[SC] Server merge ruined our server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Peo0pl3GA5, Jan 11, 2019.

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  1. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    Hi, i already made a server merge thread before the server merge explaining why GA1 and Ga5 will not work and i already see it is useless.
    i think DO just made a very stupid mistake, you guys merge us with the most powerful server apart from Ge1. Ga5 is so nooby compared to GA1 that it is boring to even come back. i already see people with million of spare x4s for almost even the most ridiculous aliens while us Ga5 are struggling.
    just look at this figure there is no clan from Ga5 in top 10 ranks, everything is from GA1.
    DO should have been more commited to make a decent merge.
    Also the biggest loser are our top players :), who probably spent soo much time even on the last day to keep competitive and im sure alot of them do not even care as top 40 do not have even 1 Ga5 players lol.
    how is this fair?
    i stopped playing this game about 2 years ago but i only come to chat with my friends but this is just childish.
    you just thrashed their effort in 1 day and i feel bad for them
  2. Yeah our server the new USA server is completely dead already after only 3 months of the merge. The server is literally right back to where it was before the merge. I'd even argue its worse now because everyone is selling their ships and half the people "online" are bots now.

    Good going Darkorbit and the players, your whole server merge feeding frenzy you had months to a year ago just managed to make the single greatest mistake this game has experienced yet and I guarantee you it isn't going to get better because it never does, never has been, nor ever will be better.
    chetaa likes this.
  3. Well, there are no other servers to merge with.
    You cannot merge GA servers with USA servers, or USA servers with EU servers, and so on.

    Playing experiences will vastly suffer (such as lag) due to the distance from the server. That's all that comes to mind right now.
    As for the bigger gunned players, avoid them.
  4. Server merge was not the problem. Its called player mentalities. The only reason so many were around during the merge was because players told each other it would be packed. Those players you seen for a few months around that servers merge were never planning on sticking around. It was just for the moment. The thrill is gone and now just those who were already here the entire time are here now. I said way before the merges happened that it would only be busy for a short time, and here we are. The difference you ask, DO has less servers to actually maintain, equipment-wise.
    chetaa, KilerStreak and Peo0pl3GA5 like this.