[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. AkAKuzuki

    AkAKuzuki User

    thank you man.
  2. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Off topic question: shouldn't have the "M.A.S.Q.U.E. Ship Expo" event started today? :)
  3. HeyItsMe!!

    HeyItsMe!! User

    yes, it should be started a long time ago but also the post about the event didn't mention any hour of start so, who knows..
  4. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Yeah, just noticed that there is no hour too. I thought at first that they may have missed writing about that, but it seems they won't tell us the exact hour :eek:
  5. KaffeeXxX

    KaffeeXxX User

    There is written that the event will start after release of the new ship costumatization . Aaaand as we can see there is still no restart so lets keep waiting :D.
  6. ]ГоРн[

    ]ГоРн[ User

    It looks like it is set to begin tonight at 00:00 server time
  7. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    That is one day delay, then. :(
  8. Funny it has not even been added to the Calendar as even being planned.
  9. In the german forum is written, that it will need some more time :confused::eek:
  10. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Hm, why is German forum *more* than this one? Why we are don't receive announcement about that? I am refreshing the main page every 15 minutes waiting for the event... :confused:

    Do you mind showing the full post? Is that post from moderator?
  11. The problem is the Moderators for German forum are posting while our moderators are sleeping. When there are delays or posts like this it should be a message posted by one of the D O Employees not be pushed on the Forum Volunteers to make the post. If this were to be done then there would be a lot less frustration in the forums and less people who are down on D O posting in the forums. Cross Forum posting gets the poster a warning that this is not acceptable and usually has the post removed anyway. The answer to the question of the origin is most likely it was a moderator with the information that has been given.
    My guess is that they decided the launch of the event which is also tied to the Ship Customization Launch has too many issues that have not been resolved and would further compound the inability of players to use items they have bought. And the Stat Designs becoming Ships has created other issues they have not thought through completely.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  12. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Yeah, totally agree with what you said. The main problem is that I was waiting for the event, and trust me or not I have been refreshing the game page every 10-15 minutes just to see when the event starts so I can play. That's why I argued, if they announce on one forum, at least they should announce on all forums.

    Maybe it won't be announced here, but can anyone please provide the post (screen shoot, or whatever else can be)? I am interested about details and the reason of the delayed event.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New drone design called Champion, part of the spacecup event:

    A Space Cup without a ball would be like an action movie without explosions. Be part of the excitement when your drones sport this design!

    It is cosmetic. No pictures of it or the flag / champion designs just yet.
  14. 77Transam

    77Transam User

  15. Kyro

    Kyro User

    ... Me too, that's pretty bad BP you cant just erase it like it was never there... Should of just edited the post saying "delayed untill further notice" if you're not sure when it will now be or just say the new date if have one but outright erasing existence is bad business/way to treat comunity.
  16. Yes someone deleted the post instead of updating it with an explanation of what the delay was but NO they delete it as if we never saw it.
  17. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The post wasn't deleted, it was moved out for the time being as the event wasn't quite as ready as we'd expected from earlier information.

    It'll be back when we have the go ahead. Lets not hijack this thread anymore on it please

  18. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    You're a peach!
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  19. Well you will laught but at our forum we have the "same" problem about giving informations. :D Everyone wants to be the first one with those informations :confused: we are lucky that we can read both forums :D.
    But hey... just wait Event will come or not ;) at our servers it's not earlier than on yours:rolleyes::oops:

    Well like Okapi said they have some problems. Not more not less. :eek:
    Last edited by moderator: May 25, 2016
  20. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Well, let me tell you something mate. When you have bugs in the game, and half game is not working properly, you don't release one more event. Because, there is a high chance someone else will get bugged too. :)
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