Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Jan 27, 2018.

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  1. Hi All,

    When I read someone else's post it disappears. Sometimes I want to go back and reread it or check out the information again. So I can't find it for several reason. I don't know the author or the title of the post so that might help not finding it. It is off the list unless someone else makes a commit on it and it comes back. Sometimes it happens to come back and sometimes it doesn't and it is lost (to me) forever.

    My second question. Why doesn't my post ever show up on the list of post? Well at least to me.

    Is there a way to see all posts?

  2. We addressed this before but will do it again.

    NEW POSTS are posts that you have not READ and your posts will never be seen here unless you create a NEW Account then you will see them as they are NEW to this account. ALL of your posts are seen by me as I have not read them at the time they are NEW.

    IF you have commented in a thread and someone else has responded it will show in the "ALERTS" tab at top right of this page click it and it opens the last weeks worth of active threads.

    Hover you mouse over YOUR Forum Name (top right again) and click on "Your Content" and this lists ALL threads/posts that you have made.

    Some of the posts are OFF TOPIC and will be deleted by MODS, others can be too truthful for D O to allow to be left and again will be deleted, then you have the poster who HIJACKS the thread and the ensuing responses along with the original JACK will be moved to another thread (IF one was created by the JACKER) or just completely removed because they were off topic.

    IF you know the posters name you can always click on their name and in the bottom of the pop up window select "Find All Posts' or "Find All Started Threads". The ALL posts will give you a list of everything the person has done (last 200 maximum but can find more on page 10 at bottom), but the Started Threads will be a shorter list if you are looking for YOUR threads (which you can click your name in a thread and select just like anyone else).

    Now if you KNOW what section it was posted in (Speakers Corner in this instance) on the main Forum Page click on the section and it lists everything ever posted with the most recent (or Stickied/Pinned) threads at the top of the list.

    The other thing you can do is to add the thread to your browser bookmarks page, I used to have a Dark Orbit tab and anything of interest was bookmarked and filed in this tab but then I found the easier methods as described above an now only have the FAQ's Index and BIBLE bookmarked.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  3. Help,

    Your help is beyond compare.

    thank you,
  4. I try but there are some that don't want me in the FORUMS at all. It is funny THEY want FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION but want to silence my Opinion when I give it. They even suggested a Forum Post Limit, which even they exceeded.

    But again I am usually on target and very helpful to those with issues just some really stupid ideas need to be tweaked, however, there have been several lately asking for what I call a LEGAL Botting addition to the Client (game page) and the Back Page (Galaxy Gate).

    Enjoy the game and I am usually only 12 hours out for a reply if you need one.
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  5. Hi Help,

    I know I read the post about limiting posting. Maybe you know too much, and help too much. For me you are in the ballpark. Sometimes I don't agree with you, but most of the time I do. You have helped me many times and I grateful for it. So keep up the good works.

    For the rest of the bunch, have fun, its a game. Nothing here is really about you unless you make it about you. Most of the people are just made up names and you wouldn't know us if we passed you on the street. So why take some of these post to heart.


    P.S. For those who had options remember this. Options are like [REMOVED], everyone has one and most of the time they stink. Even mine but I can't help it. I like to help too even if you don't ask or like my reply.
    badwon[spt] and Twotam1 like this.
  6. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User


    Ditto Angus


  7. Woops, Sorry.

    I didn't know that was bad.
