[SC] New Players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by OhNoItsLegend, Dec 11, 2021.

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  1. At any given time, on average, what does everyone think is the number of players online that are not bots? Say for example on the PvE server, it has been out for a year now, how many players are not bots at any given time?

    I keep trying to come back to the game but that is what keeps pushing me away. It is no fun, it's as if i am playing one of those phone games that are advertised as online but everyone knows it is just against the computer.

    It's pretty clear that the bots will never be banned for multiple reasons, mainly that they would lose money from banning them, and also the fact that there would be less than 100 players per server left. Still, this game is just sad right now, I like PvE, but I also like talking to people, getting in groups, having conversations in chat. That is not even an option anymore; I will be on for an hour and there would not be 1 message in chat.

    Even with all the problems that this game faces, even with the bots, it is still a fun game to play, especially when you are playing with other people, but unless I go out to my friends and somehow get them to come play this game, there are hardly any new people that are joining, and that's because this game has the worst marketing I have ever seen - none. It was very big, it was very entertaining, but they never pushed on that and tried to reach out to new players. The way I found out about this game, around 12 years ago now, is because I saw someone playing it and it looked cool to me so I asked them what it was. I have never seen an ad for it or nothing, and that is my biggest disappointment with this.

    Please, whoever controls this game now, I don't even care too much for the bots anymore, just try to reach new audiences, get more people to start playing this game. We are in the gaming age now, everyone is playing games, it should not be that hard to attract people to a scifi pvp game.
  2. Seems like any game I check into now, people are talking about programs that play it for the player. I get what your saying. I play the PVE server as well and always find it interesting how long the chat will stay blank. Sometimes I will just make comments in order to see how long before someone would join in and its been hours at times. Its been said more chat happens in non-english channels. I only understand English so I don't try changing my language settings. I do play a couple non-english servers and don't even bother paying attention to the chat, though I do have to laugh every time I see the work Ban from the system. Funny how it seems to be the same as in English.

    Anyways, its really hard to say how many real players there are. At times I get where I prefer the non-interaction. I play other games that have chat and I don't even pay attention to them. I found this game while going through the Chrome store. It looked interesting. I met some players, some nice, some shady from the start. After a couple months, I started playing with one group and now I only see one from that time. We are in rival companies now but no matter what, we still say hi, even if he would pop me, lol.

    I really doubt there will be too much advertisement as there are so many games out there, I find it amazing anyone new comes on. I ask how they found out about the game and its normally word of mouth. Well I don't let it get me down. Chat or no chat, I just keep chugging along. Maybe there will be a ramp up soon. Hopefully of live players.
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