[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. These were posted earlier.
  2. they were already posted.
  3. Are they gonna release these boxes and then nerf them too?
  4. maybe? hehe
  5. .Wagon.

    .Wagon. User

    Absolutely, yes! (Unless they don't do that before releasing :p )
    If not in content, then the frequency, thats for sure.
  6. Ah sorry, I had not seen :oops:
  7. I'd rather have less frequency than less content
  8. -Fleabird-

    -Fleabird- User

    when are they going to start giving you two gate parts on start up
  9. ßőŋεѕ

    ßőŋεѕ User

    Probably have to miss out a day eg: let it reset, maybe? going to try that and see>>
  10. It won't work, the daily login for Kuiper Parts will revert to the old version after the release event ends, this was only to give players a boost in helping open the gate, although it wasn't the greatest boost, but it's DO, would you expect more?

    Day 1
    Day 2
    Day 3
    ^ 1 Part

    Day 4
    Day 5 (will apply 3x for 5th day, 6th day, and 7th day of event)
    ^ 2 Parts

    So 11 parts, 7 gate spins, 600 uri if you don't use any of it, plus 1 booty key for a chance at 5 parts.

    If you have minute luck, you'd see 20 pieces without any work, just logging in. Your gate is already 20% built.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Actual versions of the frost designs, they look pretty close to what I managed to get a while back but thought I would post the proper version just so people can see exactly what they will look like in-game:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. ... So like, i'm not impressed by them, but.... I'm most likely, 100% sure i'm gonna waste my uri anyways, because, why not.
  13. ΉӨMΣЯ

    ΉӨMΣЯ User

    i like the citadel design :v
  14. chixonator

    chixonator User

    What do they look like in 2D
  15. Looks like people will be forced to check to see if the player is red or not. No more company colors will make game play more interesting.
  16. Shouldn't be hard to read a name and look for a letter. Js.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    chixonator likes this.
  18. Who looks at ship to find out company anyways? I look at names/tags, idk about everyone else at this point XD
  19. LucasHill

    LucasHill User

    Okapi32 You have sent prints with frost's design in the EIC. MMO and VRU are the same color?
  20. They're all the same, there has only been 3 company based goli designs on DO, and the aegis/spear/cit. the frost designs are not company based.
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