[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    All looks exceptionally boring!
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Personally I don't see how a crafting system that lets us build items and ammo as well as some free GG parts just for logging in is boring, but each to their own I suppose.

    I'm sure you will be asking support to remove all the free GG parts from your account and flat out refusing to take advantage of being able to build ammo instead of buying it all, right?
  3. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Indeed I would love to see a a /n option to delete unused + unwanted tat from my inventory, just so happens doing the new gg you end up with as we would say in World of Warcraft a load of trash!
  4. Lilljohn

    Lilljohn User

    I hope they won't make the crafting system work with exclusively new materials that will of course cost a fortune but instead let people who have been "hoarding" materials e.g. Xenomite reap the benefits of having a big storage saved up.
    chixonator likes this.
  5. it shouldnt be used to benefit current players, it has to be utalised to help new players get started with lf3's bo2's...

    or if it is used to benefit players now, you should be able to get upgrade points....
  6. "scrap"ium :)
    How about "Uranium"? It exists in real life and is the main resource of "Nova Rider", which is inspirited by Darkorbit.
    stardestoyer66 and chixonator like this.
  7. Lilljohn

    Lilljohn User

    I mean if it's geared towards newer players I'm fine with it. I just don't want it to be one more thing you need to spend a lot on. If it's only obtainable from actually shooting the aliens and there are no shortcuts I'd be fine with that.
  8. I love and like this idea, it sounds so cool. I am beginning to think that they read the Update-idea-section.
    And finally there is a reason to kill this unworthy Sibelons and Devolariums. Beside I hope they don't isolate the Boss and Ubers, this aliens should give us the same resources like normal ones with a higher amount.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  9. what are you talking about Halloween gate gives ammo and new drones 1 with a bonus and the struner gate give u a ship skin u dont have out 5 of them on offer or 200k uri so what gate are you talking about
  10. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    Is Dev team aware that the Demon Drones are not giving any bonus yet? or is it just me?
    ßőŋεѕ likes this.
  11. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    They are aware and it's being looked at.

    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Descriptions of 'Frozen' drone designs and the ship designs.

    Drone design:
    Imbue your drones with the newest Ice meteoroid technology! This design will only alter the look of your drones!

    Seems there is a package of the drone design available, likely for 10 of them together.

    Ship designs:
    This is an epic frozen version of the Citadel / Aegis / Spearhead elite design.

    Since the description mentions 'elite' design I would be inclined to think that they are cosmetic versions of the elite versions of each ship. The Goliath description is just blank at the moment so I will post that one when it appears, however it is likely that the current descriptions of the ships are just placeholders and will be refined closer to the event.

    The 3D particle effects on the ship designs were also altered so I will post a few pictures of them later on.


    Pictures. Effect on the ships has changed slightly, the webm will make it easier to see, it has a smokey / mist effect now.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  13. Silviu

    Silviu User

    And are they aware that the Herlcules drone design doesn't give any shield bonus atm?
    Are they aware of the fact that sometimes the seprom and promerium updates from the shield and speed dissappear? Not from the refinery page, they just stop giving the bonus shield and speed, and the only thing fixing it is warping ships and logging out and then back in? This problem shows up for me only when i use goliath skill designs.

    Later Edit: Hercules seems to have been fixed.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I think thats the problem with TA, they removed any rocks from there and it also does sometimes out. Its ridiculous when it just happen when you just started gamma bks and you also have title, so you cant even sacrifice your life and you have to do it without rocks.
  15. -»orfa«-

    -»orfa«- User


    Do you happen to know what can actually be built? Most current FE players will want LF4s hercules, havocs etc - the stuff needed to make you UFE. Or will these new in game features be outside of this area and therefore focus on altogether new features?
  16. EmoShip

    EmoShip User

    I doubt that you will be able to make LF4s and Hercules from this. I will be surprised if you can. What i am thinking is that it will help the new players more. And hopefully fill that gap between the new players and the players who have been here for years no end. I will mot likely bet on B02s being crafted, 7900 Speed Gens, Lf3s. However i am curious as to where this is going.​
  17. -»orfa«-

    -»orfa«- User


    I am equally as curious to see how this goes, but please enlighten me on how exactly will making BO2's, LF3's, and Speed gens fill the gap between new players and the old players? It is very very easy to obtain BO2s and LF3s and I obtained all mine that I needed in less than 40 hours game play. If they wanted to make it easier for people to obtain that equipment then just lower price, or increase uridium from npcs. With the latter point in mind we all know how active the servers were during the recent PET event.

    The distance that needs filling is the immense void between those players that have all UFE equipment e.g. LF4's, Hercules and Havoc's and those that don't as these are effectively what all players want and are aiming for. Making this easier would certainly help keep the remaining players as one of the major problems is found when people just give up even after getting their LF3s and BO2's because of the massive financial requirement in order to get all the best equipment.

    Perhaps, however, they will create equipment that will benefit all players and become the new standard that everyone is aiming for. Nonetheless, I don't see this happening.
  18. Hi :)

    Do you think the design of the goliath and drones will be bigger in 3D as in 2D in the final conception ?
  19. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    It's time to release some more information regarding the Winter 2015 Event.

    Please note that this feature is still in development and, thus, naming and balancing may change prior to release.


    Cold Wave 2015

    Is the Cold Wave 2015 event the same event like last year?

    Yes and No. While the event features last year’s content (see >>Cold Wave FAQ 2014<<), the Cold Wave 2015 comes with additional content like new ship and drone designs and a special edition of the Ultimate Battle Arena. Furthermore, the Christmas calender’s content was reworked.

    UBA: Frost Season

    Compete in UBA matches like usually but for extra prizes on top of the regular UBA rewards per server:

    * Place 1: Frost ship designs, 10 Frost drone designs
    * Place 2: Frost ship designs, 8 Frost drone designs
    * Place 3: Frost ship designs, 6 Frost drone designs
    * Places 4-10: Frost ship designs, 4 Frost drone designs
    * Places 11-30: Frost ship designs, 2 Frost drone designs
    * Places 31-50: Frost ship designs
    * Special title for Top10: The Blizzard

    Frost Ship Designs

    The Frost ship design will be available for Uridium in the Shop and for the following ship models: Aegis, Spearhead, Citadel and Goliath.
    While the ship design for the Goliath (150,000 Uridium) will be a visual change only, the designs for Aegis, Spearhead and Citadel (200,000 Uridium each) will have the same stats like the Elite ship designs in addition to the changed visual appearance.

    Frost Drone Designs

    The Frost drone designs will be available as direct payment item only or as reward for finishing the UBA: Frost Season in Top30. The design will provide your drones an icy appearance but no bonus.
  20. Great job on the Aegis, Spearhead and Citadel, however very poor on the Goliath, do we really need another useless item to be added to the back page?
    They could have given the Goliath design something, even to match the Bastion would have been well worth it as then people would actually use it instead of just adding it to their inventory.
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