[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. ramnik

    ramnik User

    well i think with drill it should be 50% less hp and shield spread lol if it does mean more penetration. would make it more balanced id think :D
  2. Never hopefully. Fix what already exists instead of creating a platform for potentially ruining the game completely. I would love to see this game thrive to its fullest on all servers !! Dont shoot the messenger ;)
    whoeva likes this.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    More 3D mode stuff.

    3D Mode current settings:

    • Antialiasing
    • Lighting Quality
    • Texture Quality
    • Texture resolution
    • Effect Quality
    • Texture Filtering
    • 3D Background Quality
    • 3D Zone Quality

    So seems like there has been a decent amount of work done by the devs to allow players with less powerful computers to optimize their settings to still get a good frame rate. Fingers crossed it actually works well on release ^^
    Toudi, OILDAILY and ÐarkMistress like this.


    I don't know why so many of you are so excited or complaining already about the formations, it's obvious that none of them will be released like that.
  5. ramnik

    ramnik User

    And even if they get released like that, to the people moaning that noobs will be killed even more, why dont the noobs get em too lol?
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A 50% boost in damage to someone hitting 30k damage is only an extra 15k more, a 50% bonus to someone hitting 80k damage is 40k more.
    Hardly a fair comparison by saying "the noobs can buy them too and it will be fine".
  7. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Well they could buy that more shield one, or the 100% penetration one. but i think the 50% dmg negative should be less hp as shields dont matter ina assassin
  8. Clearly these formations won't be cheap, so you should stop talking lol.

    *MOONGLOW* User

    i will be first one out the door ram if these come out ... games already unfairly balanced without these
  10. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Wont be cheap, but how hard is it to cube? or kill Bk's? if i can make my noob account fe and open 5 gates on it without pallying and killing npcs lol, im sure other people can do aswell :D
  11. Some servers aren't as easy as yours, many don't like noobs leaching off cubes, many can't go into the maps without dying to constant hunters. Get your facts straight before trying to look intelligent and make it so you're right..
  12. They should make a drone design that does 100% shield penetration! It will fit right in. Oh, and make rocket damage 5% less on it too (every drone formation has got to have a downside.)
    whoeva likes this.
  13. I'd buy the 100% rocket damage one but the main concern for me is the 10% more speed design. I like being the fastest ship but I would hate having 15% less laser damage and I would hate having other slower stronger ships match my speed when they are meant to be "slow and strong."
  14. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Demon, on gb1, i just shoot people who shoot the cube im on lmao simples XD and if your not willing to earn the uri, then simply dont moan i'd think :)
  15. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Is this a joke, the infection ammo is worth 25 uri per laser.
    Why is Darkorbit such cancer these days. I hope this is a mistake.
  16. Lol and in one mission you must shoot 1k of that ammo and reward is 6k uri ... xD
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  17. 25 uri for 1 peace of ammo.. are they insane..!?
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  18. Even Serum is not worth getting, lol. Fail event, I thought this things could be bought with credits, but again, it is event for rich.
    Last edited: May 8, 2015

  19. I cant laugh anymore... its starting to be sad.

    And I completely agree. Thats why i created this thread.
    You are welcome to give your opinion there :)
    Maybe something in future will change. Wishful thinking, even though i start to lose hope for Darkorbit.
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
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