[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Nice finds Okapi32. Maybe later you find some images. :cool:
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yep, will be sure to post any pictures as soon as they appear, images always seem to generate the most interest ^^.

    Hopefully we won't be waiting too long but personally would be pretty surprised if any images showed up this week with one of the test servers being focused on the crafting system for now.
    LordGains likes this.
  3. LordGains

    LordGains User

  4. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    Do we have any idea what these new ships look like?
  5. Okapi is good at posting images as soon as they are seen on the Alpha sites he has access to.
    77Transam likes this.
  6. double gate rewards is now official

    from the 15th to the 17th so tomorrow until sunday
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 14, 2016
  7. nobzare

    nobzare User

    how do you know its official ? how do you know the date ? no administrator announced it.
  8. True tehre is nothin on official section yet how do you know
  9. This is why I say these OFFICIAL NOTICES need to be posted by the COMPANY not the Moderators of the FORUMS. This is information that should be released to every forum at the same time not as the Moderators have time to do it (nothing against the fantastic job they do) BUT this is something players need to know.
    *Rob9614* likes this.
  10. Bit miffed about this one, no opportunity to top up on this sundays mega and get uri to bash the gates with the above event. Because of this a week long event would have been much better and would have led to many more uri purchases.

    Bit of a fail really as BP will totally fail to capitalise on this event as no one will have the chance to make a purchase to make the most of the event.

  11. The priority is making sure it works ;) That is also the reason for lack of announcement.

  12. Yea god forbid they fail to deliver double gate rewards as explained on the German Forums. Still too bad the information is not delivered to all forums though. But then this is why there are so many people upset with D O in general and why the populations are so low and going lower. That is what the Beta Site is for not the LIVE game. Oh that is right even when there are errors reported from the Beta Site it is still released to the game live.
    77Transam and *MOONGLOW* like this.
  13. *MOONGLOW*

    *MOONGLOW* User

    is that not what test servers are for ? who in their right mind tests whether stuff works in open game , we know how this has worked out in the past Kuiper gg event etc all had hiccups about time things where tested proper not just banged together and thrown out there for users to discover.
    77Transam likes this.
  14. http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/galaxy-gate-double-rewards-day.113918/#post-888505
  15. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Somethings can only show up in the open game. This can be due to the myriad of things that differ between the live servers and narrowed testing - even an open beta test. Making sure everything is working before going 100% into promoting it really isn't much different from when something is released to one server to make sure everything doesn't just fall apart before releasing it on all.

    Yes, there was the whole Kuiper deal which the devs already admitted in like their second twitch stream that, that as a series of miscommunications making it past the test to the live server. At the same, it was on the test server for the community to assist in testing before it was simply released live. If nothing else, the intent was there. But that's another subject and off topic and I'm content to leave it at that.

    & As above (ty ĐΛЯK-§ŦЯЇŇG§HØŦ), we did get the info posted up ;)

  16. Alpha-Gate
    • Erfahrungspunkte: 8,000,000
    • Ehrepunkte: 200,000
    • Uridium: 20,000
    • UCB-100: 20,000
    • Reparaturgutscheine: 4
    • Logfiles: 4
    • Kronos-Teile: 1

    I thought It was suppose to be double?? theres nothing double here
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Everything is doubled apart from the uridium, ammo and kronos parts there.
  18. For other gates than alpha and beta also ammo is doubled. And according to darkorbit facebook page also uridium would be doubled... time will show how it turns.
  19. Thats dumm Uridium should be doubled
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