[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New NPC - Skoll

    Presumably for the Cold Wave event, could be linked to the icyBox too since it does resemble a Icy NPC a little.


    I will have no information to post about its rewards encase anyone was wondering what they are.
    SauronL likes this.
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Any info on the "Demaner Hunt" event?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's the Domination event but reworked, probably won't find out what about it has been reworked until it goes live.
  4. Cant wait till it comes
  5. Sorrow

    Sorrow User

    Looks like more of a Gate to me and not a NPC, maybe its one of those Easy or Hard Gates Okapi had said. As you can see that it has a jump portal in the middle of it.. That's just what I think it is.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Another entry has been made into the OA section, this one is called "Soccer Announcement" however for now it is just the entry, will have to wait to see the full announcement text.

    It's an NPC - file name is ship127.

  7. As in, the last Birthday gate? :eek:
  8. whoeva

    whoeva User

    yep lol
  9. Whats the event even about i havent played D.O. in a long time
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The Soccer Announcement I mentioned before:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    Some of you may have discovered that the soccer bonus which we offered in most of the Bigpoint games has been stopped. But DarkOrbit decided to keep it in another way!

    Friendly matches in which teams are eager to test and do not play with full commitment may result in unexpected results. Therefore, it is quite risky to bet on such matches so that we will only offer a soccer bonus for matches which are connected with important tournaments.

    The soccer bonus rules for qualification matches and tournament matches will remain untouched.

    Your DarkOrbit team

    So, CBO-100 ammo, the most valuable ammunition in the game, is becoming harder and harder to obtain. Next big tournament is either
    Copa América in 2015 or the Euros in 2016.

    The only other thing that seems interesting is a new effect has been added called icyCubeEffect, so it could be that the new Skoll NPC is a special event cube.

    <effect id="79" effect="icyCubeEffect" resKey="icyCube"/> 
    chixonator likes this.
  11. <effect id="78" effect="LYNXEffect" resKey="LYNX"/> JK

    Can't wait for the new NPC the bigger the better.
  12. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Wait, How does this make CBO ammo more rare to get, doesn't the soccer event come around every year?
  13. Omega

    Omega User

    every year or at every Major football event . and rsb every sunday .sometimes even wednesday . u do the math
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Ok so plenty of things got updated today.

    First things first, there is a new entry for another Official Announcement: DemanerHunt2014 - As always I will post the full text when I get it.
    There is also a new set of achievements for this event;they appear to be completely separate to the last Demaner event so expect the whole even to be different too.

    Glorious hunt
    Destroy 5 Demaner freighters
    (No title apparently)

    Disrupted routes
    Destroy 25 Demaner freighters
    Space hunter

    Demaner Bane
    Destroy 50 Demaner freighters
    Demaner Bane

    Corsair of the Seven Galaxies
    Destroy 100 Demaner freighters
    Corsair of the Seven Galaxies


    There is also some text logs for the Cold Wave GG:
    Progress in gate:
    Revenge is my fate, an insignificant creature like you will never stop my pursuit! I will drain your live and then your entire universe!

    Gate complete:
    Don't you think you have defeated me, do you? This is just a small delay for me. I will recover my power soon to open a new breach and I will have no mercy for you!

    So it seems like the new NPC, Skoll, will be coming back after Cold Wave for another round?

    There are also entries for 40 Winter missions, usually 20 easy and 20 hard. However the Skoll NPC also has its own story line which contains 17 missions - so DO seem to really be setting it up to be a reoccurring theme and not just tied down to the winter event. I have put a massive dump of the code in a quote at the end of the post if you really want to read all the description.

    As well as the missions and gate there will also be a new rocket.
    No sure what it does yet (could be like the birthday rocket we had previous years and the name suggest we get it for completing the Skoll gate) - I will of course post the description when I get it.

  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Demanor Hunt 2014 OA:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    It is really unbelievable, the Demanor Freighters found another way into our galaxy. It seems that our resistance in summer was not daunting enough. Thereby, we fairly lighted fire under their buns!

    To put them in their place once and for all you will now get much better rewards for the destruction of Demaner Freighters. Due to reliable information sources, the Demaner Freighters are equipped quite well, their cargo boxes may contain valuable items such as drone designs or even LF-4 lasers!

    Of course, you will be able to get some RB-214 ammo which deals impressive 8-fold damage on Demaner Freighters. This will teach them the meaning of fear.

    What are you waiting for? Go in and win!
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Winter event achievements:

    The Melter
    By accomplishing Destroy Skoll Mission
    The Melter

    -^= 3014 =^-
    By accomplishing 30 event missions of this year
    -^= 3014 =^-

    Ice berg map assets for Cold Wave:
    Jump animation on the Cold Wave GG
  17. yo ownin just wondering you know when next zeus event is?
    chixonator likes this.
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Demaner Hunt achievement icons:

    R-IC3 rocket description - This is translated from German, I will put the German version below:

    Prepare your opponents a frosty reception! On a hit the target will be frozen and unable to move for 2 seconds. EMP and the JAMX-Ability protect you from this ice-cold long range rocket!

    So basically, you hit them and they stop on the spot for 2 seconds, the interesting part is that it is considered long range, so possibly has same range as lasers ...
    The rocket was also changed from a standard rocket to a special ammo in the files, I think that just means it's cool down isnt that of a normal rocket - the pld is also considered a special ammo.

    German version:

    Bereite Deinen Gegnern einen frostigen Empfang! Bei Treffer wird das Ziel 2 Sekunden lang manövrierunfähig. EMP und die JAMX-Fähigkeit schützen vor dieser eiskalten Langstrecken-Rakete!

    Could be tomorrow, or it couldn't, I don't know for certain.
    SauronL likes this.
  19. I cant say yet is those ice rockets good update or bad, but after this update at least noobs dont have any chances to escape from fights (unless one rocket will cost 1,000 u or more, and im not suprised if it will be so expensive).

    But now i can imagine those possibilities: perfect focus to 1 enemy player, extremely long freeze by multiple players + dmg mines etc...

    But good thing that there is now demaner event: maybe i can reach nice uridium and with that i can buy some over powered rockets :).
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