[SC] Sorry but i do not want you in my clan mwahahahah

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Mar 15, 2019.

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  1. What would happen if there was some kind of points system added to clan wars where by the losing clan is disadvantaged in some way for a certain period of time?
    No matter if the clan has 50 members or 2 members the kill ration would be done on % so total members would not matter.
    This is what would happen.....clans would kick all their botters and not recruit botters anymore as botters get shot down all day long this would drastically affect the clans points during the war.
    What would eventually happen is clans would only recruit real players and botters would no longer have any place in the game and would forever stay solo as nobody will want them in their clans.
    Also the winning clan is awarded in some way, this will stop large clans of 50 bullying smaller clans as the smaller clan will more then likely win the war.

    Please instead of thinking of why this would not work instead think of a solution to the problem you think of and try to be positive about this idea.
  2. Try this instead:
    Clan mates not botting protect botters from being farmed (as they already do), and weaker clans get even more disadvantaged for simply being weak.
  3. Wars have changed from 10 days to 100 days. When I want to war someone, I'm a one member clan. This gives me great advantage because for them I am one target, for me they are many. Normal war I manage 10 or 20 kills war kills per day <- modest number. They get generally none, some times they get a lucky one in there. My point is, I always have the advantage.

    It's a good idea just needs a little more thought. Or maybe I'm missing or misunderstanding something here.


    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans
  4. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    I'm curious about how new players fit into your idea.
    30 man clan that has a few stronger players that recruits new players to help them get a start.
    High ranked clan wars 30 man clan of mainly new players - Clan gets further "disadvantaged" due to not being able to win against high ranked clan - New players stop logging in as not only war is disadvantage but your idea adds more.

    50 man high ranked clan with say 20 regulars who bot for X amount of hours per day. Then log in and go hunting with other clan mates for a few hours - Hmmm a win win situation, they still bot as usual and make smaller/weaker clans suffer "disadvantages" by sending them wars they have no chance of winning.

    As has been stated many many times - The best solution to today's botting problem is make the game into an EXE. None of the current bots will work without flash player = No bots in a downloadable DO [until the developers of said bots find a way to rewrite them to work on the downloadable .EXE]. No game is bot proof but a better format at least gives Devs a chance to develop an accurate means of catching them.
    thor714 likes this.