[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. hmm
    what browser do you use? zoom thing do not work on my account.
  2. Doesn't even show up on mine
  3. I use firefox browser. The + and - buttons are in two places on the keyboard.....not in the browser window.
  4. Oh. Well now I feel stupid.
  5. lol i know they are buttons, but also some browsers have feature to zoom in/out u'r screen or to put it on full screen mode.
  6. DO just never bothered to get rid of it, they're lazy, thought that was obvious considering how bad DO has gotten.
  7. zooming still works just like always, but it requires to have a really small game screen:


    (at the left side is zoomed ship and at the right side is the same picture but zoomed out) with a really small screen.

    To the another thing: you guys should really stop thinking that all of these unofficial posts are coming sooner or later without any improvements. And what i have seen, not all of Okapis reveals have been correct, like pusat releasing date and pusat as a reward of parasite tide event and surgeon design in shop at the start of parasite tide. I also doubt that all of these listed drone formations will be hardly nerfed, including +50% laser damage formation.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I never post anything without reason to believe it is correct information ^^

    For the Pusat I said it would be in shop on the 15th, it was actually released early by mistake, since you can see the Breaking News also said that it will be the 15th:


    It was also DarkOrbit that said the Pusat would be offered as a prize for their new event, which was Parasite Tide:

    Then since DO had stated that the Pusat would be offered as a reward for the new event then be put on sale afterwards I had no reason to assume the Surgeon design would be offered as a reward as well, especially since the shop icon for it has the timer symbol so I had assumed the design would be only offered during the event - like all the other plague items.

    If there is things that I am unsure about I avoid posting them, I have known about these new formations for almost 2 months but only posted the info about them 20 days ago because that's when the files began to get transferred over from one version of a test server to another.
  9. If those formations really aren't fake, it'll destroy this game. Neither the new players would play it, because they would get popped in 2-3 seconds, nor the UFE ones, because what is funny about killing cubikon in 5 sec., VS duration >4 sec or killing the newbies/FE's in less than 2 sec???

    I really hope and believe, that BP isn't so stupid to do that...
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i agree, that 50% dmg formation would make ufes to do unbeliaveble dmg. If they want to make some new formations, make em atleast normal. not crazy
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Alright, I have interesting stuff to post for the first time in ages, TA seasons and some very nice looking Goliath that go along with them :D

    From left to right, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place Goliath given out to the Season winners:


    There is also something to do with the messaging system when you win or lose in the TA season, maybe its something like like you can chose to be updating whenever your rank in the TA leaderboard changes or something similar.
    Hopefully they will have sorted a way to prevent people going into small ships for easy fights and hopefully there's an anti-pushing system for TA in place.

    Finger crossed I will get find more info about it later this week or next week :)
    SauronL likes this.
  12. SauronL And not only that...it would be also possible to have about 4,7M shields with fully upgraded/equiped citadel or to take ca. 30k only with rockets...Just crazy!
  13. SauronL

    SauronL User

    wow i wanna see leo with this "new" chevron , o_O
  14. I want them :eek:
  15. Interesting.Looks like the start of TA tournaments.Something I havent seen any info is the the extra emperor npc the dev team was mentioning in one of their last pod cast.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some more ship designs have appeared, however no images at the moment.
    Four new Bigboy designs that will be called:

    • Gold
    • Silver
    • Bronze
    • Iron

    So again they appear to be given out as rewards, which leaves me to wonder in what case will a Bigboy be rewarded (which I doubt anyone will actually want to use ...) and when will the Goliath be rewarded.
    If I were to speculate then maybe the Bigboys are given out based on who did the best on each server and then the Goliaths might be given out to the people with the best score on the whole of DO. Could also be that the Bigboys are prizes for a lower league that is designed for smaller ships.
    Hopefully will find out more about the TA season structure soon.

    Seems to just have been an mistake in labelling them as Bigboys and not Goliath.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  17. Okapi, do you know if the infection design is gonna be on sale? Gonna be ticked if i can't buy it, wasn't gonna no life a bunch of npcs for the damn thing lol.
  18. dream it will be on sale... just give it couple weeks.
  19. Like any new design, DO would let the people who got it first to test it out on players for a few days, and if they are good at hunting it should make people want one tooo :cool:..I`ve got it and its nice for the configs I use.
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah as Blaze mentioned it will be on sale at somepoint, just have to wait for it.

    6 new achievements relating to the TA seasons:

    • Training Arena Bronze
    • Training Arena Silver
    • Training Arena Gold
    • Training Arena Warrior
    • Training Arena Veteran
    • Training Arena Elite

    Unknown if any have titles at the moment - would be very surprised if they didn't though.

    TA Goliath top view:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    SauronL likes this.
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