[SC] no double rewards day

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Peo0pl3GA5, May 27, 2016.

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  1. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    can anyone tell me when is there going o be double reward day,
    this new GG discount and those "awesome drone design" no one was looking for this day.
    thought today was going ot be double day and to my surprise it was this shit.

    can someone who have some idea tell me when double day i already got honor and exp booster.
    don't want to waste it.

    thank you
  2. They are not running that event every weekend. They did a special because of all of the problems with the previous one as a compensation package but they were originally meant to be a once a month thing with 4 different packages rotating.
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