks and booty keys.

    I would recommend doing about 20 of them regardless if you get your 10 havocs, as thatll give you 1000 booty keys and 2000 log disks.

    I would recommend investing in these, drones, Moth for gates, Heart as its extra hp and shields, and drill is optional, I wouldn't use it since itll make you easier to kill due to the lowered shields, and hp penetration, but it would help kill npcs faster.

    I would also make your recommended playing ship a spectrum since the ability makes your enemies lasers lose 80% damage, giving you a chance to run away.

    After you do the zetas, collect your booty keys on a doulbe lf4 day, once you build your apis don't create it. wait until zeus day and start picking up for it since your apis will have full parts you won't get full parts from them again.

    this is my guide on how to get ufe nowadays, I put some money into the game which helped a lot and well it took me 1 month to get everything I needed.

    Once youre done with lf4s and everything, upgrade drones first, then shields, and lf4s are optional in my opinion, though they do pack an extra punch on damage.
  3. xTidus

    xTidus User

    Thanks for your advises! :)
    If I have understood you correctly, I should invest my uridium in Zeta gate and drone formations. For newbies like me, which is the best drone formation to buy? Maybe I will have the most benefits by the Hearth formation?
  4. In my opinion, if you are a weaker ship doing PvE drill is probably the best, because no matter what formation you have, if you arent at least FE, any UFE will pop you when they find you so you might as well PvE faster and more efficiently. So IMO for PvE drill for normal PvE, Moth for gates, and then after that its your choice depending on your playstyle whether it be PvE or PvP.
    Edit: Also you may wish to buy a P.E.T if you do not have one already! If you have premium I would 100% suggest leveling one while you run a lot of gates. Even if not 10 extra lasers are helpful in taking down NPCs :).
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  5. xTidus

    xTidus User

    Thanks for the feedback! I am weak indeed, have 3 LF-3 and 3 LF-4 so far. Beside that, I mostly run on credit equipment. I have noticed that the Drill formation gives 20% increased laser damage; on the other hand, the Chevron formation gives 50% increased rocket damage. If we calculate the numbers, it seems that the Chevron formation might be more useful to me than the Drill formation. The only negative side at the Chevron formation is the huge reduction of HP, which at this point of game, may be too bad for me, cause I don't have any skill points. Maybe the Drill formation is indeed the better choice, cause as I get stronger and stronger, I will deal increased damage with it; may be the best for the longer run. What do you think? :)
  6. Yes the chevron is very useful early game, however the stronger you get the less useful it becomes(except for PvP in which it is used against Spectrum design abilities.) The drill may be weaker to start off with but you are correct it will become increasingly more valuable as time goes on. The best way to decide is if you spend the majority of your time in the lowers with a Leo, chevron is the better formation, but if you are spending the majority of your time in the uppers, drill is the way to go. Hope this helps :)
    xTidus likes this.
  7. xTidus

    xTidus User

    Amazing, nicely said. Thanks, much appreciated! :)
  8. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    If u can afford rebate+premium it will speed things up a lot.

    Do Zeta gates on double GG rewards day(Sunday usually), from these gates u get tons of logfiles(for pilot bio) and booty keys, in my opinion u should use those booty keys on zeus day(use all of them on zeus day untill ur zeus costs like 150k uridium to build).

    U said that u play with a clan and with a group of people, then u can try to get lf4's with Hades gates, its its much faster and cheaper than buying keys.

    So this order:

    1. Get credit gear from auction(lf3,bo2/speedgens)

    2. Zeta gates untill 10 Havocs

    3. Open zeus boxes until zeus costs 150k+-(u will probably get enough pieces for apis and a lot of assembly hardware to craft iris or ship designs)

    4. There is 2 options:

    1-Do Kappa gates for 10 Hercs(u will probably get some lf4's), then do Hades gates at the end for the lf4's that are left.

    2-Do Hades gates for full lf4's, then do Kappa gates for hercs(note that u may get more lf4's than u need since u already did hades for full lf4)

    (Option 1 is more efficient probably, but its takes more time)
    (Option 2 is faster, since Hades are more easy/cheap to build, but with option 2 u may get more lf4's than u need, also note that if u get full lf4's first, that will boost ur dmg, thus making farming uridium easier)

    *I would go option 2

    5. Wait for upgrade hours(1 friday at 19:00 every 2 weeks) to upgrade all ur gear to lvl 16(start with drones, then lf4s/shields)

    **For drone formations:

    1.Moth first so u can do Zeta much faster, even with newbie gear.

    2.Ring/Hearth 1 of these 2, they are defensive formation, when combined with spectrum, even ufe will think twice of attacking you.

    3.Drill(good formation if u have good base dmg).

    ***Other tips:

    If u willing to spend some money on the game, these will help greatly:

    1.Premium for --free repairs,x2missile launch speed,x2 repair speed,etc.

    2.Rebate is a must if u going to do gates on sunday(1 week rebate is 1.99)

    3. There are sometimes on sale the superbooster pack(10 hours of shared dmg/shield/hp) for only 0.49(i say this because its cheap, and because u say that u normally farm with group, these boosters will increase the performance of the whole group if they are in the same map, thus meaning in more uridium earned)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    xTidus likes this.
  9. xTidus

    xTidus User

    Thanks for the detailed feedback! :)
    I think now I have the general idea what I need to do and how to progress.

    Thanks to all for the feedback, it really helped me a lot. ;)