[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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    *MOONGLOW* User

    hitacs just something for the ufes to dominate again no point even logging on that week for me .
  2. Hitac Rewards can give you Ice Portals which spawn a Super ICY on the map, more details can be seen in previous entries about Frost Hitac
  3. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    While this thread tends to have a bit of leeway with what the topic at hand is, these last couple pages were way, way off on their own.
    If you wish to continue the debate on LF4s & Hitac, I'm going to ask you all create a new thread here in Speakers for that rather than hijacking this one to oblivion.

    Thank you^-^
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New frost ship shop 360 view:


    Top view:

    Ice portal ammo icon:

    Will get in-game picture of the new frost designs a little later.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    *Amitié*, PSKSUNDANCE and SauronL like this.
  5. Everyone talk about the hitac but i still dont know when is it gonna start :( anybody got the info about the release date?

    Ty Okapi for the pictures!
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There are no actual dates at the moment, however it seems likely that the hitac will be running from the 4th January until the 17th. The reason for this assumption is because there is an extended calendar, linked in with this event, mentioned a few times on the test server files and it ends on the 17th of January. Then since Hitac typically runs for 2 weeks the 4th seems to be a sensible start date.

    However that is just guess work, don't be surprised if it doesn't start or end on those dates.
  7. I have read somewhere that there was going to be another event early in January and as the REVEALED is usually talking about the next change/event it stands to reason. Keep an eye for OFFICIAL announcement from Headquarters around the New Year.

    I found the post it is in this thread on December 8th (page 109 near the bottom) and there is another Advent Calendar with the last opening date of January 17th so the assumed dates coincide with this information.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  8. Probably from entries by Okapi, I mean, come on...
  9. Well to be honest it is and you even "liked" the post as I just verified the author. LOL
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Shop images? so they gonna be in shop yeah :)
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No, every ship / item / drone has a 360 image file, I just add them to the shop background because I think it looks nice x)

    The same files are used for pilot bio etc, doesn't mean they will be in shop, just a poor name choice on my part. If there is any indication that they will be in shop I mention it.
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    You said that above so i just thought. okay then.
  13. I am just looking forward to it because I want that ambassador design. Otherwise I will be skipping it. Hitac is too much stress.
  14. Yeah, I know the feeling about Hitac. Are you going to be able to afford the Ambassador design in that little ship? You are running a completely credit ship, right?
  15. Frost aegis, citadel, spearhead are in shop, all people which play with those ships, get even better looking. If these new frost designs aren't in shop that will be totally unfair for all the players who love playing with sentinel or spectrum like me, even for these which play with lighting and pusat. I am still playing this game because i have to finish few more gates... after that the only think which can keep me, is something new like the frost spectrum, frost version on my favourite design. I was going to give even 1mil urid for spectrum and sentinel, but when they're not gonna be in the shop, i will just quit this game, until there is something new that really worth to start playing again. :(
  16. Look at the thread I am running about that account.
  17. You have to remember when you got the designs you are talking about, they were originally available only to the WALLETS who PAID CASH to enjoy the benefits of them. Now they are available in SHOP and AUCTION, so your threat of leaving the game is an empty threat and as such you night as well quit now as they are not going to change because one person threatens to leave. Heck we have 1000's leaving on a monthly basis because they are unhappy with the game and they still are not stopping the bleeding.

    I read it. That is why I mentioned the ship you are using.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2015
  18. Oh yeah, that nostro is awesome. I am in it daily for hours. However, I covered your question in the other thread.
  19. iNSANE(BG)

    iNSANE(BG) User

    Anyone has an idea when the Surgeon's coming out again?
  20. you can make it using new rocks coming out during the Assembly Event
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