[SC] PVP on PVE Server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PacificNW, Jan 12, 2022.

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  1. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    There are missions on the PVE server for enemy faction kills. Why are these missions here?

    On tht note, are the Saturn-x ships on the enemy faction maps considered kills of those factions? If I kill a Saturn-x ship on an EIC map, does that count as an EIC kill?

    Posting this here because for some reason I can't post to the Game Discussion forum page.

  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Because you can still do PVP on a PVE server, you have to turn the PVE/PVP CPU on (24hr cd)
  3. Go on enemy X-3 and hunt down one Saturn Spearhead and let us known if it works. You're fine on enemy maps if you have the CPU ready to be used (aka not on cooldown).

    The CPU must be on cooldown, not to be active. The PVP mode activates if your CPU is on cooldown.
  4. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    went to 2-x and popped saturn goli. counted as enemy kill.

    so maybe works that way.

  5. tibstar

    tibstar User

    Any Saturn kill counts as enemy kill, on any map
  6. PacificNW

    PacificNW User


    But do they count as EIC or MMO kills (if ur VRU) if you have kill EIC or MMO missions?

    Appears maybe so

  7. xXPANAGE28

    xXPANAGE28 User

    How do I get a pve cpu? For context, I am level 5 (fresh on the "global" server under the europe tab), and dont see it in the shop or assembler.
  8. Firaxia

    Firaxia User

    It is there - in your CPU button on your action bar. But for some reason it is entirely black. I only found it after I asked the exact same question in chat! A kind soul told me to hover over the black one and sure enough, there it is!
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