[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. depending on the npc rewards prob 6-10 uri per round
  2. but u never no we may get it free (dreaming)
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Another new path:

    <location path="graphics/portals/spawn/" id="graphics_portals_spawn"/>
    Same as a few of the other new paths, I think it's just the devs cleaning up the xml to make it more ordered. Nothing interesting today but still a few hours for potential updates.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    After having a slow day I decided to dig even deeper into DO's secrets. I've found some very interesting stuff; training grounds doesn't appear to be just 1v1.
    Or this could be something new entirely!

    For the purpose of ease we will call it the Arena Tournament. To avoid any possible confusion later on encase this is not "Training Grounds"
    There are 3 stings:
    • 1 on 1
    • 3 vs 3
    • 5 vs 5
    There is a Group Menu List that consists of 3 other strings; Create, Join and Manage. So you can create or join a team (or Battle Group as they call it) and manage it as the teams leader.
    If you are the team leader you have a Battle options menu list that consists of, Applications & Invitations, My Members, My Memberships. The memberships one sounds like you can be part of multiple teams at once.

    There is another menu called the tournament menu where you can either Sign Up or the other string is "In Progress" - maybe we will be able to view matches in progress, probably just wishful thinking there though.

    It appears you can also give yourself a team name ... I won't repeat the examples the devs have given because I don't want banned forever xD

    There is also considerable ground work for the 3D mode, there is no z axis so you will only be able to move forward / backwards and side to side. No up or down it seems. It is also being developed with the Starling engine I think.
  5. omg-olycat

    omg-olycat User

    And its in the shop right now, a payment package of course, offering 3 months premium, rebate, box doubler and the 10k uri credit each week.

    Already quite a few jokes going around regarding its name!
    Oracle likes this.
  6. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Starling engine can deploy games on multiple platforms, i'm talking mobile and desktop platforms, so maybe in the future, with this 3D mode we could expect a mobile version of the game. And because 3D mode has no z-axis it could even be controlled by the accelerometer or by the gyroscope sensor. With the phones coming out these times (3 gb of ram, 2.5 ghz quad-core processors) running the game would be a walk in the park. These are just speculations, but who knows what the devs have in mind.
  7. whoeva

    whoeva User

    The rebate and doubler run for 8 weeks which is 2 months so 1 month would be half price which is £6.

    You're looking at the individual cost being £17 for a month not £8.
  8. no the first deal is 1 month of reabate and box doubler and prem not 2 months it should cost 17 pound but only 13 saving of 4 pound
  9. lol who do u mind i did that 2 lol
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  10. whoeva

    whoeva User

    :D be faster next time ;)
  11. Is this Event with all Server together or for Main server?
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know for sure, I would love it to be cross-server but I think it won't be :(
  13. I Hope for all Server Together :)
  14. Silviu

    Silviu User

    If it will be each server separately then it will be just a different TDM which will be empty as usual on my server.
    [-КАТЮША-] likes this.
  15. I hope it will be for all Servers together, like my Idea
  16. GB1 is dead, merge some servers together ;P
  17. This is a farmer (farming) game, so shoot every NPC you see. Enjoy :D
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A few new entries:

    <item name='q2_condition_BEACON_TAKEOVER_CAPTURE_THE_BEACON'><![CDATA[DEVTEXT: Erobere %COUNT% Beacons in "Capture the beacon"]]></item>        
    <item name='q2_condition_BEACON_TAKEOVER_SECTOR_CONTROL'><![CDATA[DEVTEXT: Erobere %COUNT% Sectoren in "Sector Control"]]></item>        
    <item name='q2_condition_BEACON_TAKEOVER_DOMINATION'><![CDATA[DEVTEXT: Erobere %COUNT% Sectoren wärend des "Domination" Events]]></item>        
    <item name='title_410'><![CDATA[Football Official]]></item> 
    Pretty much confirms that domination is a new event.
    Still time for more updates to come today but I would think any real stuff like images of new ammo / npc or more details on arena tournament will be mid-week/
  19. thank you for the infos!!
    but i hope they made a new map^^
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    15 New quests, names have yet to be given, probably for summer event:

    <item name='quest_title_514001'><![CDATA[TODO:514001]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514001'><![CDATA[TODO:514001]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514002'><![CDATA[TODO:514002]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514002'><![CDATA[TODO:514002]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514003'><![CDATA[TODO:514003]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514003'><![CDATA[TODO:514003]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514004'><![CDATA[TODO:514004]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514004'><![CDATA[TODO:514004]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514005'><![CDATA[TODO:514005]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514005'><![CDATA[TODO:514005]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514006'><![CDATA[TODO:514006]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514006'><![CDATA[TODO:514006]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514007'><![CDATA[TODO:514007]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514007'><![CDATA[TODO:514007]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514008'><![CDATA[TODO:514008]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514008'><![CDATA[TODO:514008]]></item>
    <item name='quest_title_514009'><![CDATA[TODO:514009]]></item>
    <item name='quest_description_514009'><![CDATA[TODO:514009]]></item>
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    <item name='quest_description_514015'><![CDATA[TODO:514015]]></item>

    New chunk of code in the game.xml:

    <hudIcon id="drawFire" srcKey="shockwaves" resKey="drawFireSmall"/>
    <hudIcon id="infiltration" srcKey="icons" resKey="npc_infiltration_icon"/>
    <hudIcon id="polarityPositive" srcKey="polarity" resKey="positiveMc"/>
    <hudIcon id="polarityNegative" srcKey="polarity" resKey="negativeMc"/>
    <hudIcon id="mirrorControls" srcKey="mirrorControls" resKey="mc"/>
    Not really sure why it's been added but thought I might as well stick it in anyway.
    -Corex- likes this.
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