[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. PowerMad

    PowerMad User

    Looks like.. sigh

    guess someone didn't like my follow on post, since it appears to have been deleted???
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Violet / Purple ships in 3D client:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    *Amitié*, Đesαnn and BestGArenEUW like this.
  3. AWSOME!
  4. @Okapi32 I have a question about the "deploy" animations when we have full set Enigma/Mirage/Mimesis.
    Does it matter what are the colours of the drones/pet/ship ? I want to know am i going to get these animations if i use my 8 oragne Enigma, 2 Green Enigma and Green Mirage pet + the new ship when it comes to the game.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As far as stats go it seems the colours of the ships have no effect, just a bit of variation.

    Animations is a weird topic.

    For a few months there's been lots references to animation in the 3D files. I have avoided talking about them because I can't actually show what they look like at the moment. I think I might be close, just need 1 file, edit a certain bit of code or a particular program to access the animation etc.

    I know very little about it at the moment, I don't know if the colours affect it or if the animations will even exist when the ships are released.

    The next livestream in a just under 2 weeks is likely to show off the new hanger system, hopefully the new ships along with it. With DO beginning to hype up the release of the new ships on social media hopefully it means they are going to show them off in the stream, along with the stats and any animations that come with them.

    If I manage to 'activate' the animations at some point I will be sure to post them and any further info I know.
    For now though I am hesitant to talk too much about it since its just my own speculations. It's likely what I say can be mistranslated and incorrect info posted on the other versions of this thread across the other forums as being 'facts' ^^
    -BLACK_SKORPION_BG- likes this.
  6. Instead of new ships to buy all the time (and designs), would like to see DO come out with new NPC's to kill. New NPC's mean new quest :)

    T <3
  7. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    I 100% agree with you TIna
    Tina-The-Impaler likes this.
  8. gogogo_12

    gogogo_12 User

    I don't really understand why we're being inundated with designs. The questionaire that came out months ago was reasonably vague in terms of what we actually wanted, I'm sure that having a different coloured spectrum is the opposite of what most people want in the game.
    Darkomaani. likes this.
  9. people did ask for them maybe not pink but it goes with the theme instead of people been all the same with the new customization you can now look different from every one els
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    In all fairness these are the first proper new ships in 4 years, it's not like we are getting them every couple of months.

    There's almost always ideas posted in all the forums from people who have designed their own new ship they want added into the game, variety in ships is something a lot of players have been wanting for.

    The designs are not as big a deal as most people make them out to be, it only requires the art department to make them so lots can be made with very little effort on the side of the DO team as a whole, end of the day its a way to generate money without having an effect on any players who don't buy the designs.
  11. west-star

    west-star User

    we need more diff games like spaceball in the game
  12. Any news when assembly event is going to start, or what's the state of it currently?
  13. should be a server reset between 10-2 uk time thats when the update should be out
    [TSC]Vizier and Toudi like this.
  14. all cosmetics doesn't make the game better they know that its about the money now! not the game play! </3 broken game been here since 08 what a joke
  15. This is to help more player even noobs 70 pound for a ship when u can craft it pet 10 ammo other items no money need to be spent on this update so your point is invalid have you even tried the system on the test server is it a new way to bring in item without having to pay for them
  16. did I say anything about assembly ???
  17. yeah "for the NOOBS" my point what is for the uber fe players ...? NOTHING "we don't want cosmetic pets we have to pay real money for with no effect but looks lmao... same as the drone designs .. al this up coming stuff hasn't thought about uber players we need maps new npc not designs omega you point was not valid as youre didn't even know what I was on about
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Tell you what would be a good joke, LF-5, B03, Havoc 2.0, 11th and 12th drones, that would be really funny wouldn't it.

    If the game doesn't make money the game doesn't exist, if they weren't going to sell cosmetics then they would sell the items above instead.

    How do you think the game was 'ruined' in the first place? It wasn't by selling some colourful skins for ships was it ...

    As for 'stuff for ufe' watch over the last livestream, they talk a lot about what they can do in terms of cross-server events and pvp activity.
    Not every update in the game is going to be centered around you.

    All this customization stuff is preparation for the future, now those systems are made they can work on other stuff.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  19. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    Dark orbit is moving in the right direction with these new micro transaction features, cosmetics items and the crafting system. Encouraging new players into the game so the maps are not half empty all time is a priority over "end game" objectives. The majority of players are not UFE with full bios and 100s of LF4S, therefore bigpoint must cater for these casual players (and creating a larger player base) before developing new maps, missions, NPC's ect for the UFE community. It was the introduction of the lf4s and havocs that killed off so many players and many did not wish to spend £££ and 100s of hours getting to UFE. As the majority of players are causal players that can not compete with the UFE's.

    The introduction of new ships allows for players to adapt there playing style to certain situations, Ie PVP, grinding NPC's or boxing ect. As long as they don't cost vast sums of uri then I have no issue what so ever with them. The cosmetic items can not do any harm to the game balance and over all game play and will at allow player just to create a unique look and feel to their ship. The new crafting system will also allow player to save uri for gates, booty keys ect and progress in game. The auction system will still be the fastest way to get LF3's full iris and gain the FE status so its more geared towards the everyday players then those just starting or those with full LF4'S. I think its great addition to the game and with the Dev team working on cross server maps, games ect dark orbit will gain new players and keep the "old guard" players happy as well.

    Just because some players want an even bigger advantage over other players or don't want the playing field to be levelled a bit, does not mean that this is whats best for the game or what the rest of the player base want. If you have ideas for new maps, NPC's ect for those with nothing to do in the "end game" then please post in the new ideas section. Instead of pointless raving here.
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