Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Nov 2, 2018.

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  1. Hi All,

    There are a few people that use to write me and give me information on my questions and ideas. I haven't seen them in the forum nor have I heard from them. I hope they are still here because to me they were the greatest. The information I received was great and I called them my gamer friends.

    I was in a bad place, and I took it out on Dark Orbit. Then they change the Auction House and added this robot check it upset me greatly. I took it out on Dark Orbit. I didn't realized that the people I was yelling at wasn't the people I needed to. They are the unselfish people who voluntary to help Dark Orbit in the forum to make our lives better. They answer our question, and make sure our questions are in the right forum. They do a lot for Dark Orbit. I told them I'm sorry, and I hope they accept my apology.

    I hope my friends weren't on the receiving end of my comments. I miss your words of advice and wisdom. If you were, I want to say personally I'M SORRY. I sure don't want to alienate you. I hope you are there and I hope we can still be friends in this game.

  2. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I'm still here WarriorAngus ... Since all the server merges are over , I just re-opened my East 4 clan and shut down my East 1 clan and getting all the guys and gals back under 1 roof. I'm looking for a real push starting in January after the holidays . As far as your post goes I've never felt any form of disrespect from your postings . FYI , I used to own and created a Forum on Go-Daddy called "Daily Insanity" so I understand and what tools a moderator has here to maintain control over the operation of the DarkOrbit Forum . So basically I've been kicked back for all the 'Dust' to settle . At my age [65] , I pace myself ... No apology necessary OG ... As always be safe and have fun :)
  3. Hi Odin,

    Well I'm glad you here and you are doing well YOUNGSTER. I'm 66. Just turn last month.

  4. sheesh a couple of old farts eh lol 62 here hahaha. Yep I'm here and there as well Angus :cool:


    No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
    Odin® likes this.
  5. Hi Full Throttle,

    Good to see you too. Yep and proud of it being an old fart. It took a long time, but it seem like time flash by. Now I want time to slow down. So much to do.

  6. Odin®

    Odin® User

    If you knew now what you didn't know then , would you do it all over again and miss out on becoming the person you are today?
    yes or no only answers with a brief descriptive reply for what choice you would make …. :)
  7. No I would not change anything.
    I've lived a good life, spent some time in the military, raised a fine boy, well he's 43 now lol. I work in a good trade (journeyman) and have a fine wife. In 21 years we have never argued about anything. Life's good :)


    Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
    -HULTAJ-, EZYpzy123 and Odin® like this.
  8. Hi All,

    I would say Yes to somethings like being a better brother, son, and uncle. When I join the Navy, I was in for 20 years, I left home and didn't return very much. When mom died, well, she was the glue that kept the family together. Well it sort of fell apart, but I kept in touch with dad until he died. Now that we are orphans, my brothers are closer again. I'm / we are retired and my wife and I travel some now and visit our family.

    There are some things I did I would change, and there are friends that I let go and regret. I wish I knew them and where they are. For the most part I would keep my life the same but fix the ruff spots. I have been married for 37 years but no children.

    Unless I can go back with some good lotto numbers. It only seems I only donate to the pot.

    Odin® likes this.
  9. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    I,m approaching 60 in a few weeks and have served with the military as an army medic and i find that is the few rough spots that make us human. When I look at some of young generation of today I can only shake my head and say my god what as become of this world. The word sorry is slowly being dropped from the vocabulary of the youth and apologies are so rare from the playstation generation of today. I cannot recall having seen a bad post from you Angus and I always enjoy reading your posts.
    KilerStreak, WarriorAngus and Odin® like this.
  10. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I would not change a thing , so the answer is no I would not change a thing. I spent 4 yrs in the Navy as a medic corpsman 71-74. I missed Officers Candidate School by a single 2 point question. My first marriage ended after 5 yrs. spent alot of time in the offshore gas and oil industry merchant marines. Met my second wife and have been happily married for 30 yrs this coming March. I've retired and our daughter passed away in a car accident. All in all , God has blessed me and is not finished with me yet . I turn 66 in January :)
  11. _alien10_

    _alien10_ User

    Daaaarn, and i thought i was the oldest here, 55 lol, have a good day guys!
    Odin® likes this.
  12. No, wouldn't change anything.
    Over 65 and just trying to have some video fun. Two boys in their 40's and a wife that has tolerated me for even longer, it's been okay.Loved being on computers, from the PDP-8 with it's paper-tape only input and the binary switched needed to load a programme and the magnetic tape cartridge to store finished work, thru Sinclair ZX-81 machine and the trs-80 color computer, to now; it's been good.
    The job I used to work at was helping people with their technology product, and it was always interesting.
    Glad I found this game in 2010, it gave me something to do that did not seem boring after a few hours.
    If I kick the bucket while still being active here, have a beer for me. :D
  13. Hi All,

    It is nice to see the Baby Boomer crowd. My wife says that is why we die because we are discussed with the new generation.

    You Know When You Are Old when you say: I remember in my day. I do that a lot.

    It seems its me me me and the heck with you. I have open doors for ladies that were behind me and play station kid just plow right through and almost knocking over the woman I was holding the door for. NO I'm sorry or I don't know if he knew what he was doing or cared. There are other things that bug's me, but what can I do. Just be myself.

    USS Aries,
    The reason you might not seen them is because they were taken down, and I was band from the Forum for awhile.

  14. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Its a shame that you took time out in the sin bin, I am sure your deleted posts would have made some good reading. Glad to see you back with us. I have two secret weapons for those that try to push past and not let me off the bus, the deadly walking stick and I drive my rolator like a tank straight through them ha ha.
    WarriorAngus, Odin® and ]Coldheart[ like this.
  15. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Welcome to the Forum WarriorAngus Usually when you start getting noticed by the forum mods is because you are doing something right. I've had the pleasure of "Ban Camp" so many times that I can't count that high :) . It got to the point that I originally created my own chat client , then used FB messenger but I soon got tired of typing and trying to fly and fight at the same time I finally got my first ts3 for VoIP . It became so testy for me dealing with Support That I actually had my account banned from the game until I apologized to the person . So don't feel so bad.
    WarriorAngus likes this.
  16. HI All,

    Well the game had changed. Now I have two ships on one server. USA one /2 (East Coast) are one server now. When I go through my three ships, on the three servers I'm on getting the daily bonus. I end up back in one of the two USA. There is my other ship sitting there when I come back to USA. I so want to fly both together and attack as one unit, but I can't.

    Now I can't bid for the same thing in the Auction House because both are needed on both ships. With the Robot Check, kills the fun in bidding too. I have lost many an item because of that. I then spoke my feelings about Robot Check and doing it so many times to Dark Orbit. Once ok, but more than that, come on I didn't change into a machine. Well that is what got me into trouble. I posted 3 to 5 threads on the topic. They were deleted them faster then I could post. Even now if I mention it in other post that part get removed.

    I also find out the people policing the post are volunteers, as I was venting my anger. It wasn't at them, but they took it as them. It is the money grabbing owners I was mad at and still have a tender spot. I haven't been in the black very much because it still bother me. But I'm here just about everyday collecting my bonuses, moving my Sep to my ship. Most of all checking the Forum to see what's new and to see and read what's going on with my friends. To me friendship is the best about the game.

    I feel like the company are, mmmmm, you know what I mean. They want to control you. You know there are countries that do that to their citizens.

    Well I'll stop my venting, I could go on and on, and then I'll be in the dog house again. I don't know how much of this will be here.

    I want to say I'm sure glad seeing the people I like. I sure like talking, well writing you, and keeping up.

    Oh by the way, have anybody seen "Help" on the site? The last I heard he was fed up and was going to leave the forum.

    Odin® likes this.
  17. Odin®

    Odin® User

    HelpMeHelpYou is just kicked back and chillin' ... Everyone needs/takes a break sometime from the game. Heck , I have a clan that is enjoying a break from the game ... I know when they want to have some fun . In reality there are alot of good people that play this game ...
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
    WarriorAngus likes this.
  18. Hi Odin,

    I know what you mean. I haven't played very much. My heart isn't in it like it use to be. I like the game and the people are great too. I have found another game I spending my time in. It is called Elevenar. It is a build you country game from the bottom up. You can be human or Elf, will I have both. There are battles to fight, but no MCC. I don't think there are PvP events, but what do I know. There could be but I haven't experience it. To me it is PvE game. They us diamonds as Uri. The different is this game gives you Uri, but Elevenar gives you a few to start off, but the rest you have to buy.

    Well nice to hear from you and hope all is well.

    badwon[spt] likes this.
  19. Hi WA,
    I read earlier that you found a new game and I too am playing and liking it and NOT SPENDING!
    There is NO drama and players actually help.
    ...enjoy............I tried to mail you in game (DO) but was unable to.
    in game I am FireBallXL5
  20. Hi Badwon,

    Thanks for the info for the game will check it out. Yea, a game that people help you image that. There are so few here that will help you, but the ones that do are good as gold, and most of them are here on the page.

    badwon[spt] likes this.