[SC] Takes way too long to repair in Eternal Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by UtopiaPlanitia12, Apr 13, 2020.

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  1. My laptop is probably a bit slow, and I suspect that my WiFi is a bit overloaded (shared with other people), but I'm still able to play this game. Yes, it gets a bit choppy and my FPS drops into low single digits when doing large group operations such as the Demaner Freighter or Hitac 2.0 etc. but it still mostly works.

    Not here in the Eternal Gate.

    The Demolition Cyborgs started dropping mines. I kept running while hitting the Cyborgs to avoid taking full damage from the mines. When the Cyborgs were gone (or the rest of them ran off to the corners), I stayed in the middle of the map to repair, but it took **way** too long. The repairs would work for a few thousand points, then *something* caused me more damage--lots of damage, like 50k or more (that's big for me)--so I would have to keep waiting for more repairs. THAT PROCESS IS STILL GOING AS I TYPE THIS DESCRIPTION. A half hour has gone by, just sitting in the middle of the map, and I STILL DO NOT HAVE FULL HEALTH!!

    With incomplete health, I continued and managed to knock out the Protegits (a few of them ran to the corners), but this problem continues. I'm in the middle. There are a few NPC's (Cyborgs, Sibelonits, or Protegits) in the corners. There are mines scattered around, but not near the middle. I'm still taking occasional damage just sitting here.

    I don't think it's in the software's design for me to continue taking damage from such an extreme distance and for so long after battle.

    The cause could be related to the Cyborgs. When I took out the last one, this problem stopped.
  2. Smoog_

    Smoog_ User

    The Demolition Cyborgs have an ability (some kind of bomb that sticks to your ship) that works from across the map. If there are still some of them in the corners, they will keep attacking you no matter how far you are. Every time they do, you have to wait again for the repairs to start.
    UtopiaPlanitia12 likes this.
  3. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    The Demolition Cyborgs are one of those waves that you don't let sit in the corner. They need to be killed as soon as possible.
    They have the same ability as the Lordakium Emperor (I believe. May be the Kristallon) with the mine attachment that clings to your ship and detonates after about 6-10 seconds.
    UtopiaPlanitia12 likes this.
  4. A friend (who was not logged in when I posted this) told me that an Emp will break the Cyborg's lock on me, and stop the sticky bombs.
  5. This issue can be closed, if not done already.
  6. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    EMP should be last resort as well as ISH and they are only very temporary. You can direct all of the main damage to your shield with crab. Mines detonate after, I think, 7 seconds. If you ish after counting to 5 or 6, you can avoid the damage.
    UtopiaPlanitia12 likes this.
  7. cicko1

    cicko1 User

    listening to the tone of the mines also helps. once u get the continous tone after the beeping stops, use your ish . that should protect you once the mine explodes
  8. Thx @coobo99 and @cicko1. If I have ISH (Insta-Shield), would I find that in my "Special Items" tool bar?
  9. Yes, that's where you find the Instan-shield.
    But keep in mind, you have to equip the Insta-shield-CPU first to be able to use insta-shields.