[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Glad hitac is on as i missed out on a liquid cooled cpu system because i worked away for 18 months as soon as it finished and couldn't reply to the email, hopefully will gain on this hitac as i sweat blood and tears for the hitac last year lol. I'm happy that there is a cross server matchmaking in the TA to be honest, dont care about rewards as its good training for jackpot arena (Which i NEED "D)

    In regards to the test server ive logged on twice and tested various things, Just need alot of uri for PP and the rest of it ") to slap a few noob hunters about lol
  2. I didn't liked TA system: Players will face many times players, which have same equipments as we have. it's also great that the size of the map is extremely small, so there is not any reasons to use even 1 speed setting (2 tanky settings are working only in this system).

    But it's sad to see, that almost every "smart" guy have clicked some extra hp to ship full (just like in jpa). Plus, after the match, if player had extra hp and he lost all of them at TA, player wont get them back after the fight!!!

    So this is more like a jpa than i expected: if there is going to be a hall of fame about best TA fighters, all top players need to use millions of uridium to keep their spot (just because of extra hp in TA). Good to bp, but not to most of the players.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    DO fb page hinting at test2 being open at beginning of the week. Probably to test TA again if anyone missed out on the first round of testing.
  4. or they open the test server for the group finder...
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No, not enough files exist for it to be put in test server yet.
    We only know it even exists fro two reasons, it was in the developer roadmap and the other reason; there is a hint slide that contain the image of it.

    The only interesting things around groups are there is a lot of unused functions for outfits, nothing relating to a group finder though.

    Fairly safe to assume the test servers are opening for TA again, since for a lot of the time it was under maintenance and people couldn't try it.
  6. hmm okay but i think you said der weill be group fight maybe this
  7. I haven't tested it yet, nor will be able to, but it just goes based off of gear right? And will have nothing to do with level? I'd feel bad for those low levels who end up against someone their level but spent $200 their first night on a mhh lol.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, the matchmaking is based off the player's equipment. So a lv10 UFE could come up against lv25 UFE :p
  9. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    So you potentially could get matched with someone with less experience then you?
  10. pecanin

    pecanin User

    And more experience means what exactly ?

    It is fine by me ,finally fights without running or calling 4 more mates to kill one lil vengy
  11. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    More experience = more knowledge of how to pvp. Better usage of items available to player.
  12. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Yup some old player sinks few grand on booty keys ,gets ufe then does few gates for ammo = lvl 12/13=no0b in rank = death to those that judge people by rank ...
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  13. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    FYI Test server is open
  14. You have a point, i have seen many old players log in and spend a few hundred. but they usually end up quitting again seeing how bad DO still is.
  15. Today i noticed something new about this TA system: usually i have got really bad rewards (ex. 5-10 LCB-10 /MCB-25 ammos) when i have won fight against other player. After couple of more fights i got sometimes 1 log disk, some random mines and a little bit uridium. Then i was thinking: why i get these kind of random rewards?

    After some more fights i noticed, that player will get better rewards if he wins a high WLR player in TA (WLR: Win-Lost- ratio. Once i faced really good fighter, who had over 5,0 KDR, I recieved 300 uridium (lower WLR players gave almost nothing; 5 x1/x2 ammos)! OFC, this is not much, but imagine when/if you face player, who have 20 WLR or more, maybe it can give a nice ammount of uridium or other stuff.
  16. Øмєga

    Øмєga User

    lol than I will just wait untill everyobyd has a few wlr and fight them :)
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The official announcement for unification day (a German server only event ) was put up today, it's got a interesting line:

    Hallo Space-Piloten,

    For this special day we have prepared for you Scoregeddon and Spaceball games to enjoy we all together the Unification Day! Don't miss it!

    Euer DarkOrbit-Team

    This early on it is normal for the announcements to be a mix of English and German depending on who wrote it.
    However, it seems like scoremageddon is making a come back, if the description is changed (which I think will be likely) I will update it.
  18. In Darkorbit facebook group:

    "Training Arenas on Test Server!

    After some debugging and – more importantly – tweaking the rewards (Yay!), tomorrow in the afternoon we’ll let you have another go at the Training Arenas. For the exact time check the Announcements forum at (Darkorbit gamepage)

    How many fights will you survive?"

    Before we got just some bad stuff (x1 and x2 ammos and some log disks), but now rewards are much better (in my opinion)!

    When you win whole TA match, you recieve 2,000 uridium, 120 x4 and some extra energy to galaxygate / empm-01 / Log disks. And it doesn't depend about enemy WLR, so if you face a little bit noobier player, you still get at least 2,000 uridium! And if you win 10 TA matches (2,000 u X 10), you will get 20,000 uridium in total (isn't that much?).

    Yea, i can still hear your thoughts "LOL, 2k uridium is nothing, stupid greedy bp" but i more likely take them than 5 x2 ammos :).
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Sounds good, do you know if it s 10 wins in a row or just 10 wins?
  20. Im not shure. There can still be some kind of winstreak rewarding system (if you have win many games in a row, you get more uridium).

    Just go and try and tell me, what you can find (do you get the same uridium as i get?). At the moment i dont have any uridium left, because i have builded my skylab modules with uridium (how stupid is that :D?). But at the moment i have 13,07 WLR (14 wins of 15 games; if somebody is wondering what is my wlr).
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