Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Dec 28, 2017.

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  1. Hi Help,

    Well I wanted to answer your reply, but Deter closed the string before I was ready.

    How do you make rank having so many Servers? I'm on two and it is hard making rank. My primary one has the best equipment, and my secondary one is weak with hardly any up grades. Takes money and I don't have it to spend on a second ship. So I have to go out and kill for it. That takes longer to get Uridium to buy what you need.

    As for ships, I like my Goliath Surgeon too. Like the 6's across the boards too and plus you get an extra generator slot too. I'm dressed in the Locust design.

    Well, thank you for all your help and being there.

  2. I don't care about the Rank. I have different accounts in different companies and as such if one company is being raided I just switch accounts and continue to enjoy playing. My Original account is level 20 and not played often in MMO on US2, I got fed up with the MMO and started my second account on US2 in VRU where I also have a level 19 almost 20 and had a person who wanted to bring another gaming group to D O and thus I created a second account as I did not want to leave the Clan I was in, at the time to create a NEW Clan and this account is level 19. And then there is this account with the 2 servers US2 (MMO) level 17 and US3 (EIC) level 16 this is my baby account as he is the one needing the most work. They all have the same equipment and fight for every LF-4 they have, the 3 other accounts all have the Apis drone one just got a FULL Zeus Drone from an Apocalypse Booty Box with only 5 parts (I made the mistake of building these before I knew about the Zeus parts being limited unless you had a Apis ready to be built) and 45A/9Z on the other 2 accounts and this account is sitting with 19A/4Z and 24A/5Z.

    These are mainly F2P accounts and if I spend anything on them it is for Premium currently. I think I have probably spent $300 on each of the 3 early accounts trying to get different things (G/R/B Booty Keys, Uridium for PET Stuff, and the Espionage Ship Package "Company Ship Package") plus the Premium and Rebate when I made the Major Uridium Purchases.

    I have so many issues trying to lock a moving target I don't even bother with the PvP side of the game and this seems to vary by day, map, and server too, so I know it is not my computer.

    Rank chasing has never been important to me I wanted to get to the top 500 but then they added the extra GG's and I gave up all hope of doing that as I am not going to pay to build GG's just for rank. I like doing the quests and if the maps are too full of killers I just change accounts.
    Odin® likes this.
  3. I find if it is rank you are worried about, you are missing out on the fun. Sorry, I know this was a message for HMHY but nose in at times. Here on my Credit account I have actually climbing rank a little bit and that is just doing the PVE missions given. I rotate between 8 ships, normally 3 a day, but have been in 5 on some. But I have fun and really expect to drop in rank at some point. I see new players on all the time but if they don't keep playing, my rank will stay about where it is. Unless you are always in chat or top 100, your rank will not be something that other players focus on.
    Odin® likes this.
  4. Odin®

    Odin® User

    WarriorAngus , I'm with HelpMeHelpYou and PSK~SUNDANCE on the rank chasing . Like these 2 folks , I play on Multiple Servers myself. Rank chasing is obsolete right now with the server merge pending. Heck I found an old pic. of PSK~SUNDANCE


    That I took of him :) . If you want to do something for yourself you can try doing what I do for fun go after the -=[ Blighted Kristallon ]=- . Put on a damage /shield / honor / Exp. and hit point boosters and pop about 50 of them per setting . I pick up 370 honor ,72,500 ep and 500,000 creds per kill. 150x50=7,500 uri. ..340x50=17,000 honor ...72,500x50=3,625,000 Exp. ... 500,000x50=25,000,000 creds. ... Now if you save the 7,500 uri daily at the end of 1 yr you will have 2,737,500 uri. That's the long term free to play investment for a max. of 2hr. per day x 365 days. I myself do not like the Exp. boosters because the game is about Honor . 17,000x365=6,205,000 Honor per year . 25,000,000x365=9,125,000,000 creds per yr. 3,625,000x365=1,323,125,000 Exp. per yr. This is [FREE TO PLAY].
    I use the Diminisher w/o pet / x-1 sep ammo , Eco-10 rockets , PLT-2026 rockets , 18 LF-4 on drones 15 Spectral III on ship [NO UPGRADES] . I keep a 1,000,000 balance of sep laser ammo , 250,000 sep rockets , 250,000 prom. for my speed gens , and 250,000 sep for my shield gens. I received that 30 day booster package of [Damage-Shield-Exp.- Hit Point- and Honor] form DO for a major mess up some months back so that added 24hrsx30days = 720 hrs of map time for each booster. I'm down to 24 days left for that package. I have boxed up 1,051 free repairs for my drones. With the 25m creds per day I bid and win 6 log disks per day. I replace my x-1 ammo/2026/and ECO-10 rocks daily. I send 8,000 sep every 16 hrs .
    It's a matter of perspective on How you want to play the game. After I do my 50 kills in about 2 hrs I chill and box for about hr. in my Spearhead. I don't use the Advanced Jump Chip because I like to fly to see who is on and not in chat. I use the Discord server for VoIP to communicate with the clan or I use the Clan chat in DO to communicate in the x-7 maps. We seldom outfit up so that the rewards are purely individual unless asked in advance for an outfit request for a mission/quest completion. The -=[Blighted Kristallon]=- yields 10 rank points per kill that's 500 ranking points approx. every 2 hrs.
    If my members and I can do this daily you can as well. I'm not worried about the other 20 something hrs. per day left over , but I am 65 yrs. old now - Retired - . I think I've spent in total about $200.00 USD and I plat DO for fun :)
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  5. How do you do this as the Seprom refinery will only produce 4536 per day, so even the second day you would only have 5615 Seprom as the Storage holds 9079 maximum. I know that you use the Citadel for the transfer as that is the cargo bay of that ship without any Premium, Bio, or PET help.

    Also don't forget you could be transfering another 4000 Promerium for another 4,000,000 credits or add another 200,000 by selling at the 5-2 Base. I actually have Premium and on 4 of my accounts I transfer 12K Promerium with help from Bio and PET twice a day for 15,599,999 each transfer. I do lose 1000 every 3 days so I can send 500 Seprom to the Shields and put 500 Prom on the Speed. I was unable to play for so long (lagged out after 45 minutes) I have billions on my lasers and rockets, and actually have my Seprom turned off except 1 day a month to recoup what I sent during the previous month.
  6. Hi All,

    The reason I want rank is to defend myself. USA 1 is my best ship and it has 16th levels all around, and I'm 18th Level myself. I don't do PvP fighting or quest in killing players. I fight aliens, and that is where I want to do. My second ship is USA 2 and I'm 15 level with very few updated. Mostly I'm hunting for the LF-4 lasers, and drones with they are on special, but I do have a very few, and some special that were given to us on the bonus Calendar. I like playing and don't mine join up with others to hunt down aliens. I join a clan just to build space station which only last a day. One had lasted for almost 4 days.

    I just don't like getting killed by other, and that is what seems to happen. Higher rank players blow me away in a very short time. Sometimes it one on one other time it is many to one. I met a few MCC and they took a liking to me, and gave me a many gun salute. I only killed one player in a very short time ago because I was ready for him to attack me which he did. I defended myself, and we were the same level.

    I have set my ships up in to Cong. The first is for aliens with more speed with Spectral Lancer III and second Cong is for players with more shields with special lasers and all lf-4.

    Odin® likes this.
  7. Instead of worrying about the rank look at the Pilot Bio and build the Hull and Shields (about 25 PP) this will give you a little more help.
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  8. Hi Help,

    I don't know what you mean 25 PP. What is PP?

  9. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I clicked post instead of preview for editing and proofreading . I went back to Edit post and the Error Message appeared that I had to come back later to edit . I was tired , had a headache and said to myself [BLEEP-IT] . I'll do it later . You are correct about the Sep schedule time table . I do the drop approx. every 48 hrs. using the Citadel 8k cargo-bay. The Diminisher is rather conservative with ammo when using its ability and the 5% damage + 20% damage booster I hit on average 11-14k damage per volley with x-1 ammo. Add the Tech rocket 100% hit ratio for 15 mins. So for about 15 seconds I can push about 26k damage [lasers + rockets] Now if I had all 50 Bio points I would never miss. In my opinion LF-4's are obsolete since they need to be upgraded lvl 16 in order to be worth anything . I only run 9 speed gens and 6 shield gens on both configs. So those figures are close approximations. :)

    PP = Pilot Points :) same as Bio Points in some countries
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2017
  10. Pilot Points for the Skill Tree seen in the Pilot Sheet of back page. These 4 links are best information on the Pilot Bio >1< >2< >3< >4<;
    1. Pilot Bio Skill Tree
    2. Pilot Bio Guide
    3. Skill Tree Questions
    4. Further Suggestions
    Depending on what you want to do with the ship you select what items to use. But think very seriously about the Top Row (at least the Hull and Shields BOTH of each).

    I will agree with you about the LF-4's BUT you need them to create the advanced LF-4 so until they are Assembled I still use them on my level 16 Drones. Those I started upgrading will be finished but any new ones I get do not get upgraded at all.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    Odin® likes this.
  11. Hi All,

    Ship one, Cong. 1, I have 10 speed, 3 shields and 3 fusion shields. Cong 2 it is 6 speed and 10 shields. On the main ship I have all 50 points used. I worked my way to the end for PvP damage. There I try to max out.

    Ship one, Con. 1 and 2 is about the same but one less slot for generators. My second server I'm just starting to build pilot points, but it will take much longer to build up log disks. I try to get them at auction, but I'm mostly out bid. Money is tight so I don't spend it on the game like I did for the first ship.

    My space station is at 20 level on both servers. It took forever for them to get build, but it is done. I using Septrum for weapons. In fact I have build up ship 1, 3 out of 4 with Septrum. ship 2 only lasers have Septrum.

    It is hard to make Uridium. I like doing quest, but most of mine now are attacking other ships or map 4-5 which I don't like. Too many there that kills. Well I guess its is their way. I do go to 5-x on my first ship on quest. I wish DO had more quests that didn't require to kill other players. I just don't do that. I don't like it done to me, and why I would do it to others. It doesn't show you are a good pilot if you kill as low level. It is like the old saying "Taking Candy From A Baby" which isn't right.

    I want to thank you for getting back to me. You have helped me a lot, and I hope we met on the map one day. Maybe we could kill a few aliens together. I don't care what company you are from when I fly as long as you are not hunting me. I thought the three companies were to protect human kind.

    Take care,
    Odin® likes this.
  12. I stick with basically the same configs on my Ships #1 (my runner) has all speed except 4 BO-2's and split the Drones Shields and Lasers (LF-4's unless I have enough to fill the Ship) #2 All BO-2's except 4 7900 Speed and same Drone setup, I have included the Paritydrill LF-4's (from the Calendar) on my Ships to make it a full compliment of LF-4 but replace them anytime I get the regular LF-4 (I prefer to run with all the same type of equipment (as stated earlier I stopped upgrading the LF-4's that I receive and will use them to create the Hyperplasmoid and Paritydrill enhanced LF-4's, maybe IF I ever get the moving lock figured out then I will go for the PvP (and remember if they can get to 5-x or x-8 they are level 12 players and then look at the rank symbol in their name to determine if you want to kill someone who stands a fighting chance or not. I just will not kill anyone in the lower maps unless they have a shield for their rank or the Crown from GG's, but again I need to be able to lock a moving target.

    I enjoy 4-5 map as long as the enemy is not hunting in there. The real killer NPC's are slow and as long as you have the Pilot points in Ship Hull I & II, Shield Mechanics, and Shield Engineering, you should be able to outrun the Devos and Sibelons who are the ones that are hard hitters that take time to kill and actually fire on you as you are flying. The Lordakium and Kristallon only fire if you attack them, the others are just pull and kill. The only thing I have not had luck with is the Uber Kristallon (I have killed one and that account died like 4 times before it died) it has to die before it gets "parked" so you can pull it around. I did try in a group but they were so weak I had to make sure I was hitting it all of the time or they were 2 shot dead. Maybe when I get Zeus Drone on all accounts I will have enough LF-4's to make a fight with the UBK's everything else is just a matter of time to kill them.

    I don't mind helping people but IF I am going to offer my time I need the commitment from the other player to be there when they say they will, a couple clans I was in had some weak players and always asking for help but never had time to commit to being in the maps to do the things they needed to do.
    Odin® likes this.
  13. Help, you sound like one of the good guys. But I think we are in different companies. I'm VRU in both servers.

    I have my crown. That was a day of happiness for me. It took a long time to get it. My second ship hasn't even started the GG.

    Odin® likes this.
  14. Hi Help,

    I went and check my Pilot Points. Ship Hull 1 and 2 are max, Shield Mechanics 4/5, and Shield Engineering max. I built up what I could to get to Bounty Hunter II to max. I wanted the PvP laser damage at max. I wanted to be ready. So I'm ready, and it still didn't help. Oh well, I have fun anyway.

  15. When you say your baby account is on USA 2 do you mean USA West which is US2 in the address line of the browser? IF so then I do have 2 accounts that are VRU on that server, I also have 2 MMO accounts on that server. My EIC account is on USA East 2 (US3) my baby account.

    You really should have gone 5/5 on Shield Mechanics.
  16. Hi Help,

    My second ship is on USA 2 East Coast. Well I could change the Pilot Points again because I have all 50 points and don't need to buy, find, or get log disk. My space station make the Sep and I have credits too.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  17. Okay USA East Coast 2 is my EIC account and my baby currently. I am having to deal with the Uber Map for my Quests and until the kids go back to school I am staying out of there, the Ship is strong enough to be in there but like I say I am not into the PvP and as such do not like the fact the UFE want to kill people that are just barely able to deal with the Ubers they have to kill for their Quests. I just got the Bubble Shield (5/5 in Shield Mechanics) 18PP on east and 17 on west
  18. Help,

    Well maybe I'll see you out and about. I usually play in the morning, and you very early in the morning.

    Is that how people get shields around their ships by having Shield Mechanics a level 5?

  19. It is either that or the Insta Shield CPU. There is a video in >this thread< where the ship has the Insta Shield on almost the entire time. The Shield Mechanics is a visual where when the ship is hit you can see the shields deflecting it.

    Basically it allows the shields to absorb more if the damage and not affecting your HP as much. BO-2 Shield generators provide a 80/20 split this makes it 92/8 and since the shields can regenerate while in battle (just not getting hit by anything) or with SAB the HP will not drop as quickly and prevents the need to REP all of the time.

    What do you call very early? I am on PST so my midnight is 3 am and I am often still doing my SkyLab Transfer at this time.
  20. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I don't understand :( . The only thing you can do is remove Pilot Points if you wish to change anything and THAT would be stupid IMHO . My question is and this is to clarify do you have ALL 25 Skills Open/Maxed Out per skill because it takes 94 Pilot Points to max out every skill in the Skill Tree. If you have gotten that far with your wallet . I have 30 PP set up for the maximum Honor Skills while complementing Damage and Shielding. I don't see your Goals here. My goal is to get all 25 skills Maxed out . There is a post in here that I will [FIND] that maps out the Skill Tree. I learned some time back it is best to stick with 1 ship that you want to turn into the Best of the Best. My USA East 2 and USA East 3 ships are for me to clear my thoughts from the grind on my main in USA East 1 and the USA East 1 was the first Test server for the Switch to our current server USA East 1 back in 09/10
    User since:25-10-2009
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017