[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    The title of the thread is Unofficial darkorbit and as Okapi32 as often said what is posted here is not carved in stone and the event may not even happen, for an event to be official there must be an OA from the dev team or a mod and then you can ask where is the event.
    PSK~SUNDANCE and ~V6~ like this.
  2. LOL, if they wanted they could code things into the test server just to keep us hoping and wait years before putting it in game, if at all. Some things that have been in game for years suddenly twist and don't come when expected. Never expect things to happen or happen on time and you will never be disappointed.
    77Transam likes this.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Dates of the Masque Sale now changed to:

    "The event will start on the 18th of April, 2016, at midnight, and will conclude on the 1st of May, 2016, at 23:59 LST."
  4. OKAY everyone run out and BUY all the Uridium and steal all the money you can so you can run out and BUY everything they offer.

    Don't forget that this is set in stone and WILL happen, OH I AM SORRY Okapi32 I forgot this was your post and is just informational not OFFICIAL. With the recent NEW posts about the 11th April date I now understand why it is best to not post information with dates in it. Too bad we have to have a disclaimer posted with every Test Server Update posted by you.

    Thank you for what you do for the game, keep up the information stream. Maybe the RUMOR MILL will get this one right and say where they read/heard it from.
  5. Mmhh...when I think about the newsletter with the announced 14 days Premium, I'm afraid of waiting for the delayed launch/ too early ending/ whatsoever "creative" easter eggs...

    Hopefully the quests are more profitable than the "amazing" ones of the last events...
  6. Why do you continue to set yourself up for disappointment? D O has not changed what it puts in these things (except when they create NEW stuff), unless needed for the actual event or because the sales of them have dropped off because the WALLETS have their bunkers full of stuff they are not using. The ONLY thing to make a change to the game is going to be the Crafting/Assembly update and it is still about 6 months away since they still have not put it out live on the Beta Test Server to see how it works with major amounts of players using it, assuming it is possible to test it on that server, knowing the materials need to be accumulated in the maps and last time I was there it was full of same company killers more interested in PvP than doing anything for the TEST.
  7. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    Nope - Unless something crazy happens in OBT you're off by roughly 4-5 months. But yeah, it'll be great if people use the system and provide solid, specific feedback while Assembly is in Open Beta. In the meantime, I'm going to talk to the team about ways to improve the quality of participation during Beta testing. Maybe the "open" part needs to be rethought. Feel free to chime in.

    And I agree, Assembly has massive potential to assist us in many areas of the game moving forward (fairness, cost, adding content, improving events, etc).

    That's why we're so excited to get it out. The sooner we get it live, the sooner we can start iterating on the content we create with it, and the functionality it contains.

    That said, it's definitely not the only thing we'll be releasing before the end of the year. I'll get more word out on this and other topics in a Producer's Update asap (the Word doc is currently open on my other monitor).
  8. The open beta to get better feedback make a contests with rewards are the best way to get the info that you need make a bug report template for the forum feedback thread. make this template give you the info you need for proper communication about bugs if a player finds a bug and follows this template answering all the questions from the template its entered into the bug smasher contest.

    i would say 10 prizes booked to the account of choice stated in the forum post even 10 prizes at 10k uri each delivered to the 10 most helpful feedback would get the people working for you using your template to get you the correct info you need to knock these buggs into space but not DOs space.
  9. lamiX

    lamiX User

    If assembly material from lowmap NPCs will be worthy for UFEs then R.I.P. newbies, they wont have a chance to pop single NPC.
    And move forward? I think its too late to step on the gas in car, in which fuel already ran out...
  10. So it will be a Xmas present? :)
  11. Everyone settle down before Okapi32 stops posting the information he sees here.

    IF you read the O A there is maintenance going on with several servers (US located center) and as such they felt it would be best to wait for the celebration day (I assume). I know people think just because there are dates posted in this thread they are set in stone but they are just posted to the Alpha Test site (where everything is developed and tested by the D O Team) so they see if it works before releasing it to us.

    I enjoy what information we get from Okapi32 and the occasional pop ins from RickDekard to give us some validity to what we see here. Maybe for future posts we need to modify the text with dates in it to say "date to be determined" since we have so many people who want to make these posts OFFICIAL information.

    Keep up the good work Okapi32.
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Ship Expo event breaking news text:

    The extravaganza has no end! With the successful introduction of SHIPLOOKZ™, M.A.S.Q.U.E.'s marketing department is running wild!

    As the main sponsors of this year's ship expo, they’re proving that their ship construction skills are secondto none.

    The Mimesis: with state-of-the-art photon-bending holographic emitters, this is the Scout ship to equip for high-stakes reconnaissance missions.

    The Tartarus: a high-tech assault ship, balancing the ideal combination of speed and firepower.

    Adding to that new designs for a selection of ships, new missions and other event-related content, this will be your time to enjoy the hottest inventions in human space!

    Event Summary

    • 2 New Ships: Tartarus and Mimesis (plus 2 color options per ship)
    • Expo16 Designs for Defcom and Yamato, Diminisher, Lightning, Pusat, and Sentinel
    • 13 New Missions
    • Expo Bonus Boxes

    2 New ships confirmed in there, the Mimesis and the Tartarus!
  13. acid27

    acid27 User

    Tartarus ? why not xD

    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  14. Xmancode

    Xmancode User

    any idea when this ship expo will come out?
  15. HeyItsMe!!

    HeyItsMe!! User

    i hope okapi don't post any date evading people to blame on him as last time or if u are going to post it just say that it could be happen that week or even that month or can change anytime. although i keep saying people doesn't know to read.
    thanks for the info, i'm very excited to see those new designs-ships.
  16. Finally the missions aren't "epic".
  17. RaiZZeN

    RaiZZeN User

    it's safe to assume that this update will come in the following 2 months or so...maybe sooner or later, depends on their other plans regarding to assembly and how the beta test goes.
  18. More NEW ships, they need to increase the Hangar space or allow us to STORE ships in a allocation hangar (meaning we can remove a ship from a Hangar without selling it as some of us have already filled the 10 Hangars they SOLD to us) or give us more information on what hey meant by the "Favorite Hangars" of an earlier post here.
    ~V6~ likes this.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Masque boot key / booty box / bonus box:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Masque Red / Orange packages:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Directly Masque related breaking news text for, some of it just reported from earlier encase anyone missed it:

    The >GG Weekends< mention Masque as well so it could be that one of them is premiered during the upcoming event but it seems like they will be the sort of thing that is repeated over time, similar to the Red Kronos weekends.

    Ship Expo also mentions masque but it specifically mentions the ship customization feature so is likely to either an event for the release of that feature or a little afterwards.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
  20. Little Masque Booty, don't disappoint me like the Kuiper Booties. I believe in you. You can do this. Make your father proud.

    I really love the varieties of chests, now we have green, golden, red, blue, colorful Kuiper and now the pink ones.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
    D-Cruiser likes this.
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