[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. :eek:
  2. omg ;ooo so hyped about this, shooting demaners is my favourite event, just dont come to gb2 to steal my chests haha :D
  3. Thanks for the info bud, much appreciated!

    ooo, i like that gas mask looking medal there, cool!
  4. One tip, you need to do it also in 4-5 just like you tried, but not using worm hole (little bit confusing name on that achievement) :p
    But just like everybody else, you should try to figure out by yourself how to complete those achievements. So no more hints about those new achievement in forums plz :)
  5. That Green ship is $$$ - haha
  6. Do anyone know how to get the rainbow laser achievement? Please give me hints/clues etc.


    sooo I'm guessing I'll have to fly around the wormhole following the route on the achievement icon? Tried it for 5 minutes, don't feel like trying anymore or extending the radius. The forum is here to help people, if anyone can at least give me hints I'd appreciate it.

    I am guessing it has something to do with using different laser ammo, just a guess...

    Deep-Space Pyrotechnician - Drop multiple fireworks in a galaxy gate and make them go off...that easy.
  8. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Just too late to do it when easter is gone .... , or nope ? lol
  9. I thought it was like, use all the kinds of laser ammo, but as i dont have cbo i cant test this :(

    I dropped fireworks in hades, not activated, and i didn't get the achievement -_____-
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 11, 2015
  10. upon inspection of the acheivements, they are disabled right now. it says so in the HTML of that page.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The achievements work fine, they are just very unconventional in how you go about getting them. They are meant to be hard to figure out and complete.


    no these achievements came out yesterday.
    Look again inspector prometheis
    of course you we're going to be the first one to get 'So Ping Me Maybe' done lol...
  13. I tried to get some of them, I tried what was said to do here and I got nothing...
    *talking about the Easter Egg achievements
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    so if i can still do these achievements what i need to do to get them ? used fireworks in gate and didnt even get potato, tour the wormhole , jumped by wormhole also get nothing :D , did anyone even get any of these achievements ?


    I'll say it again then.... Deep-Space Pyrotechnician - Drop multiple fireworks in a galaxy gate and make them go off...that easy.

    The galaxy gate you jump in must be activated, so if you jump into a hades gate and don't get it started with npcs flying around and stuff it will probably not work
  16. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Did anyone get any of these achievements already ?
  17. Anyone done any of the achievements apart from the one with fireworks in a galaxy gate? please post how you do them...
  18. it's supposed to be hard to get them... stop begging for hints/tips and figure them out yourself like most people geez. it wouldn't be fun and secret if everyone would just tell u how to do them.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Problem is that easter eggs are meant to be a little bit of fun that players discover either by accident or following a series of clues in a game, I think these ones were meant to be discovered by accident mainly.
    However for some reason the mods were told how to complete them, which automatically ruins it since all it takes is for 1 mod in a team to tell a friend and it just leaks like that so very few players will ever discover them on their own, they will just be told how to do them by their friends.

    Hopefully if it is done again they will be kept secret from everyone and we can actually work together to discover them.
  20. Give us hints then.
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