[SC] Poor help to the weaker players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by JustMe3, Dec 8, 2018.

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  1. JustMe3

    JustMe3 User

    Well... grinding is fine, let's a person learn as they go. Nowadays is seems like it is not grinding, it's spinning your wheels and end up going backwards instead. It feels like what the american president is doing... let's hold everything until the money rolls in then maybe, just maybe someone gets a bit of help. I gave up trying to spend a lot of hours every day trying to improve what I have; was not showing any rewards really. No, I do not have the cash to spare to throw some into a game that is already overrun by the wallet warrior group and their mickey mouse mcc dictator clans.
    Didn't really want one of those newer ships (cyborg, mimesis, hammerclaw or centurion) a bigger waste of time and the piddling little resources I can scrap up via any quests. (even the sentinel, solace, spectrum, venom or diminisher never turned my crank). I am sticking around for a while, in case a positive move is ever actually done. This game is not solely pvp, otherwise there would be absolutely no pve at all. Keep the two separate, other games have done it before.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  2. I don't think we want help from the Darkorbit Team to help newbies. We as players can decide if we want to help other people.
    What we need instead is the game to not be broken and they can't fix it. This time they went with the "code is old" excuse and it's been perpetrated for too long. Well then move on boys, jump in on new lands. e.g. Unreal Engine is free.
    We are all waiting to play the game again, just not ready to throw money at a dead game. So make your move BP, and fast.. tick-tock.. clock is running; we are 'bout to get married and have sons and doughters soon.
    Just so you know OP. It's not players fault paying for easy win, it's actually the monetization system that doesn't fit.. made by me.. of course not. You know who to point the finger to.
    It's because of wallet warrior's the game is still running, unless BP is getting founded by some entinty. So stop blaming players please and start looking at the real issue.
    Wallet warriors out there I love and hate you at different times! :D
    Give a clear message to the sleepy devs. Spend your money elsewhere for once.
    I wonder how many will still have the job if for some reason BP decided to abbandon browser gaming and follow another path.
    Move your ass from that chair devs, ask the CEO for more resources so you can Make Darkorbit Great Again (MDGA, doesn't sound good, whatevahah!)
    _alien10_ likes this.
  3. mods should help us. you are our rappresentatives.. sort of XD
    don't silence please
    (delete this, snowflake! :p)
  4. Think more in the way of having fun instead of trying to catch up and the game will still be that, a game. Most players have child like mentalities which it the main reason the pvp is out of control. When I want to play something that is more controlled, I have 3 other games in my tool kit to play. But like them, this game is really just for fun. I don't like ranking systems with my games and without them, there is not really "we will never be able to catch up." I stay so far in the rear now, its really more fun to watch the buzzards flock around. Enjoy the game. Its no race.
    _alien10_ and thor714 like this.