[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Translations began earlier today so I might as well post them, only two descriptions changed.

    The 7 new drone formations:

    Ring (F-3D-RG)
    180% Shield increase and -50% laser damage.

    Old description had the shield value at 150%.

    Drill (F-3D-DR)
    50% laser damage increase and -50% shield strength and shield spread.

    I assume -50% shield spread means that half the damage being done to you will go directly to your HP. However this is completely useless if the person using this formation is using low shields.

    With this formation the maximum damage in a goliath will be just under 124,000 on x4 damage and 187,000 on RSB. If the player were to use a diminisher then their x4 damage would be 185,000 on x4 and 273,000 on RSB. This is the formation I had the most concern over.

    Veteran ( F-3D-VT)
    +50% Honor and -20% Laser, Shield, Hp.

    Dome (F-3D-DM)
    100% Shield absorption as well as 10% Shield increase. -25% ship speed.

    So this one is just an improved crab, whilst you go 5% slower than you will if using crab you gain a 10% shield booster. I don't know how moth would react with this formation since it does state that it will cause your ship to have 100% Shield absorption.

    Wheel (F-3D-WL)
    10% increase in ship speed and a -15% decrease in laser damage.

    Wavy (F-3D-WV)
    "Those drones know how to move"

    This formation had no proper description, will of course post it if one does turn up.

    X (F-3D-X)
    100% increase in rocket damage (standard and rocket launcher rockets included) and -30% HP.

    Might as well sell your Chevron once you buy this. Old description did not include rocker launcher ammo e.g hellstorms.


    Ok so there you go, the 7 new drone formation descriptions. Two of them are just improved version of current formations and one of them allows users to easily hit over 100,000 damage every second. Expect them to be expensive and extremely frustrating to play against.

  2. I wonder if dome will cap at %100 or go beyond with bio. Knowing that moth can knock %20 of it down.
  3. Half of these are going to ruin the game, and the fact some of these make others useless, just means DO is getting even more greedy. And wheel? Way to give panzy 2 stars a reason to run from fights they can't handle even more DO, thanks.
    stardestoyer66 likes this.
  4. Σηiм™

    Σηiм™ User

    ERMG that "ring" formation say hello to 3,000,000 shields in my citadel LMAO

    That veteran Formation...Ranks are gonna sky rocket now with an easy 155% honor boost....
    stardestoyer66 likes this.
  5. chixonator

    chixonator User

    so excited for these :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  6. Welp back to the drawing board. no clue how to cope with these lol
  7. whoeva

    whoeva User

    To be honest, if these are introduced as they are, I think it will probably cause more to leave than it will encourage new players to stay. As for rendering older formations obsolete, maybe they could enable an option to upgrade chevron to X at least to lower the cost of X by the amount chevron cost.
  8. why do you think dmg will be higher with diminisher? it only has 5% bost just like all other dmg designes.
    though that is not so bad for free players, 180k with x4 on cubes is good :rolleyes:
    i hope dmg wont be only for pvp
  9. `Luke

    `Luke User

    No reason to complain about people leaving, those who wish to leave will find a reason to leave, regardless of an update. I am always excited for new content, but I am confused on why release these drone designs that will render the previous designs useless, are they lacking in creative ideas, or just do not care.

    I am sure if they were wise enough to ask their player base on new ideas and have a vote for what they wish to be added, it would yield the best results if it passes by a large majority. ( seen a few games do this, proves so be the best and least amount of complaints from players) This game has a reputation of player negligence, it would be a step forward if they started asking players first before adding.

    Globally vote, not only Turkish servers.
  10. whoeva

    whoeva User

    With the ability the damage to shields is increased by 50%

  11. woot! even better while flying suicide :) uncloak, hit them hard, and move onto the next ^_^
  12. just have to wait and see they may use a cap on them for people lvl 12 an below cant use them or they may be used only for an event or like the boosters in the b-day gate u may only use them in gates just have to wait and see
  13. Well it's Okapi32's thread. If he doesn't want to share them, then I won't. You can find out for yourself, like I did, if you know where to look.
  14. This is going to be interesting... people must get atleast 3 of those formations to stand a chance.
    First I though that now new players will die even more but they die anyways, it may be even better if they die in 5 seconds instead of 8 so they can start killing stuff faster at home map lol.
    Those formations will for sure get many people interested again, having 50% damage increase to aliens will be a massive buff when considering uridium earning, I hope it won't be too expensive. If a non UFE player can afford that thing earning uri will be much easier (y).
    PvP will be interesting, with Drill you won't stay alive for long but perfect for making a new strike after u just got popped or something...
    10% speed thing will mean noobs can't even run, one thing I have always liked has been that if noob gets out of range the UFE can't reach the noob :( Game will be interesting for sure after those formations come out, we will see if it is a good or a bad thing.

    My guess is that "wave" is only a fun formation in which drones will move some funny way, no special things at all :p
  15. I assumed "wave" would be the drones just moving around the ship, like saying they rotate around the ship or something increasing damage or protection lol or something stupid DO thought was good, we shall wait and see.
  16. Than share with us how to find them :)
  17. hes not aloud to tell u have to code mine one of the rules behind him getting his own part in forums
  18. Never mind, Okapi has updated the post above with the drone formations.

    I kinda don't understand some of them, like the improved Chevron. Why would we need new Chevron? :eek: And that numbers like 180% shield increase and 50% damage are insane. Just think of an Citadel with 180% shield increase, defending CBS. If someone kills that things, let me know :D
  19. just think at this rate cubes will be 1pop shot lol
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